Boomer gets woke about uber. Uber driver responds. (Boomer's entire post history is a goldmine)

1  2019-11-29 by Peetrius


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A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


  1. Boomer gets woke about uber. Uber d... -,

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He’s right. You use the softwares to order the poor car because you’re too poor to take a classy taxi.

He's having a boomer moment lol

Imagine being voluntarily driven around by someone else in a gigantic metal contraption that's not owned by you. That's poorness personified.

It was $40/day in the mid 2000s to park your car in the garage of the BoA building downtown where I worked. You also had to fight traffic every fucking morning to get downtown. I wish Uber was around back then so I could just sit on Reddit and shitpost while being chauffeured to work.

Now I just work in my jammies and shitpost on reddit all damn day.


The guy is right about using the Uber app vs not and not paying for marketing by a company. He’s just not saying that instead of using the app you could have a hackney carriage medallion issued by the city.

I don’t know where the poor thing for riders comes from though. It’s expensive here. Though paying for the medallion is part of the reason why cabs are expensive so maybe that’s what he’s implying, that customers essentially pay into Uber’s marketing software scheme because it’s a cheaper service rather than take a “professional” licensed hack vehicle.

Any commenter that has thousands of comments and only hundreds of karma is bound to be based as hell.