This is america

1  2019-11-28 by LiberalKiwi


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. This is america -,

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She's living the American dream.


Reddit loves this story. It’s on the front page like 80 times. Cause black man.

It's a shame that r/UpvotedBecauseBlack got overtaken by an SJW mod who allows nothing

Where do these mods even come from and why.


They come from.the drama subreddit to make sure no one is allowed to mock leftoids


I feel bad for her real grandson who isn't being invited anymore. Someone should tell her she's got the wrong person

Someone should tell her she's got the wrong person

Oh buddy this is the right person for grandma

Dementia is a sad disease

Black privilege

They are definitely fucking

This is such a wholesome story. He is going to rob her one day, but it’s still a wholesome story.
