The DDF and Berniebros are the same (tw: radical centrist propaganda)

1  2019-11-30 by IHeartCommyMommy

Unironically they're the same thing. They both:

Are obsessed with conspiracy theories

Divide politics into a battle between Good and Evil (see: Harry Potter and LotR)

Seethe over tHe esTAbLiSHmENT

Cope over their embarrassing primary/general election results

Hate Hillary Clinton

Are economically illiterate

¬View non-populists as traitors

Have easy (i.e. retarded) answers to complex questions

Want to suck off senile old men

Are getting cucked by a retarded Pocahontas and Bussyjudge

Like dead serious here guys they're the same, also it's OK to seriouspost if it's radical centrist seriousposting.


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. The DDF and Berniebros are the same... -,*

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My rapekink rope is way better than that cheap shit, sorry I'm not poor enough to buy your rope 😊

What kind of knots could I make out of this? Could it hold 260 pounds of dead weight for at least five minutes?

obsessed with conspiracy theories

Neo liberals literally push the Russia conspiracy for three years until the mueller report, and even now you places like the_mueller that are hot beds for Russia truthers. Unironically believing Jill stien, Tulsi, and anyone that doesn’t agree with the dnc/media narrative are ‘agents of Putin’. Conspiracy has infected all sides of the political debate, only true radical centrists see this fact.

I can't believe the_mueller still exists lol. Imagine hitching your wagon to that fail.

It’s pretty amazing and worth lurking imo. These people truly believe Putin and drunpf are working together to subvert the US constitution by appointing textualist judges and making sure the US populace is armed to prepare for some sort of US -Russian fascist take over. There are hot takes out the wazoo

How can you possibly be so well-informed yet so uneducated?

I’m no scholar, but at least I have a BS from a major school

Repeal the constitution

conspiracy theories are for everyone and i think that's neat ☺️

Aren't you a DDFtard though lmao

Nah I’m rad centrist. I’m DDF to Neo libs, cuck to alt right, non pedo Neo con to libertarians, libtard to DDF. Etc etc...


Ur gay

I wish 😞😞😞

I agree.

Are you really radcent if you heart commymommy though?

I only love commy mommy for her Marxist Milkers

but they're so lackluster! Take the khazarpill, friend.