Twitter drama after WaPo tweets something accurate and correct, immediately deletes it

1  2019-11-28 by seshfan2


Spend 20+ years attempting to copy the US left's appeal to minority voters, forget that your minorities are the muslim kind of brown, surprised pikachu face when that may have had some unintended side effects on your party's general outlook on the middle east.

No, the Labour party has been full of literal communist spies and sympathizers since the 20's and always hated, like all commies do, the jews wherever they might live.

Even if you kicked out all the pakis and arabs from the UK tomorrow, Labour would still be rabidly anti Israel simply because they're Jewish.

and always hated, like all commies do, the jews wherever they might live.

Except the ones that are Jewish. Well I guess they still technically count because they hate themselves, but that's different.

Ok zionist

It’s almost like Democracy dies in the darkness... or something along those lines

If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. Twitter drama after WaPo tweets som... -,

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Zionists opinions don’t matter anyways.

I feel attacked

Palestinians aren't people

And so are israelites.

Get off Canaanite land, colonizer

Bong commies dunking on the jews? nooo what else is new?


Anti-semitism is the most elegant proof of the horseshoe theory

Yeah well maybe they should stop tryin to fucking control the world.

I'm done hiding my opinions on these fucks.

Fuck the consequences, I'ma be real with it

If you're pro-1% and you're anti-union then you're a fucking kike and should get zyklon'd.

Mossad would like to know your location

Power level revealed

I hope you die as you lived: shit spewing out of every orifice

This is a man who feels very very weak

Based foid takes on international jewry