Black Friday Drama

1  2019-11-29 by fides_


Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


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I dont get why buisnesses put up with that shit. Just tell them to behave or no black friday next year.

Businesses love it, it's how they actually break even at the end of the year.

The people responsible for deliberately causing these situations should be imprisoned.

Anyone that gets in a fist fight at a store over a marked down TV should legit be sterilized.

It is the God given duty of every American to fight to the death on hallowed Walmart soil for deals this great!

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