1  2019-11-29 by ItsSugar


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Damn I cant believe this is sp00ny today! He changed so much...

Based title.

Bleccch title

Like why do they think he's gonna get the nom? I saw a Bernie sign in an $800k townhouse neighborhood the other day. Like... he's coming for you dummy

No he isn't. Those are exactly the types of people that can afford to move away when shitty policies hit their doorstep.

I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at a dick pic in my entire life.

"right side of history" is a faggy term and shouldn't exist. CMV.

says the fag who never was at the right of history

Sounds faggy. Rather be on the wrong side tbh.

As someone who just celebrated Thanksgiving and had a good time, I would say that I am on the right side of history.


cope, seethe and dilate




We can do it Bernie bros!

I really like Bernie Sanders. I believe he's a good man who has devoted his whole life to civil causes, and I admire that.

Kids can't vote. No need to pander to them.

Idk why we don't let teens vote. Like the voting age should be like 13 or something.

If boomers can vote, why not kids?

Madame President Ariana Grande

President Trump.

  1. He’s a man
  2. Don’t really need another reason

So no actual answer then.

None for you pedo child diddler




I honestly believe that Trump is probably more intelligent than Ariana Grande. Ariana is basically Cardi B lite, and Cardi is just plain old ghetto scum. Put Trump up against Rezz or Trent Reznor and I'd agree that he's the worst pick, but if it's Trump VS Ariana, Trump wins.

Trump is unironically a dumber person than cardi B.

Lmao try harder Pizza.

How is he not? He speaks at like a 2nd or 3rd grade level and is incoherent.

As compared to Cardi, who speaks like someone who has never stepped foot within a school in her entire life.

Trump literally makes no sense. At least you can make out her point, Trump never has a point. It's just one giant incoherent ramble.

Imagine being too dumb to understand Trump's ramblings.

why not kids?

For the very same reason they aren't allowed to drive.

But this isn't about technical ability. It's about competence, boomers aren't any more competent than kids.

Boomers should just lose the right to vote. And maybe lose freedom of speech in general

This but unironically

Losing internet and smartphone access would be sufficient.

You spend plenty of time around kids, you should know why by now

Because they can't afford it!

Same reason why we don't let kids do drugs.

you heard it here first, folks, pizzashill wants the legal age of adulthood lowered to 13.

because he diddles kids.

Don't worry, when you're in your twenties you'll understand too, kid.

Still waiting for someone to explain to me how boomers are more competent than children.

It's almost your bedtime. Brush your teeth.

So no response?

Boomers have proven themselves at least somewhat capable of working and managing finances just by virtue of having lived as long as they have. Boomers also have a better understanding of the world than children. Both are retarded, but children are usually more retarded because most children haven't done anything with their lives other than go to school and leech off their parents.

Boomers also have a better understanding of the world than children.

Based on what? Why did they elect Trump then?

Because Trump is racist, and so are boomers. Just more proof that boomers are smarter than children.

Pizza bringing up the topic of children. Name a better duo.

If boomers can vote, why not kids?

You're arguing the wrong point for the right reasons. The solution is that we should take the right to vote away from anyone aged 65 or more.

As great as that'd be, seniors would get absolutely fucked since medicare and social security would get gutted but most are too old and frail to work. The fair solution is figuring out how to passively generate electricity with the geezers and paying them per kW/h they generate. To gather extra funding for the program, we could make expensive leather jackets out of their skin when they die, then sell them and put the money back towards the electricity program.

Idk why we don't let teens vote have sex with adults. Like the voting age of consent should be like 13 or something. If boomers can votefuck, why not kids?

I cant believe pizza said this

Oh yes, because everyone knows you can't have different ages of consent for different things.

You can drink and smoke at 18 of course. So when someone says the voting age should be lowered, that totally means age of consent should be lowered too.

Of course.

I detected no sarcasm in that response. I cant believe you like kids pizza

His heart may be kind but it isnt very strong



The whole 18-21 two-tiered adulthood scheme is stupid. 21 was always the traditional age until they lowered it to fight the Nazis. Sure, desperate times call for desperate measures but afterwards it just got stupid. About half of the adulthood related things are 18 now and the other half are 21, and politicians get to hem and haw about moving stuff from one age to the other when it really doesn't make any difference. Why should alcohol be 21 while tobacco is 18? Just pick one and move everything to it (probably should be 21 tbh, even though it would mean changing the constitution).

desperate times call for desperate measures

You can say that again.

Weed is 21 here, too. Driving should be 21 too.


Public school is a sham that only trains future petty bureaucrats. The only funding “teachers” need is EBT.

As a 20-year-old, I definitely feel like a toddler so fully support the change in legal adulthood age

Pro-tip: you're going to feel like that you're entire life

Maximum voting age should be 40

Unironically, college is dumb anyway. Intelligence is something you either have or you don't, you don't stop being a complete retard with no awareness or critical thinking skills just because you took some calculus classes. I think the way to fix the mess is to stop factoring degrees into hiring decisions for jobs where the degree isn't really needed. For example, most radio stations want you to have a communications degree to get hired. But, having been to college and having majored in communications, the classes I took were all about theories and shit mostly relating to body language. Nothing to do whatsoever with the skills required of a radio host. So what's that really mean? It means you have to spend thousands of dollars on a piece of paper to get a job that has nothing to do with what you were taught.

Get rid of that sort of nonsense somehow, and suddenly you wouldn't need college as badly anymore. It'd allow people to get by on merit rather than just because mommy and daddy paid for them to waste 4 years at school. And I'd bet employers would start finding themselves much better employees as a result, too.

That's a whole lot of words to say that you're retarded and got terrible grades even though you were cummunications major, lmaoooo.

college is dumb anyway.

I studdied communications.

you don't stop being a complete retard with no awareness or critical thinking skills just because you took some calculus classes.

You're right. You don't. Calculus won't make you smarter. But it will help filter out the kids that are smart enough to get STEM degrees vs the retards paying too much for a useless communication degree.

College should be only for the intellectual and financial elite, gatekept and made deliberately frustrating to get into. The world needs more tradesmen and craftsmen.

Lmao that’s fucking gay

I’d be more willing to fund teachers if they weren’t in unions where literal retards can rise through the ranks and become senior unfireable employees. You can’t just keep throwing money at bad teachers and hope they decide to actually do a good job. The whole system needs to be flushed and replaced.

The whole system needs to be flushed and replaced.

I know it was a lot of words, but you might have missed where I used "overhauling"

You need to overhaul your attitude, son.

Only non New England’s can possibly think Bernard Glassberg is a good man. Pathetic.

Match me

Match moi!

All that money that could of went to meaningful causes

like paying off their 100k plus student loans

But of their $100 lottery ticket pays out they won't have to!

I wish they would accept donations from non-Americans.

I wish too. Then the FEC would come down on Bernie.

SMH my head can't believe le evil Drumpf got Russia to post memes on reddit to get him elected. Why can't foreigners donate to American politician's campaigns?

The politicels can't resist the lure of the Eternal Merchant.

Match me bros $$$

I donated 0 dollars who'll beat that


Bernie is certainly feeling the bern in his heart, which is about to explode.

Allah willing

tHe RiGhT sIdE oF hIsToRy!1

As opposed to the 8 other democrats with indistinguishable platform proposals

Remember when Fukuyama wrote about the historical destiny of neoliberal democracy and ended up making one of the most off the mark predictions in history?

Imagine unironically trying to repeat that

what part of it was off the mark?

Yeah because a vote for Bernie is a vote for neoliberal democracy

Unlike a vote for Trump, which is a vote for neoliberal democracy, but mask off

Bernie is a demsoc though

imagine thinking there is literally anything in common between fukuyama “history is over since the soviet union fell” and bernie sanders. this is what happens to your brain when your iq falls below room temperature!

thinking history has a side or an endpoint

absolute retards

Talk about casting pearls before swine.

My best friend us doing a politics doctorate and the term 'end of history' has upset him so many times that now he just gives me a dirty look when I say it

This Bussygreg erasure. He does NOT want free college or M4A. 😤😤😤

Most of them up there don’t even support the healthcare and college shit they just pretend to because otherwise they would have no chance. Warren literally dialed back on healthcare lmao

Warren is a cuck

We should crowdfund the nomination for someone named "Super Bernie", who looks exactly like Bernie but is 30 years younger, and also wants to cancel all credit card debt, mortgages, raise the minimum wage to $45/h, give free back rubs to all Americans, and UBI of $50k a year. Also he wears a cape.

Oh who gives a shit about their proposals as long as they are the right color!

...We are on the right side of history too, right?

General misanthropy is always the right choice.

A fool and his money are soon parted.

Imagine donating your hard earned money to rich politicians.

A politician that has 3 houses....but hey maybe he'd sell you one at below market value.

The way I see it, it is just like donating to the rich televangelist who says your donations will help save the world.

I sold my kidneys! Who will match me!?!??!

I got banned for posting a comment pre this thread btw.

Can't wait for these pathetic morons money to end back up in Biden or Warren's hands after Bernie fails spectacularly again

Imagine thinking socialism works for the people

I'm just waiting with my mouth open for all that billionaire largesse to trickle into my body

Trickle down was a funny lie to tell. You don't get what drips down, you get what you pick up or take


TFW /r/drama is a bunch of right-wing extremist trolls

Is the mad lad in the title MasterLawlz?

Bernard glassberg may very well go down in history as the greatest swindler to ever run for vice president of Israel

Absolutely insufferable