One of you threw bait into /r/OldSchoolCool, and the plebbitors are eating it up like a school of autistic fish

1  2019-11-30 by dootwthesickness_II


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Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. One of you threw bait into /r/OldSc... -,

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Some dude makes a comment how people who push for commie style policies have no knowledge of history and the lolcow makes a turn an autism would be proud of

bruh there are a fuckload of leftist historians.

After being put in place, he's still on offensive

Having positive things to say about communism and acknowledging mistakes of communist states are not mutually exclusive.

A lolcow is being born is a sight to behold...

Link directly so we can marvel.

/r/ShitLiberalsSay has directly linked, so expect a rush of lolcows soon, btw.

I'm surprised at how pro American that overall post is. Maybe there is hope

CIA is working overtime

Muh CIA!!!!!

Ok glownigger.

muh communism

muh capitalism

Daily reminder that these retarded hot takes of r*dditors on both sides are from a bunch of weebs and capeshitters who pretend to know about political history and economics.

All I need to know about economy is that there is 800 pounds of gold in my basement.

Is "gold" here some sort of a euphemism for a 'braphog'?

Methane is the gold of America's new green economy.

I'd loovvvee to hear your opinion on fiat currency

When the Lord Humungus is circling your encampment, you'll wish you had some currency that jingled.

I have nothing against gold plates

Communist retardedness and starvation


Capitalistic decay and degeneracy


Cathbol enlightenment and holiness


What does the 'bol' in cathbol mean

It's from football. Vatican even has a team

Bolshevik I think, but what do I know

So that means he's a commie

Fuck Cathbols, Pagan ethno nationalist NazBol unite!


☭ My nigga 卐

The only thing they have any genuine interest in is consuming the latest products Disney shove down their throat. Anything else is just a LARPing aesthetic for them.

Listen capitalist pigdog, the government owes me a Nintendo switch™ and I'll downvote as many successful people as it takes to get it.

Speak for yourself. My wife’s boyfriend bought me one already, and 3 games with it!

Excellent work comrade


if your wife's boyfriend buys you enough things, aren't you at some point a pimp rather than a cuck 🤔🤔🤔

I think reddit communists should try to appeal to the incel community - something a long the lines of redistribution of staceys from chads.

Reddit communists are incels that other incels won’t associate. Imagine being an untouchable within the incel community.

Chapos are r/inceltears posters a lot of the time.

Incels are basically sexual communists. They believe in government-mandated girlfriends and a state-enforced 1:1 relationship ratio between men and women.

Wow capitalism is so efficient at displaying food that the worthless proles are disallowed from ever touching. Probably about a third of that gets tossed because no one could even afford it, and capitalism is so amazingly efficient at creating food waste while leaving people hungry at the same time.


Probably about a third of that gets tossed

Nice try, pinko, but no. A third of their product being thrown away? You really think a business would, literally, just throw away 1/3 of the money they spend? That grocery store would close within weeks after opening.

If you actually knew what you were talking about, you wouldn’t have to make bullshit up to rip on capitalism.

In the next breath you’d seethe about capitalists pinching every dime they could out of everything. Right after pointing out how capitalists just throw 1/3 of their product in the garbage without any reason.

Watching you retards be retarded is the definition of entertainment.

A third of their product being thrown away? You really think a business would, literally, just throw away 1/3 of the money they spend? That grocery store would close within weeks after opening.

It's literally what they do, lmao. Have you never worked at a grocery store before?

Nowhere in there is it saying any store throws away 1/3 of their product.

You seem to not even read the report. Just the headline....

A lot of stores were good with food waste. Others were not. None were throwing away 1/3 of their product.

Probably about a third

Do you understand common English speaking conventions? This is a way of saying "they waste a lot of food", not "they waste exactly one-third of their produce".

A lot of stores were good with food waste. Others were not.

Some are better than others and therefore scored relatively good, but grocery stores universally are terrible with food waste. An example of how food waste doesn't necesarilly reduce profitability is that of blemished food. Another is that of purposeful overstocking because customers prefer full shelves.

Whatever you want to tell yourself.

I suggest you read your own link. You obviously didn’t.

I suggest having sex, incel.


Cope seethe dilate.

Only good commie is a dead one. One of the truest phrases ever spoken.

Actually it’s another useless fat corpse taking up the space of a patriot but you get the idea.