Zoomers mad (x24) when not only are their pathetic kitchen skills put on display, but they are also mislabeled as *gasp* millennials

1  2019-11-28 by Dramabanevader


lol of course there's the Vietnam Vet boomer


We used to throw rocks at a Vietnam vet that carried his belongings around in black rubbish bags.


Nah I still feel shitty, poor guy might not have even got to kill a Vietnamese.

He should have tried harder

Are you Mark Wahlberg?

I don't get it.

He threw rocks at black kids n cracked open Vietnamese skulls on the street

In a movie?

nah irl in like the 80s



This is a “did you know Lennon beat his wife” millennialism invented by transplants to try to make my city look like the most racist place on the planet. He was a street hoodloom who attacked the Vietnamese guy because he happened to be there and the guy later forgave him for it

Lmao not even marky mark would cope that hard. He's cool now anyways since he ended racism with four brothers

Go back to Twitter woketard

little babys upset I said a fact oh no 😥😥😥

No sunglasses though :(

If you want to confuse boomers like that retard just hand them one of these. Breaks their brains.

Even better, it's a Canadian rightoid boomer who's trying way too hard. Explains why he'd brag about this and not say, "at least that zoomer doesn't have to pay for his own Chungking brand canned chow mein for a year because it's better than the slop they served us".

Thank Jesus for Zoomers one doesn't need spatial intelligence to be a front end developer.


What about the ones who don't have the spatial awareness to drive a car?

You work in San Francisco and get compensated Lyft and Uber credits.

God help me NO

I hope to never step foot in SF

If I ever do,

It's worth visiting San Francisco to see the blatant hypocrisy of silicon valley tech faggots.

Wade through a beautiful city filled with the shit and used needles of their ever growing class if homeless.

Then you will have a whole new perspective every time Google or Twitter spew some bullshit about "equality".

Wade through a beautiful city

Even compared to someplace like Vegas, SF is the most aesthetically distinct city in the US. It's incredible by almost any standard. But I'll be goddamned if it isn't filled with and lorded over by the worst people in the country.

SF is the most aesthetically distinct city in the US

What kind of drugs are you on?

I'm on my last round of chemo, I'll thank you very much.

It never began for Javascriptcels

if you cant open a can im not letting you near my website ty

I'm sorry even your SaaS company has hardware products that require some of us to venture out in the world.

What retard gave me gold for this?



Can I have his babies? I don't think I can, but maybe he'll like bussy?

He looks like the yellow guy from sin city with normal skin

Physiognomy gang rise up

He looks like Lyndon B Johnson and Ol' tricky dick Nixon had a secret love child

how far past the frame do you think his skull extends

It looks like somebody gene spliced Tom Hanks and Casey Neistat

It’s a fucking can opener it’s about as simple as a tool can get

Also twitter millennials are extremely insufferable

You can't be on twitter without being insufferable

Can confirm. I tried making an account but I failed the Insufferability Placement Exam and it wouldn't let me. That's why I'm here. Gotta brush up.

Incidentally, maybe if this boomer had spent more of his money on me instead of him I wouldn't be such a fucking failure. Real helpful, gramps. Thanks.

It's literally a virtue signalling competition, so much virtue signalling that if you want to make it on top your tweets will start reading out like conspiracy theories

Nah there is some weird ones like the survival ones that can be moderately difficult to use.

My mom has that pampered chef one and it's literally impossible to use for the first 10 minutes of every time I try to use it and then once I figure it out it's ez as dicks can openers are just a fuckin mystery


Some of those boomer replies are pretty funny.

Boomer jokes can be pretty funny, boomer memes rarely are. Millenial jokes are never funny and neither are their memes. Zoomer jokes are pretty much only memes, which are funny like half the time and annoying the other half of the time.

The silent generation has the best jokes and probably the best memes, they just dont tell them to outsiders.

Gen X here ignoring lung cancer statistics in a desperate bid to look cool instead of telling jokes

This is what bad parenting looks like 😂

Everyone is blaming the parents but who here got fucking tin opening lessons. Learn by doing.

I knew how to use it immediately because I saw my parents do it.

Same with anal


Is he actually disabled? How can doomers have such poor motor control

If you look closely, it's actually a lack of spatial reasoning ability. He just keeps kind of banging on it and it never occurs to him to maybe try flipping the can opener over.

Could have just gave him a potato peeler and told him to open the can. Result would have been the same.

fucking lol now they care about being accurate when generalising huh

i thought it was a mindset


Show a millennial a p-38 opener and they’d probably suffer a fibromyalgia anxiety attack and cut themselves with it and tweet about the ptsd it caused

ok boomer

Looks like the boomers were too busy getting drunk on the couch watching Nancy Grace to teach their kid basic life skills.

Imagine requiring fucking instructions to operate a fucking CAN OPENER.


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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