K-pop fan says #IfWomenWereMenForADay they'd be less worried about being murdered, drama envelopes as moids point out statistically men are more likely to be murdered

1  2019-11-29 by Tzar-Romulus


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. K-pop fan says #IfWomenWereMenForAD... - archive.org, archive.today

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More 👏 female 👏 murder 👏 victims

also for any of y’all tryna say men also get murdered by other men u just proved my point that men are trash

Would've been based without the "y'all".

Nobody who posts a video of gooks singing k-pop under every one of their comments can be based.


Are K-pop stans worse than weebs? I honestly can't decide.

Atleast weebs don't shoehorn videos of anime into every single one of their comments.


I hope the north wins

“Anti-fans contrast with sasaeng fans, in that their main goal is to see the ultimate failure of certain idols and groups.”

Based and failurepilled

Isn't gook reserved for Jungle Asians?

I like using gook because it's sounds more offensive.

Isn't gook reserved for Jungle Asians?

It was used in both the Korean and Vietnam wars.

Isn't gook reserved for Jungle Asians?

But more are more likely to be murdered statistically.

K-pop fan said it's by other men so that cancels it out for some reason.

This is also why black on black violence doesn't matter.

This but unironically

i thought it was because one less blackoid is a net win for humanity

No, it is a loss, for there is one less BVLL in our world to help exterminate whites.

This is why I non-ironically donate to planned parenthood, no one has killed as many niggnogg as they have.

Fuck off, MDEfugee.


I mean....

Men are more likely to be diddlers, by I’m sure you knew that already.


Tell that to high school boys

Because they're more likely to be in gangs and shit.

Men, in general, are far more likely to be the victims of murder, even random murders.

Oh but sweaty that doesn't count unless it's women murdering men.

*checks to see if goalposts are correctly aligned now*

Sweetie sorry but it irks me so much

oh you sweet summer child

By other men though, men are way more prone to violence than women. I have never been in fear for my life around a woman but have been in countless physical fights with men.

Who gives a shit if it's other men dude? I don't know why you guys constantly try this.

A) Copy paste where anyone blamed women.

B) Explain to me why it being other men is relevant.

When a woman on twitter says she'd feel safer as a man, and the empirical data conflicts with that claim, saying "yeah but other men are doing it" makes no coherent sense. It's like when you bring up problems men face in society and feminists respond with a sarcastic "men are the ones who are REALLY oppressed."

Becuase oppression exists on a one-dimensional axis in their world, any example of men being disadvantaged must be either denied or justified, because the alternative, in their world, is women must be to blame for whatever ails men.

Why do you hate women?


Why do you not?

I definitely feel safer as a man, like I'm physically capable of crushing 99% of women.

What you feel isn't relevant to what the facts say. You aren't safer than a woman, statistically.

And again - I do not see what you being able to physically crush women has to do with the objective fact that as a male you are more likely to be the victim of random murder than a woman is, or random violent crime in general.

Imagine living in a world where you're 5'6 and everyone else is 6' and has superior bone structure and muscle mass.

Imagine living in a world where the women are wonderful effect exists and people are far less likely to assault you because you are a woman.

Yeah nah I'm gonna stick with a being a man, being a woman has to be the most miserable experience.

You're right, but not in the way you think.

Imagine imagining.

This is why we need to protect the azn manlets from the darkies.

What you feel is relevant though since the op said women wouldn't worry as much, not that they actually would be in less danger.

Yikes, not a good look sweaty. Stop hating women, k?

stick to dabbing on foids, your takes on foids are sh----whoops

carry on

Women are way more likely to kill toddlers

Criminals usually target those weaker than them.

random murders

source? That's what I thought.

This is true but women are more worried about being murdered for some reason, so she isn't wrong.

If only women cared about facts.

Feelings don't care about your facts sweaty.

Women have a biological fear that is always ticking in their brain. It drives them to find safety; the strongest, most capable man. But that fear never goes away, even in our modern society. They end up saying and doing all kinds of stupid shit to justify that fear, and catering to that instinct is like half the reason the government fucks up when appealing to women.

It's why they dye their hair. Their base instincts think the strange colors will scare off predators

This is why I love /r/drama -- it's just so educational 😍 I've learned so much about the true nature of women here it's great thanks guys

That’s why they have a dog fetish, especially for pibbles.

They wouldn't be murdered if they just stam loona

Man don't worry about being murdered because they have nothing to lose when they get killed

Hitler was right about kpop fans

Hitler was right Ftfy

Pretty good post brother

I try. 🤭

It's ironic that a supposed feminist would be a fan of an industry that is second only to the sex trafficking industry in exploiting women.

Fucking porn is less exploitative than K-Pop.

At least in porn it's no one's business what you do in your off hours.

K-pop? More like gay-pop.

Imagine liking gussy. 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

Korea-boos are fucking retarded? Who knew!

kpop fags need to be beheaded

Poop in my gym anytime brother -HH

Are k-pop fans the niggers of music fans?

N-homeys actually make good music sometimes.

~1/4 of the gg song is good




Based and Quarantine pilled

>for those who need clarification: less worried about being murdered by men who feel entitled to women, idc about ur dumb war statistic about men lol

The Foid cries out as she strikes you

>also when u read a post saying women are scared of being murdered by men ur first thought shouldn’t be “but how can I make this about me?”

Being self aware is a character trait that many lack

Women are more likely to kill children and children are the most vulnerable so women are the actual predators

They'd be less worried about most things. Women tend to score more neurotic.

The absolute kings responding with a Tobey Maguire dance clip are based