Anyone have any headphone suggestions?

1  2019-11-29 by too_much_choice

My last pair bit the big one and I need a way to listen to spergs. Thanks.


The problem is that 1) you possess a sheep mentality and are unable to think or exercise logic of your own free will, and in fact are not even capable of thought outside the societal norms you've been indoctrinated with, 2) science has not yet caught up with the subtle levels of energy of which the occult and other metaphysical phenomenon occur, and 3) even if you were capable of free thought and science were able to measure these phenomenon, you are not intelligent enough to comprehend any of it.

I mean, I could try explaining it to you. But is it worth my time? You are already of the mindset that jerking off to tranny porn is completely harmless so long as the men have makeup on. It seems their agenda has done permanent damage to your mind and you are beyond reach.


  1. Anyone have any headphone suggestio... -,

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Apple AirPods 2 are pretty trendy.

Fuck right off with your stupid apple suggestion

I’m too poor to own Apple products

being this much of a consoomer

you're better than this

Hey, I have no problem with buying products when they’re of the utmost quality such as Apple brand products.


you realize there are other white earphones to the people on the bus will totally think you're trendy and bought airpods



apple hasn't made any superior product in the entire history of the company, in 40 years.

Motherfuckers couldn't even figure out how to put the right number of mouse buttons on.

They've always been a fashion company.

I’m too stupid to own Apple products

Airpods creep me out. They look like they're alive.

They are alive... with the sound of music.

He’s looking for quality, not flexing ability.

Nothing against apple cause I'm not gay, but cordless earphones always look cringe for me

Yeah they do


Closed back or open back? For open back I use some fairly budget sennheisers, for closed back/more punchy bass I use beyerdynamic dt 770's

Looking mostly at open back. Hate it when things sneak up on me.

You happen to know anything about these? The deal seems pretty good.

Unfortunately i do not, I don't own any wireless headphones. From reviews some indicate its not good if you have a large head or large ears, and it seems to frequently be discounted to 150, but even given that it's probably a good deal.

Note that those are closed-back, since you indicated earlier you weren't looking for that type.

Thanks anyways. I figured that a 60% discount enough for me to get over my hangups.

I bought a pair today. Hoping they are of decent quality.

Airpods are fine

For sound quality with natural bass that isn’t muted or artificially enhanced, get westone 3. They feel like having two 10” subs in a non ported box in a small car at a mid level, but in your ears. Not overpowering but present. Good mids too

I have bose in-ears with bespoke penis-shaped inserts. 10/10

I like Bose products, but particularly Bose penis-shaped products.

Audio Technica

Byerdynamic 770

Sony MDR 7506

Audio Technical I suppose

Sure 215e for IEMs


M40x > m50x

ok consoomer

What’s your budget?

Wired or wireless?

Open or closed back?

Also important to consider music genre too



I prefer open but not that strongly

I’m in Australia so price matching may be off but the Sony WH-CH700N would be the best value for your budget



I’ve tried them before and they’re good quality, especially for the price + they seem to be on sale atm so I’d definitely consider grabbing a pair