Creole-cels melt down when Lakers shill calls out New Orleans for its cultha of racism

1  2019-11-27 by cfbWORKING


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  1. Creole-cels melt down when Lakers s... -,

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How long can white people be called racist until they rise up? If people kept telling me latinos were racist, eventually I would just embrace it.

if people kept telling me Latinos were racist

Come to the US most Latinos are racist and hate blacks but no one talks about it cause the Jews

This is only true in poor communities. Basically, poor people are racist and stupid due to ignorance and genetic inferiority.

Rich ones are as well.

Nobody gives a fuck about the pelicans

Fr. They should be happy someone is talking about their garbage ass team at all.

I went to a game recently and it was empty. I’ve been to minor league baseball games with more people.

how is Nagin's Chocolate City racist?