Black rapper stops making music because most of her fan base is white. r/hiphopheads on suicide watch

1  2019-11-30 by employee10038080


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That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


  1. Black rapper stops making music bec... -,

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I get that some people might be a little slow but this was already posted two hours ago 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Ahh shit, I didn't see it.

"if every black american registered for a gun today that shit would be outlawed in a week lol. the nra supported gun control when the Panthers started pulling up to state buildings with shotguns"

Looks like she has a very simple solution for gun control as well

I'm going to create a charity which provides free AR 15s to black people, Muslims, and central Americans.

That already exists, and its called the CIA. Come on, that practically wrote itself, do I really have to do your job for you Strasser?

This but unironcally

Implying black people don’t all own guns already lmao

George Lincoln Rockwell and malcom x were also best friends. Can you imagine what a wonderful radcen world we’d live in had that worked out?

She's referring to the chimpout that got open carry banned in CA back when Reagan was governor + stealing half remembered bits of chapelles standup. Really it was about the dumbest thing the panthers could have done at the time. There's a common thread between that action and her actions right now; reacting emotionally instead of rationally.

Ever notice how much of modern identity politics is spent justifying doing the most emotionally satisfying, selfish thing you possibly could at any time instead of working towards your purported goal?

living in a state where you have to register your guns

White people who like le hip hop are the worst.

White people who like le hip hopare the worst.



Yakub's biggest mistake


tbf, it's a "lyrical" rap so how can average soiboi resist?

I actually really like noname. Very soothing

"Never meet your heroes" is a saying for a reason and extends to Twitter. If you like any person that has some form of creative output, never fucking ever look at any of their social media.

she's talented, she's just been going down the 'woke lane' lately

She's always been on the woke lane lol


I think it's time for Malcom X plan of a separate and independent black country where all black pippo will move to and be successful and on top of the world and best place to live.

You can dance all day and all night, jerk each other off and make music and heaps of children nobody wants to parent.

It's time ...

This time, we'll get it right.

True segregation has never been tried

this suits her since she's a cummie


Nothing makes the shoepolish come off faster than a blakk queen telling you she doesn't appreciate your woke white posturing. The most amusing are the ones that didn't stop pretending yet though, like

I'm black but what she said was racist


she keeps on complaining that her audience at shows in europe was european.

Give it a few more years, and that won't be a problem.

I suspect north africans and british asians aren't black enough for her taste

Yeah I've seen it and her complaints are kind of retarded but I get them to an extent. Sometimes your fans are a completely different audience than you want them to be.

Say you make music that you want people to enjoy and dance to but instead you get a bunch of fat pretentions mayos not even moving, just standing there, oozing over your "unique modal chord progressions" and making instagram stories. You'd also be pissed. Take Chapo podcast hosts and how much they hate their sub as another example you're familiar with.


HHH has atrocious taste in rap tho.

Literally who?

She's got brainworms.

But your music is the reaoson I wanna go to college and study political science and public policy.

Oh now I understand why mayos love her

Good. Fuck mayos. They wuz kangz after all, they don't have to put up with shit like untermensch giving her money.

Looks like plebbits favorite minstrel show sub is getting some competition.

Try making actual hip-hop bitch.

Jean Grae ain't got NO problem packing a room with the folk.

Neither do I to be honest, and I'm white as shit.

Real recognize real, and real ain't recognizing her apparently.

Isnt any successful rapper dependent on a mainly white fan base?

Fuck just go to a lil Wayne concert anywhere in the south.

This noname is just upset that virtue-signaling mayos are the only ones that want what she’s making.

Her woke shit rap is the most college mayo thing I’ve heard in a while, of course her concerts are white.