Here’s what’s happening in the average r/drama users bedroom

1  2019-11-30 by redditor99880


womp womp


  1. Here’s what’s happening in the aver... -,

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That's your contribution to an intelligent discussion? A vague, unspecified criticism, accompanied by an implicitly self-aggrandizing bit of arrogant dismissiveness?


  1. This Post - Outline

I am a bot for posting links. github / Contact for info or issues

I can't read it, it wants my email.

Read archives version in sticky post

I cant read. Can you read it for me?

The implication that all teenagers are Reddit/Instagram power users is an insult to zoomers everywhere

They cut off the meme accounts for a reason congress almost broke them up

Meanwhile getting over 100 listens on something dope i put out is like pulling teeth.

All he does is post repost memes.

Instead of paying attention in class, he's trawling through the internet to repost dank spongebob memes.

Meanwhile his main account on insta for posting memes gets disabled and all his confidence and cool is out the window and becomes a pathetic sap.

“A lot of my friends think I’ve become depressed, and I think that’s right,” Rowan said. “I’ve been feeling insecure about a lot of things, like how I look and act and talk. I talk a lot less than I used to. I’m a lot less confident. Losing my account is the main reason I feel like this. With @Zuccccccccccc, it felt like I had a purpose and was doing something that benefited a lot of people, and now I kind of just feel — I feel lost.”

I just find it funny he looks for clout and "financial security" for all of this. But all that is gone when his accounts are froze up.

lmao financial security. You dont have financial security if your income hinges on some faggy system that can freeze your account for whatever reason.

This is actually pretty pathetic.

He revolves his life around literal meme pages to build "clout". Someone beat this kid for me. No employer cares about your insta fame if you can't pay attention in class