New Zealand opens first HIV positive sperm bank. One user in r/NewZealand is coping that kiwicels aren't ready to accept it.

1  2019-11-28 by ManWithoutWaifu


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. New Zealand opens first HIV positiv... -,

  2. "Not benign, but not a death senten... -,

  3. On ignorance and cruelty -,

  4. "There is no downside for anyone wh... -,

  5. "HIV positive people can't even don... -,

  6. "Honestly, how dare you. How very d... -,

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My child’s pronouns are they/them and yes they have AIDS. Deal with it, bigot.

My pronouns are dead/dying. Yes I have AIDS.

You can't actually pass on HIV when you're medicated broski.

Cool dude. Go ahead and put that totally safe AIDS sperm in your gf then ya cuck

ok I need you to say the words "I understand it is basically impossible to spread HIV while medicated."

UM ACTUALLY it’s very safe for my wife to have an HIV sperm baby!

I'm not saying this is a good idea or should be a thing.

I am asking you a question about basic scientific facts.

You never once asked a question you pretentious AIDS jizz lover


Is it true or false that it is basically impossible to spread HIV while medicated?

Is it true or false that you lied about previously asking a question?

It's false, I was asking a question, I just worded it in a dickish way. You can answer the question I just asked or keep dodging.

Please show me which part was you asking a question. Do you understand English?

Saying "I need you to say these words" was a dickish way of asking the question.

That’s not a dickish way of asking a question. That’s just not a question whatsoever. You are absolutely retarded and I bet your mom got you from an AIDS sperm donor.

You either respond that the words aren't correct or you say them. It's getting an answer.

“A demand is the same thing as a question”

It’s unfortunate your mother’s AIDS sperm donor was just a homeless man and not an actual institution where she can get a refund.

I can see you're a little upset that your scientific illiteracy was exposed and are lashing out.

I never demonstrated scientific illiteracy. You, on the other had, literally proved yourself illiterate by not understanding what a question is.

You pretty clearly didn't know anything about HIV. That's fine, just in the future avoid commenting on subjects you don't understand.

You should study more English and less AIDS, you illiterate faggot.

Again, it's ok, just refrain from discussing things you don't understand in the future.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

UMM ACTUALLY he has AIDS but it’s totally safe and doesn’t affect his big brain at all.

This might be true, but one of the things that I'd be looking for in a sperm donor is "managed to never catch AIDS".

Call me old fashioned but I don’t want any AIDS sperm.

Fucking bigot

It's almost 2020 honey, time for no sperm discrimination

Again: I'm not saying it's a good idea lol.

Read the sub sidebar moron

Having a rational argument in r/drama is highly illegal. You need to make the argument of like “it’s near impossible to spread HIV if you’re medicated, but if anyone get infected it should be you”

Do you have a nice card you can show to kids when you fuck them that says the same?

Now let him drop some hot pos loads in your bussy!


Ackshually I think HIV is a specific and particular threat to assholes.

LGBT+ have much higher rates of hiv than straight people

Who's fault is that?


Bad grammar is not based

Grammarfagging is gay


A man was jailed for deliberately infecting people with this safe disease.

I am going to live the rest of my strangely aids free life believing that this was en elaborate if not subtle troll that worked quite well. Thank you and goodbye.

Reminder that knowingly exposing a partner to HIV with the intent to transmit the virus is no longer a felony in California


  • listen to the CDC, WHO, and every organization on the planet devoted to reducing the spread of HIV.

  • Listen to angry, uneducated internet conservatives.

Both are equal, how will we decide?

You’re actually retarded.


we’re not talking about people medicating and managing their HIV you illiterate moron

How are you this low IQ?

California passed that law with the full support of the various health organizations devoted to fighting the spread of HIV.

The goal is to destigmatize it so more people get tested, thus reducing the overall spread of HIV.

So again, California can:

  • Listen to the WHO, CDC, and every organization on the planet devoted to fighting the spread of HIV.

  • Listen to angry, uneducated internet conservatives.

The fact you didn't know what I was talking about in that comment, in general, reveals a very low level of knowledge on the subject.

You are as stupid as you are pretentious.

Get off reddit and dump your discord gf and go outside.

So no response? Can you explain to me why the opinions of angry, uneducated internet conservatives are on equal footing with public health orgs?

I’m neither uneducated nor conservative. I’m not going to argue with someone who doesn’t know what “question” means.

You’re a pathetic loser and I hope your discord girlfriend dumps you.

Again: Do we listen to uneducated internet conservatives, or do we listen to public health experts?

How can we decide?

Ill listen to anyone who doesnt share your opinion, even if it is (Allah forgive me saying this) a mayo foid.

If I had any idea how many times Jack Chick would turn out to be right...

The whole AIDS stigma thing was the idea that Magic Johnson was gonna accidentally sweat in some other guy's mouth when he went up for a dunk and they would both be dead within a matter of weeks. It's completely irrelevant to this century and never even existed when half the users of reddit were born.

Ya I’m not scared to shake a dudes hand if he’s got aids but I sure as fuck don’t want his semen


bug chasers need to fuck off

It's just a little HIV. It won't hurt you, said the infected Kiwi.

What does it cost you to be kind?

My integrity, my ability to talk about basic reality in a coherent way, and my ability to not surround myself with whiny-ass bitches like yourself, just off the top of my head.

Why would I want the sperm of someone stupid and gay enough to get HIV