fetus devourer destroys pro-lifers with satanic ritual fundraiser-drive.

1  2019-11-27 by 2Manadeal2btw


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The 9/11 Vore Conspiracy argues that the twin towers were not hit by planes externally. Instead, planes were built inside the towers, and continually inflated which eventually caused a collapse.

The anonymous theorist, reviewing footage of the 9/11 attack, stops the footage numerous times to point out "weak zones" of the town that gave in as a response to the increasing weight of the internal aircraft.

He highlights areas in the footage that portray people and objects being violently thrown out of the windows with force, as well as small billows of steam and fire, happening at the lower floor levels of one of the towers.

"Look at this shit. You're telling me there's just random ass explosions going on? Down here? We ain't even remotely close to where the plane collided. Bull fucking horse shit.'

The theorist explains that the planes were built by "crazed U.S. government scientists who watched too much Doctor Who, it was like that of a real life TARDIS experiment".

"They built these massive towers, for what? Business? Hell nah, have you seen the economy pre-9/11? It was shit. We didn't have the money nor energy for no goddamn tower of that size, and definitely not two."

We asked why the experiment would take place in the middle of a city as crowded as NYC. The theorist responded:

"It's hidden in plain sight. NYC's got all the resources in the world, right at your disposal. Nah, seriously man, look at these streets, there's a fuckin' garbage pile up just down the road. You know what kind of technology you can find in these piles? There's some fuckin' money to be made. Plus you get to make a nationwide scare if your experiment fucks up, and publicity means more money. They had all to gain and nothing to lose."

The theorist explains that any and all footage taken inside the Twin Towers pre-9/11 was simply simulated, props, or illusion. Footage of NYC recorded in a position respective to which the twin towers overlooked, was created via a clever series of mirrors originally sourcing from the "432 Park Avenue" building.

The theorist claims that any and all footage of the planes are "so fake, it's laughable", he states: "Nobody saw any planes... not in real life. Outside of what the TV stations would tell you, not a single soul saw an actual, physical plane hit the buildings. Hell, you could ask everyone in New York today, you won't find a single person who saw a plane."


  1. fetus devourer destroys pro-lifers ... - archive.org, archive.today

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Planned Parenthood should be charged with crimes against humanity.

I'm having an abortion right now and YOU are invited to my prochoice party

Based and MorningAfterPilled

Not very pilled considering they needed an abortion after all.

What a revolting subreddit.

I'm pro-choice but only because I acknowledge it as a necessary "evil" of sorts. But seeing these people so gleeful about this whole thing, and how they hate the notion of giving birth to new life, is indeed revolting.

Yup. Won't think anything less of a woman that gets an abortion unless she is open about it.

It's the lesser equivalent of telling Japan they deserved to be nuked.

Japan did deserve to be nuked though

Yeah, but you don't tell them that to their face.

I see Abortion as murder but who said murder is necessarily a bad thing. Anybody who was going to get an abortion has already outted themselves as an unfit parent.

Based. Overpopulation is a disease anyway. And of all people, Redditors should absolutely not procreate.

Overpopulation is a disease anyway.

Overpopulation is a meme. Though I did agree redditcels shouldn't procreate.

If overpopulation is a meme how come there are so many UTVs out in my woods?

Overpopulation is completely irrelevant compared to suffering on individual level.

People who are against abortion know very well that abortion being illegal when they were conceived is the only reason their parents raised them.

Thanks for explaining how you became a redditor, faggot.

You're welcome, not faggot.

https://thoughtcatalog.com/nicole-mullen/2014/02/can-we-stop-pretending-like-abortions-dont-feel-good/ daily reminder that abortion is about womens pleasure you fucking retard





how they hate the notion of giving birth to new life, is indeed revolting.

A redditor not giving birth is a good thing. What's up with the pearl clutching since I don't see the problem here.

The point of everyones life is to obviously be nothing but cum dispenser or cum bucket that together constantly push out kids.

Were you born yesterday or something?

You're not wrong.

This sub has a significant infestation of unironic prude Christian value hypocrites. It's weird.

It's one thing to get an abortion, it's another to brag about it and try to rub it in the faces of others.

People that brag about abortion like this and try to glorify it are worse than the anti-choicers.

I don't necessarily disagree, but it's a lot better to brag about saving a child from having to deal with a retard like yourself than bragging about forcing a child to grow up with a retard like yourself.

Maybe one day you'll be able to prove something I say wrong so you won't have so much built up impotent rage.

I just stated a fact and facts don't carry emotion.

Yeah, I heard that your parents gifted you a projector on your birthday, but I'm really not interested in that.

Again, one day when you're able to prove something I say wrong, I might hcare what you have to say.

Yeah I could go study psychology and diagnose you with mental retardation or you could just go ahead and read your medical records.

Im the other way around. I think abortion is pretty cool but i despise pro-choice, since it gives women a choice on important matters.

Both centrist and radical.

mJustaBagofHammersautism 0 points 6 minutes ago Planned Parenthood should be charged with crimes against humanity

Was your original comment to much for you?

I decided this was subtler.

No it is colonizers fault, ypippo DID THIS.


Pearl clutching in a drama sub? Lmao

This is why refugees r bad, IQ is dropping in this sub every second.


I'm pro shut your fucking legs

Is it really that hard to understand why people would consider forced birth preferable to what they believe to be infanticide?

No but that doesn't mean one can't laugh at retards and their equally retarded opinions

How do you infanticide something that isn’t even an infant?

Mental gymnastics.

What I dislike about anti-abortion advocates are how many there are who are too spineless to follow it to its natural conclusion. If you sincerely believe it's infanticide, why back down when asked if that means the mother and doctor should receive life sentences/the death penalty?

Because conservatives are natural cowards who have conceded every position held during their lifetimes.

Bragging about abortion - I am a retard who saved a kid from being raised by me.

Bragging about pro-choice - I am a retard who is so self unaware that I am completely okay with spawning a person who will have to deal with me for 18 years after which I will kick them out into streets because I don't actually care.


and I will donate ten dollars in YOUR NAME to Planned Parenthood for every message you send

Can we get annoysthegoys or even the_reason_trump_won to get in there ?


Sheesh lady, nobody forced you to open your legs.

Literally all women enjoy being forced into sex idk what you're talking about.

Yikes sweaty, this is problematic. Do better.

Don't you have a shooting meeting @NZ right now?

I’m not into appropriating other cultures.


No, but I am anti-insufferable twat.

Hoping somebody bombs PP again so all her money goes to waste lmao

Islam is Right about Women

If you harrass me you will be blocked, outed to the mods, and I will donate ten dollars in YOUR NAME to Planned Parenthood for every message you send.

This has "challenge accepted" written all over it!

Except she wont donate.

Of course she won't.