Daddy panders to the Redditor vote and Tankies are not pleased

1  2019-11-28 by redpandasaregreat


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Next week, the US (i.e. the Devil) will probably sign a bill allowing US troops to be stationed at HK and if China does anything to preserve its sovereignty, it will be considered an act of war.

I stopped reading after “the devil” part because I don’t read things written by children. Even more so retarded children.

America is not the devil, Israel is.


The devil is where you'd least expect him, which means he's luxembourg.

nope he's in isreal. the "you" that quote is referring to is anyone alive during ww2 and boomers. None of those people believe Harvey Weinstein did anything wrong, so of course they wouldn't expect the devil to be Israel

No. That's Islam.

Can we get a psychiatric hold on that guy because i think he's has a serious break with reality

I can say with confidence on how these kids are, he’s been a couple times. Problem is they don’t treat correctly. No beatings, bullying, told that the way they think is shit. It’s bullshit. They should give them what they want in society and throw their asses in the gulags.

Hey, at least he didn’t say Voldemort or Thanos.

Capeshit/wandshit fetishism is just a substitute for traditional religion anyway.

pErFecTlY bAlAnCeD

Somebody should make a bot that tells people in these tard subs to read another book / watch another movie when somebody mentions wizard or capeshit

The United States of America is the most evil entity on this entire planet lmao imagine believing otherwise, fucking bootlicking dipshits


If commies think you're evil you're doing something right.

the Iraq War and death squads of El Salvador that murdered mainly nuns and the innocent were good, actually

This but unironically.

I murder iraqis and ommies hate it. That's how I know I am doing the right thing!


Murder is the national pasttime in El Salvador. Not our fault they don't value the lives of their countrymen.

Killing the genocidal dictator was an act of pure evil

No wonder tankies are mad about that war, one of their daddies got killed as a result.

Do you expect people to disagree with that?

I'm glad you understand


Upvote lolcows

Ok kiddo

Wow, you're like lazy Watermark.

If you're going to be watermark, could you put some effort into your spergouts?

This is unironically like the Christcucks that think Bush or Obama is the Antichrist.

If he's talking about the Ayatollah quote about america being the "Great Satan" he probably forgot the part that followed of the USSR being the Lesser Satan

imagine having this be your level of understanding of geopolitics lmfao

Also demonstrated by not understanding that "i.e." means you are giving an example, not "in other words" as he used it

i.e. is getting the "literally" treatment of continued misuse by idiots eventually changing the definition to own the prescriptivists.

Where is that dark skinned fellow who kept saying Trump would never stand against China. Oh well, even without pinging I'm sure hir will show up.

Are you talking about pizzashill? I’ll have you know his skin is white as snow and he descends from pure Nordic stock.

Not ze, someone else.


ugh, don't summon him, he's boring

Not shim neither.

I had no idea that Hong Kong was a part of the United States. It must be if the President of the US is signing bills regarding it. Fuck the United States of America. Hong Kong is a city in China, you have no right to make laws regarding it. Death to America.

Imagine being so caught up in your “”anarchist”” ideology that you back a totalitarian state to own the cons

Whoever wrote this probably hasn’t worked a day in their life and lives in a mostly white liberal city with upper middle class parents who fund their education where they are currently getting c-‘s in philosophy and political science.

Imagine being such a degenerate piece of shit that you can’t support a net positive if you’re on a different “team” from the source.

Hong Kong is a city in China, you have no right to make laws regarding it. Death to America.

I've never seen such bootlickers in my fucking life and I frequent Twitter where people think corporations are their fucking friends.

The entire world belongs to America in one way or another, and that's a good thing.

Hong Kong is a city in the British Empire, you have no right to make laws regarding it.

Bootlicker is actually just an insult targeting plebs who don't have a developed palate for the subtleties of boot leather and sole rubber, the mouthfeel of various kinds of hobnails.

Broke: Public ownership of the means and fruits of production

Woke: Being a member of the secret police where you get to torture and kill people who bullied you in school

Tankies gonna tank.

Remember: McCarthy did nothing wrong

Supporting a totalitarian dictatorship to own the rightoids.

Supporting a totalitarian dictatorship

AKA business as usual for commies.

“I wanted to make a joke here, but I'm honestly just fucking sad how many people in this thread would support the fascist on their team rather than reconsider their position“

Literally no self awareness

About what? Everyone knows this is Ukraine 2.0. Drumpf will withhold aid until he gets a hotel in Hong Kong.

calls people a fascist

Literally wants to see you hung if you support hong kongers

Remind me why that sub isn't banned yet?

those are the admins' alts posting

Everything i don't like should be banned

Chapo check.

Chapo check

100 of lukerQues97's last 176 comments (56.82%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse. Their last comment there was on Nov. 01, 2019. Their total comment karma from /r/ChapoTrapHouse is 2707.

Oh my what a surprise

good work detective

Commies are disgusting, the exposure of them is of the utmost priority


Why do you maintain your sinful ways, and not convert to radical centrism

McCarthy's only mistake was targeting the wrong individuals, he had the right idea

As always commies are the biggest bootlickers

These people are rich and I don’t like it, time to support a totalitarian government which is committing cultural genocide

What do you think ACAB really stands for

Didnt Commie Mommy support this legislation?

Except she was for it before she was against it

daddy is getting a LOT of love in the other discussions of this article in subreddits that were previously neutral(ish) before his election

I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Sad and pathetic. The US should improve the lives of its own citizens before extending their imperialistic hand to potholes it does not know of...

Neocon but woke

Can you imagine how much these types of people would bitch if wealthy western countries actually never paid the rest of the world any mind and just kept to ourselves, i.e. no free shit aid policy to the entire undeveloped world?

Dude insectoid politics lmao

What the fuck is that sub

Imperialist garbage?

thx 4 recognizing tha hustle pham

Unironically though my favorite part of these kinds of threads is watching whichever autistic group we're mocking follow the totes link and get catastrophically fucking confused.

Licking Xi's boots to own the bootlickers