Which one of you fucking dorks plays Stellaris?

1  2019-11-27 by HodorTheDoorHolder_

I know there’s gotta be a bunch of you in here.



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Played through most of the tutorial game, went back to Civ

I still have it though

I bought it for $10 last night. It’s really detailed. Was hard to play while high.


You might like endless space 2 then. It's a lot more streamlined


Not me.


I played like 40 hours. Towards the end it was just a cookie clicker.

How does it end? Isn’t it like those old civ games?

I don't think these kind of games end. You just get tired of large scale attrition wars.

Too real

just get sins of a solar empire for $5. It's a bit more of rts and much less 4x but pretty fun and easy to get into/understand. https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/1047/Sins_of_a_Solar_Empire_Gold/

What is 4x?

4X is a genre of strategy-based video and board games in which players control an empire and "eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate".

It's the civ/paradox stuff like huge tech trees, culture, or things like that instead of the starcraft/rts and tactics/coh or dawn of war stuff

That makes sense. Thanks dude.

Yeah, me too, except I think I got burned out in more like 15 hours. There's not many meaningful decisions to make but a hell of a lot of clicking that you have to do. There's really no reason ever to play it when I could just go back to Master of Orion 2.

They've actually added a ton of stuff to the game and, unlike other grand strategy, the threats remain for a pretty long time.

At the start it was like that for sure though.

IDK maybe. From what I remember It was just clicking everywhere to build extractors, little buildings on the few colonies food could support and wars that went nowhere because I had no claim to the system.

Fuck the bastard asteroid pirates camping in my neighbourhood after snaking to chokepoints

The only thing worse than a g*mer is a Paradox g*mer. Endless Space 2 is the superior autism simulator, simply because it doesn't shit itself to death after midgame.

Stellaris is by far the superior space genocide simulator. If you can't turn an entire planet into Siberia/Dachau or even better consume xenos for food, it's not worth playing smh

Cravers overexploit planets until they're barren and useless, automatically enslave every non-Craver on their planets, and can turn enslaved populations into delicious nutrient slurry. Only the Cravers though, because ES2 has actual differences between factions. The asymmetrical faction design is one of the best parts of the game.

Oh I agree it's a much better finished product, but I enjoy playing space Rome and crucifying worlds needlessly until the game becomes mentally retarded 200 years in.

Endless Legend is a goddamn good game. Leave the rest 🙅‍♀️

How many mods are you running?


Welp, I generally get bored around 2350 between roflstomping via Arcology spam and twiddling my thumbs waiting for the Crisis to show up since the AI no longer poses a threat.

lol nerd

I've played it, but it didn't really grab my interest. Maybe I'll give it another try after I get bored of Endless Legend.

i bought it when it was $10, but then, as I suspected everyone had moved on and I just play 100% oj with those people instead.

I think it's ace actually - just finished my pacifist challenge run vid


play a decent paradox game like vicky lol

imagine unironically thinking vic is better than ck2