ban-evading rightoid incel slapfights with r/adhd janny over horrifying oppression of reddit trannies

1  2019-12-01 by xuemei_


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Imagine having ADHD 😂😂😂

This, but unironically.


  1. ban-evading rightoid incel slapfigh... -,

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I cant hate myself that would be stupid

Jews would like a word

But I have CrIPPLinG AnxiETY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ADHD and anxiety are made up by Jews to sell medication just like transexuals.

Made up and then cultivated. They’re farming emotional disorders like it’s corn.

Imagine how dumb you have to be to take Jew pills in 2019 though. At this point if you’re on the plantation you 100% deserve it.

Good morning, I hate (male) women

i put money on the overzealous janny being waay above the recommended max daily dosage of Adderall