Official /r/drama workouts thread

1  2019-11-28 by fauxbreaux

This is a place for dramatards to post workouts and fitness goals. How are your gains progressing? Any wacky gym stories to report?

The only other person in the gym besides me is a homeless-looking guy who somehow wandered in. He’s currently talking mad shit to the punching bag, but seems like he’s getting in some solid cardio.


Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


  1. Official /r/drama workouts thread -,*

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Not nice snappy, he’s trying to support people’s weight loss

Losing weight, so strength is waning. Doing BBB to offset some of that and maybe get a bit of hypertrophy. Also I feel like I can’t progress on squats and deads at the same time. End of year is gonna be back to reading articles and workshopping my form on all 4 big lifts, which honestly seems to be something you need to do periodically anyway. I finally made it to noob-intermediate, and it is grim.

Also on a cut, I'm too depressed to eat much so the weight is just falling off. Feels good man. Still hitting the glamour muscles but I wouldn't bother with legs even if I had the energy.

Also in the noob-intermediate stage, but coming from the opposite end. I started regularly lifting a year ago as a borderline-underweight lanklet with disproportionately big legs, and I’m just recently at the point where I feel like I should probably start sticking to a real program. You’ve probably got me beat in that regard.

It can definitely be frustrating, because when you start off the gains are just ridiculously fast. Once you get a little bigger they get harder to find

Too true. What you running now?

Some shit my disorganized ass made up senior year of college, basically. It’s loosely similar to PPL, but I don’t do legs, so instead I spread the workouts into three days of push, pull, and then abs and cardio. I try to alternate between 5x5 high volume lifts and pyramid sets, and then when I feel like I’m not working hard enough for the 5x5s I’ll start introducing heavier weights.

It’s actually worked pretty well for me, but like I said, I’m getting to the point where the gains are slowing down and I feel like I can handle something a little more involved. You have any suggestions?

Hmm. Idk I’m just a fat retard on drama, so obvs not an expert. Personally tho I don’t think 5X5 is all that useful for anyone beyond first year or two unless it’s at like 60-70% of 1RM and followed by heavier work.

GZCL, Greg Nuckols free mix and match templates, and nSuns are all favorites for intermediate lifters. Self-regulation is kind of a meme unless you are advanced imo, everyone tends to sandbag unconsciously so it’s good to have a prescribed path of progression.

I’d also recommend getting back into squats, even if just lightish front squats (skellies love these). Regardless of leg gains I feel they are best for keeping you “used to trying”.

Ultimately it’s all you mang. Do your thing.

Good shit. I actually looked at some nSuns stuff yesterday for the first time. It’s all a little intimidating, but will definitely check the others out as well. Thanks!

It’s not too bad, just make sure to set your TM (roughly 80-90% of 1 RM iirc) conservatively to not burn out hard on most of those programs. Good luck!

How has BBB worked for you? Been thinking about trying it next. I’ve made decent gains with madcow but I’m getting a bit bored of the SS offshoots tbh

It’s pretty fun, I like to hurt. Any of the Rippletoe derivatives will run the risk of Rex mode I think.

Only caution would be that the BBB sets are not always conducive to arm/glamor work. If you really want something that can give you time for curls, shrugs, or machine work I might suggest against it and go for another 5/3/1 or GZCL template that is more accommodating.

Then again, I’m still a fatty that is DONE after the 5x10 deads or squats, you might find it manageable.

I unironically have been trying to convince my gf to go to a yoga class with me, but she says she went once and just started uncontrollably giggling at how seriously everyone was taking it and how ridiculous they looked while doing so :/ shame, because i’d really like to try it out but also not tryna go alone

started uncontrollably giggling at how seriously everyone was taking it

She's not wrong, but it's still useful for those who can practice it without taking it too seriously.

That's one of the major problems in the yoga communities, is some practitioners being in it for the wrong reasons. It's misinterpreting what yoga is good for, vs what others babble about it for, that creates some serious problems.

Yeah, don’t get me wrong, I’d actually like to try it out. I don’t laugh at people taking their lifts seriously, I doubt I‘d laugh at people taking their yoga-ing seriously. Just waiting for the right opportunity to come along

I'm going to go off on a tangent here, and what yoga really is isn't the asanas or prayanama. But most (almost all western) yoga courses and people think and teach that.

It's a philosophy of life really -- not a religion, just a philosophy of life, and how to live it.

The asanas are just one of the 8 limbs, that are useful as a form of exercise, and pranayama is way more useful, but most people today seem to think that the western girl yoga bullshit on social media is what it is.

Ahiṃsā is the first of the 8 limbs. check it out.

Will do!


Saw a dude on the exercise bike dancing while holding and drinking from a very large Tropicana oj bottle. Not sure if it was all oj or was having himself a 90oz mimosa

I’m convinced that something about cardio machines gets to peoples’ heads. At my old college gym I watched a dude put his skateboard on a treadmill, turn that shit up to high, and then just...stand on the skateboard, for over an hour.

Was tempted to snag a video, but didn’t want to be that asshole.

It's so tempting also had a large gal basically post up on a lat machine she hung a giant bag on it did a set watched a tv show on her phone while drinking a starbucks drink, think she managed like 3 sets in 40 minuts

I’m sitting on the couch eating and drinking in the hope I gain half a stone or more soon.

Heard that. Historically my biggest obstacle with getting big is that I just don’t eat enough, so I’ve been cramming trying to get a solid bulk in for the winter

I’m just hoping for a slight layer of fat all over to keep me warm. I’m a forgetful eater.

fat MCB


I asked some guy if I could work in between his super sets at the leg press and he threw a fit and asked if I was “some sort of mma fighter or somethin.” I didn’t really know how to respond to that.

Lmao i feel like every gym has at least one sperg like this

I am scared to work out because I have a low bmi and I cant afford to lose more weight. Yeah I know eat more, but I find it hard to eat a shit ton all the time.

I was in the same spot as you a year ago. My understanding is that as long as you’re not doing, like, extremely intensive cardio, you’re good to go as far as weight loss is concerned.

As far as weight gain goes, I also find it hard to eat a shit ton all the time, but protein shakes and smoothies with a shitload of healthy stuff shoved into them have been a godsend. A lot easier to chug 800 calories than to eat them.

I will try that. Should I get the premade shit or attempt to make my own? And how do they taste?

I used to just go to Smoothie King and get a large gladiator after the gym every day, so if that’s in your price range that worked pretty well for me. Delicious, but not the most fiscally responsible move. Eventually I cut that and started using protein powder in a blender bottle, which tastes...not great, but not horrible. I usually just try and choke it down as quickly as possible.

I can’t really speak to smoothies, because I don’t have a blender, but to my understanding there’s really no advantage in getting premade protein shakes. With powder you can dictate how much (calories, protein, creatine, whatever) you’re putting in and it’s a lot more cost-effective. The premade ones definitely taste way better, though, if that’s a big thing for you.

Whole milk, chocolate protein, peanut butter toss some oats in it preferably ground up first blend and enjoy can also toss some banana in it

Skinny people that say they eat a shitton usually in my experience, don't. It's just relative to what they think is a lot but it isn't. You need to start actually measuring or counting calories to find out, and then like double that.

Just buy mass gainer. I used to be in the same position. Way easier to eat an extra meal+ of calories in liquid than solid form.

I started going to the gym again 2 weeks ago after months of not going and I'm actually such a twink now it's not even funny.

Just getting back into it after taking 7 months off due to scheduling issues.

Yesterday did a half assed 40 minute workout goblet squats/sumo squats/forward lunge with KB pass under, then cardio, then curls/seated shoulder press/hammer curls, then more cardio, then tabletop crunches/sit & twists/v-sits/supermans




I've never set foot inside a gym or excersised since I played football, you lazy cunts need to be more active outdoors, go hiking or get a dirt bike, it's surprising how much riding takes out of you.

Christ almighty I hate you fats that need a gym to be skinny.

implying I go to the gym to lose weight

I actually really dig mountain biking and I hike as much as I can, but if that was all I did I’d be a 6-foot, 130-pound lanklet

I actually really dig mountain biking

One of the worst things that has happened in modern history is when the mountain bike company Barracuda folded. Those assholes snorted up their profits, and in Durango, Co there was a reaaaallllllyyyy bad moment when the company attempted to auction off the leftover frames........

the ones that were left were sawed in half and put in a dumpster.

😭 was so much really high end easton aluminum that was very carefully welded that got just thrown in a dumpster.

Damn bro, I just ride a specialized. Think that may have been before my time, but sounds tragic

It was probably before your time. It was in the time of Easton Elite and the Specialized "metal matrix" golden days.

Peddle pushers are f words, get a dirt bike.



let some faggy machine do all the work while I basically sit in a chair


It's actually more of a work out than youd think, I do like downhill though, I went recently and thought I seen a snake and stacked it but is was just a snake shaped stick. I've still got cuts and bruises.

starting strength but i hurt myself squatting so i’ve taken a break for a month :(

SS is a meme, don't let rippetoe take you to t-rex town

I smoke a pack a day.

I finally did my first weightlifting session in 6 months on Tuesday. I suffered a traumatic knee+foot injury on june 6 and had midfoot fusion 12 weeks ago. I was surprised that I didn't feel any pain or discomfort or ROM issues with my ankle. I didn't appear to have knee stability issues but I was doing this all under 1 plate (except DLs). I was even more surprised that after the session I was able to walk completely normally without pain or thinking about it actively for a while. It was a pretty good feeling, like maybe this will all be ok for once.

get swole, get ass.

Home gym masterrace reporting in. Just using one of the workouts from the sticky on /fit/ and I realize there is no excuse for being an unhealthy slob nowadays.

Typically do chest/shoulders and back&biceps/legs. I'll go 6 days a week typically and do a lot of one on one group turn3a little work in another (I.e. 10 sets chest, 5 sets shoulder on one day, then 10 sets shoulder and 5 chest the other).

So far I've made decent gains, I'm at 14%ish bodyfat and gotta lost another 10-12 to be at my goal weight, then bulking. I haven't tested in a while but I can probably put up 205-210 on the bench atm, once I start bulking I'm hoping to get up to 250 by the end of it. Shooting for 325 on deadlift and idk for squats cause I don't check my orm on squats

4:00 a.m.: get up and go for a three to five-mile jog.

6:00 a.m.: come back home, shower, and go back to bed.

10:00 a.m.: wake up and eat breakfast (Oatmeal with fruit, OJ, and vitamins, washed down with a protein shake.)

12pm: ten rounds of sparring and three sets of Calisthenics.

2pm: lunch (carbs, protein, veggies, and water.)

3pm: another four to six rounds of sparring, bag work, slip bag, jump rope, Willie bag, focus mitts, and speed bag (Cus was never fond of the speed bag) and 60 minutes on the stationary bike. Three more sets of Calisthenics.

5pm: Four more sets of the same calisthenics routine and then slow shadow boxing or focusing on ONE technique, in order to master the mechanics.

7pm: another balanced meal, usually prepared by MasterLawlz

8pm: a light 30 minutes on the exercise bike for recovery purposes only. NO RESISTANCE.

9pm: watch TV or read Lawlz stickies and then go to bed.