Journalists crying because trump likes to leave the chopper running while they ask questions

1  2019-11-27 by unrulyfarmhand


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Journalists crying because trump li... -,

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Seems like a fair complain tbh.

wear ear plugs lmao, fuckin noob

Calling it "abuse" isn't.

Journalists deserve much worse

Helicopter should still be involved

How old are you? Just interested because I checked your post history and it reminded me of 15 year old me.

"sorry, can't hear your whinging over the sound of my chopper" - Max Boom.


Damn I thought working in the salt mines was tough but then I heard about what it's like to be a white house correspondent. Having to work outside sometimes? Didn't this country used to have labor laws?

Journalists as a class of people are juuuuuuuuuust below Internet moderators and pedophiles on the cosmic totem pole.


I thought they were a combination of the two.

Journalists basically are internet moderators and pedophiles.

What a power move. For the next press conference he needs to get a pimp ass leather jacket and some $1000 shades and sit on a Harley and rev the engine everytime someone asks a question

He should have a constant gun salute in the background at all times for Maximum America

Just blow some smoke in their face and laugh.

Just get the marine one to hover over the "journalists" during the press conference, when asked "I am in a hurry"

Is it a power move or is Daddy just afraid of answering questions?

He is unironically too dumb to ever be afraid to answer questions so it's just a Chad move

Dare I call that a "chad" move?

Reminder that journalists don’t go to Heaven

Very classy, subtle homage to Pinochet. Poor people don't have this kind of taste.


Daddy should give journocels free helicopter rides, if you smelling the shit I'm stepping in ;)

He should hand out "intro to coding" books