tardnews bites the islam pill and hates the sharia flavor, unironically commits kufr

1  2019-11-27 by dverlik

Lo and behold: someone posted an article about the supposed BoJo hating on everyone-s favourite peaceful religion that is ironically so old that it could be married by the prophet himself.

Being a typical /r/worldnews submission, it DUNKS and DESTROYS the britbong's discount version of orange man, bringing up a 14 year old Islam criticism:

"To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia - fear of Islam - seems a natural reaction, and exactly what that text is intended to provoke," he wrote.

Suddenly, reddit reacts with "wait, he's actually right!":

You know, reddit’s going to purge me but,

He’s not wrong.

Any religion that actively refers to treating others that aren’t likeminded as you as animals, teaching you to kill others even. The way they use women as trophies, added to the fact that god forbid if you’re a woman and step outside without putting a blanket over your body, you’re free game for pretty much anything the crowd wants to do around you since you’re “asking for it” or being “too revealing”.

The fact that stonings still happen to women and others for being “impure” and other accusations in a world where most of us have computers and have grown out of sword and shield days, yet these people are still playing in the dirt with swords (AKs, now) arguing about whose magic man is better.

It’s like 3/4ths of the world is trying to get somewhere and the Middle East looks like a reenactment of planet of the apes.

I’m not even trying to be offensive with this. This is just my honest truth. I’m so far left, but I’m never going to let me or others get harassed, held down, or killed because I don’t worship or follow with so and so’s religion or customs. Good on this guy. He’s saying what everyone’s too scared to say.

"Islamophobia" is a garbage word that means nothing and is only used to silence criticism.

Islam is horrible (All religions are, but we're specifically talking about this one)

Muslims are people. Most Muslims are far superior to Islam.

Most Muslims are wonderful people.

Islam is a disgusting, barbaric and idiotic ideology.

I mean its an inherently violent oppressive ideaology. The same could be said about christianity before its many reforms in modern society. So yeah Islam is a dogshit religion but not everyone who practices it is bad.

Many "as a Muslim myself" show up:

As a former muslim, hes right.

I am muslim man but there is nothing i hate more than institutionalised religion. I have questioned my faith many times due to the dirty politics and dumb fucking rules which have not been changed with change in time, and have come to the conclusion that faith should be personal, i dont need a maulvi or a pastor to "connect" me with god. They sound like sleazy middlemen to me

I disagree with many of the tenets and principles of Islam.

It bothers me to be labeled "islamophobic". I am deeply concerned about the increasing influence of Islam in Western countries, but I am not "afraid".

Lots of neolibs SEETHING and being downvoted:

The same can be said about white supremacists then...

This thread is the perfect example of how Boris uses this statement to win the election.

People just agree without thinking clearly of the danger behind statements like these.

I guess we all forgot that God told Bush to invade and caused hundreds of thousand of deaths.

Everyone claiming Islamophobia is not racism, tell that to the Sikhs that got killed because people that they were Muslim. It's racism. Those racists would never question Indonesians.

So much upvoted Islamophobia in this thread. Disgusting. I'm not a fan of the Abrahamic religions but the double standards people say to denounce Islam while not speaking the same about Christianity is astounding.

By Allah, the hot takes were so hot that someone even got upvoted by calling Muhammad a pedo (not gonna link un tho).

It is fun, subhanAllah. Wait till AHS or chapos hear about this kufr.


I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


  1. tardnews bites the islam pill and h... - archive.org, archive.today

  2. posted an article about the suppose... - archive.org, archive.today

  3. /r/worldnews - archive.org, archive.today

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Stop agenda posting you lil bitch WHERE'S THE DRAMA?!

The machete fights at Frozen 2 have made redditors very angry.

/r/worldnews is right about Islam.

By Allah, those people are dogs

Boris Johnson is right about Islam.

Imagine thinking nonbelievers are people lmao