The race mixing question

1  2019-12-01 by WineDine69stein


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Racemixing means both races are destroyed

That implies one of the races involved is worthy of being saved

That implies either of the races involved is worthy of being saved

Indeed, who would mix with disgusting white people 🤮

Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. The race mixing question -,

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Should of gave us that rice line copy pasta instead man. That would fit perfectly here

constructing artificial rules to eliminate half of the dating pool before they have a chance to reject you

Advanced Inceldom

While america is over here playing race war olympics, China is breeding a race of superhan through embryo-selection. The government is also actively pursuing gene-edited "designer babies"

We're still going to be arguing about whether italians count as white when 8 foot tall adeptes Wustartes tourists are using their genhanced photographic memory to take a million pictures of times square within seconds, all without bending over to stare through a viewfinder.

adeptes Wustartes



It's simple, northern Italians white, southern Italians non white

The only "Italians" that claim to be not white are the Amerimutts "One of my grandmother's was Italian" El Abominacions that can profit of the oppression Olympics.

I mean the guy that did gene editing was immediately disappeared

And after dropping him the PRC instead of banning baby gene editing research put in place a legal framework for it. They're no longer editing live babies for now, but they're continuing government funded research on how to best do so, with now open legal blessing.

They probably put the scientist in a secret underground lab and gave him more resources to work outside the eyes of international law

Human-tiger hybrids by 2024

Why do people that will never breed seem so concerned about racemixxing

It's cope to explain their advanced inceldom

So, like, at what point did the Zoomers start using that term to refer to themselves?

Guy who’s never going to have sex fantasising about controlling the vaginas of all the random women in his race. Unfathomably chastitypilled.

The question you gotta ask is: why does BBC live rent free in his head so much that he has to invent an entire political philosophy to fight back?

rip weihan, gis branch was broken by twitter

Rightoids are so pathetic in their attempts to get white women to bed and how badly they handle rejection...

White women should be forced by law to have at least one mixed baby, the race is determined by a lottery system CMV

Lmao at thinking your options are either being inbred or racemixing

Racemixing can lead to health defects for the child, social ostracization / isolation (2nd is far more common), cultural isolation as you don't truly belong to however many ethnicities/races you are descended from.

Source: am 3/4ths Irish, 1/4 southern Chinese.

Lmao, of course it’s a hapa

If IQ is based on race explain my 60 IQ European teammates

Anything beyond third cousin marriage is miscegenation.
