Man in /r/tinder gets very upset when other guys aren’t worried about getting “me tooed” constantly. Starts saying he’s going to randomly accuse people of sexual assault and pedophilia.

1  2019-11-30 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. Man in /r/tinder gets very upset wh... -,

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Lol what a drama queen cuck. Cross posting, gossiping, limp wristed fag.

what a drama queen cuck

Thank you for the compliment.

You seem really upset other men aren’t afraid of women? So are you just a dime a dozen incel or what?

Ya man I shart my pants when I see a vagina with heels

Did you see the totally real text conversations he posted

cross Reference it with ur moms obamaphone fag


Absolutely seething

Have sex, incel

I did ur sis got bred

My wrist are good bitch. When will mgtows finally go their own way 😒

To truly go their own way it must be on a deserted island with no internet.

user reports:
1: white people nonsense

True. So please be nice to him, given his disability.


You have a congenital defect.

His sack?

The color of his skin. That nigga's white.

I’m brown u crusty chink

Pinto Beaner Brown or Street Shitter Brown

Sand nigger brown. U disgusting beaner

Imagine being nonwhite and fearing getting MeToo-ed lmao.

Feminism has you shook.


Look, you're already scared of Vegeena, you might as well learn to appreciate Bussy.

once wanted to pound one of those hot tranny plastic sluts but i keep it strictly wet cunts

Lmao spoken like a true perma virgin.

Let's be honest here. You have definitely taken Feminine Penis


Dont make me whatsapp hitler

Don't make me bulldoze your house

Fuck is that shit

I bet you have strong wrists from the way you act, don’t worry

Just have sex incel lol

U know how much pussy I get loser

somewhere between none and absolute zero?

I guess ur grandma dont count then


Then how were you born cunt

Ok Virgin

I thought you were going your own way? And probably not a whole lot

I am ur cousin gives mediocre road head

Yeah, I bet it’s because the women are disappointing you, not because no woman would ever be with you sweatheart

Iraq go kaboom

His cousin is a nine year old boy pedo

I’m sure your wrists are very strong, considering the amount you masturbate.

Once a month maybe because I do semen retention. Keeps me manly, unlike you faggot

MGTOW and nofap? Being this deprived must be unhealthy.

No im just a manly man. ask your single mom about ur dad. (Ur real dad. Not the Bernie sanders on ur ikea couch)

manly man


Choose one

So you're legitimately retarded

smart enough to kno u were born in 87. go cash ur pension boomer

That doesn't make me a boomer

The nofap meme


Saving my load to knock ur mom up then go grab cigarettes


I do semen retention.

We can tell

cuz ur girl drained my hairy balls

That's almost a better comeback than when I shot my load all over your dad's.


Yeah he tried to pretend he was straight at first, till he got a taste of my dick


He's still your dad, dude

youre not wrong, just an asshole

you’re both retarded,

rad cent


or at least the 5 minute version

thank you

Don't be so hard on yourself

Neat 📷

How are afraid of that tho? Do you use your real name or somethin'?

I want to be sexually assaulted by a Jewish american princess.

Day of the Kosher Milkers when?

No it doesn't. If there's no proof, the social stigma does very little. Also, that shit just doesn't happen. Women don't go around accusing people of sexual assault, unless they've been sexually assaulted.

that's a pretty brainlet take lol. "no women lie ever, and even if they did, the social stigma of randomly being called a rapist is nothing !".

like the MGTOW guy is pretty retarded, but that statement is stupid as shit.

It's also not some crazy premeditated thing most of the time.

There are plenty of cases where it's a train-wreck of a story involving copious amounts of gossip, regret, and alcohol, and the cult saying that it never happens is legitimately scary.

We all know that when you narrowly avoid a rape conviction society just collectively goes "well, that settles that then!"

Women don't go around accusing people of sexual assault, unless they've been sexually assaulted.

I see the Duke lacrosse case taught us fuck all, then.

only retard is ur wimp dad for not pulling out ur cow mother

Someone posted a pic on reddit just to show the person he wanted to meet was in front of him

Society is over.


And it got 79,000 upvotes.

Hoverhanding incel with coomer hair ugh


Why is the hoverhand guy wearing a flight suit?

Looks like a snow suit. Probably a snow boarder in CO?

Fuckin mayos

82% upvoted

Moids mad