This is why longpostbot should be sitewide, apparently the term man/woman is used to gatekeep the opressed from whipping out a dick in the ladies room

1  2019-11-30 by Jojomaliok


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This is why we need mayocide.


  1. This is why longpostbot should be s... -,

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Based Snappy.

I would happily settle for a sitewide bot that just endlessly spammed this image at any comment longer than, like, four sentences.

All comments should be 4 characters. No more. No less.






You're confusing sex with gender. Sex is based on genitalia and is mostly binary. Gender is based on how you identify, and that is a spectrum and is not always lined up with your genitalia.

Why do I feel like punching today?

Why do most dramatards dislike troids so much?

Because they are loud, obnoxious, borderline retarded and look like they were born through the anus, but mostly the first three.

I unironically think large amounts of people despising trannies would change their minds if trannies stopped trying to rewrite biology and just accepted they're just larping as the other sex but that it makes them feel better.

I wouldn't even mind using play-pretend pronouns in that case.

Because they are extremely obnoxious and insuferable.