Turns out that the Bongistan bridge attacker is a Paki. Memes just write themselves.

1  2019-11-30 by UnkillRebooted




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When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. Turns out that the Bongistan bridge... - archive.org, archive.today

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I guess he was really mad about all the free money and housing he got over there.

eta: lol he was jailed for terrorism previously and the Bongers still let him stay in the country and released him from prison.

That’s sadder than the American dad who traded his murdered daughter for tacos

Nothing beats that Amy Biehl shit, where the parents went full-on kumbaya with the black supremacists that brutally murdered their daughter.

I did a 3-minute research regarding her death, and apparently the parents started a foundation to help B/W relations in south africa; and two of the killers eventually reformed and joined it too.

Seems like a rather positive outcome considering the circumstances


And later two of the murderers went on to join their foundation as students, where they're getting paid and strong support by the parents for learning a trade. According to Amy's parents her spirit lives on in the killer's.

And the two other killers went on to become the town rapists, despite efforts of the parents to support them. (link)

oh fuck. Yeah, that's a bit too much. I appreciate him founding a charity et all, but cleaning up after his girl's murderers to this extent is just unreal

I'd trade a mayo foid for some good tacos.

Tried googling, couldn't find?

Mollie Tibbets, don’t have the cuisine comment but it’s out there


"The Hispanic community are Iowans. They have the same values as Iowans," he said. "As far as I'm concerned, they're Iowans with better food."

Mollie also tweeted that she hated white people a few days before she was murdered.

lol "diversity" really is just a euphemism for shithole.

Diversity is our strength bigot

Live by the diversity. Die by the diversity.

Die by the diversity.

It's right there in the name


How so? Help me to understand that argument.

Its why you don't see a school talking about its diversity of asian students

he is the future

Getting murdered by terrorists because you're too spineless to stand up and recognize some people cant be rehabilitated

Guess it's true!

I mean, he is. Woke idiots being murdered because their brains lack the threat assessment center is in fact the future of England.

His parents generation sacrificed their sons to stop extremists from taking over.

He sacrificed his son to let different extremists do it.


his parents generation sacrificed their sons to stop exceptionally reasonable people from making sure idiots aren't brainwashed into letting their sons die on the alter of diversity.

Most of the European alpha male DNA was lost forever on WW2 battlefields.

Think that's just /pol/ shit stirring. Can't find this spicy Twitter hot take anywhere.

i really hope that's true, because otherwise im gonna get drunk tonight.

As though you wouldn’t otherwise you sly dog

I wouldnt, really. I have a case of Heineken for especially sad nights like this (I use Heineken because i dont want to get tempted by the taste).

Why quit being Muslim if not for beer

What would your Imam say if he caught you saying Haram things like this!? 😑

Funny you'd say that, since the mosque i used to go to had an imam imam who is a Turk who allegedly liked Raki a lot.


What's an imam imam?

it's an edit error i cba

I hoped for an advanced version of imam tbh. An imam who imams other imams for example, or who imams twice as hard!


Nah, the diversity bit.

diversity one seems fake, cant find it anywhere on his page

Literally took me 5 sec on the twitter search. https://twitter.com/butwhatifitsall/status/933072437197107200?s=20

A few Rightoids have already found their way into the tweet to show their condolence.

im retarded and didnt notice he tweeted it 2 years ago lol, i scrolled back to nov 20th this year and called it a wrap after not seeing it

People are so fast to call everything fake these days because they give up too early to find the truth.

damn youre a real crusader for the truth. Microwave yourself an extra HungryMan burger tonight for me, champ.

hol up hungryman has burgers?

exactly, it reminds me of my days of training to work at a funeral home, Because i was dedicated to prove my professor wrong about how long it takes to cremate a body i ended up being the man i am today.

My public school education taught me it took 30 seconds to turn a 100 pound body to ash. but thanks to taking the time to really research it; i found out that it actually takes a whole hour. And that led me to question everything i was taught in holocaust class.

Did you know blood doesn't actually catch fire like they say repeatedly in Night?

Did you research the wood doors?

TBF its really easy to fake tweets and this seems too good to be true

it only shows up under replies, which you cant see unless you have an account



his dad did retweet these but i cant find the actual tweet of him saying it. He probably deleted it after harassment or something



Poor dad. And don't hotlink 4chin lazy bastard.

i was wondering why the link doesnt load then i realized its a 4chan link blocked by the goverment

I know it's awful to say about a mourning father...

But what and absolute fucking cuck of a man

The son is the father's cuckedness made manifest.

those racist fucks wanting to stay alive

Huh. So he served the full term with parole denied. That plus the immediate response by antiterrorism squad and the police saying that they were treating it as terrorism means that they probably were tracking him all along but reacted too slowly, so two people are dead.

That's an interesting conundrum by the way: currently the only sort of people that can be detained indefinitely because they want to go and kill people are mentally ill people, and their mental illness can be assessed independently of that. What do you do when a person wants to kill but is otherwise mentally healthy?

Just give them a lethal injection lmao who cares

You're a dog, Bilal. This is a civilized country!

Drop them off on the London Bridge with a melee weapon?

Just 1d4 what's the risk really.

I still can't believe he was taken down by a narwhal horn. Reddit should be all over this shit

Ironic that the narwhal do not want bacon amirite?

mentally ill


literally show me the differenec

And didn’t keep an eye on him. He started the attack during a terrorist resocialization program he had to take part in.

They'll say there's no problem and if you say anything otherwise you'll get arrested.

and then the UK blame the conservatives for letting him out. Europe should have been a nuclear testing site

Just give them England. They want it more.

Plus it would be hilarious to see the Royal Family getting cleansed.

No no they’d convert

And then split off and make a new branch of Islam following Henry’s example

That would be excellent for dramacoin

Henry VIII Part 2

Yes pls

I'm Henry the eight, imam.

Maybe sultan

There was already the psyop by the royal family claiming they are direct descendants of Muhammad

Why else do you think the Muslims are trying to get there? They are trying to retake England for Allah from the white usurpers.


No drama because having eight wives would be totally acceptable then.

Having more than four is haraam tho

Yeah but the ugly island would have their own version of Islam with blackjack and hookers

No no they’d convert

The royals are Germans who converted their name to a more English-sounding last name

I mean was there ever any doubt?

Imagine dedicating yourself to a holywar and killing less people than an upset mayo highschooler with a childrens cartoon fetish or a drunk driver. This is on par with the neo nazi who was foiled by the jewish plan of locking the door so he shot a single pedestrian.

That's most spree killers here in bongistan, our cursed government won't let us have proper weapons, for some reason.

Have you any idea how hard it is to murder someone using the bleeding edge of allowed civilian weapons: a teapot or a stale cucumber sandwich?

If I have to look at another stale cucumber sandwich then I'm starting a mass suicide cult so I can see how it'd work

That's a unibrow that would scare Bigfoot.

Oh. Well I guess knives are the problem.

It's almost as if letting terrorists live freely in your country puts your country at risk

He was locked up though

The world would've been better off with him dead

Imagine letting in cousin-fucking worthless muslims into your country, then when one tries to commit a terrorist act you let him out of jail early.

The absolute state of Britbongs

It's hard cause some Muslims are nice and they're right about women.

Ypipo need to figure out what they did wrong to deserve this.

Living in London lmao
