Y'ALLED mayos

1  2019-12-01 by MotorButterscotch


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It must be genuinely so depressing to try to make music for blacks and they could not care less. Like that must cause so much pain to have such little resonance in your own community. Lol

There's something so 2019 about an artist making black empowerment music with an audience entirely composed of crackers



Music black people listen to

Pick one

Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. Y'ALLED mayos - archive.org, archive.today

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slavery’s value to America is around 3/4 of our total gdp

The fuck is this supposed to mean? Does this person think that 75% of our wealth is a direct result of a bunch of rich dudes owning slaves in the less developed part of our country 150 years ago? It probably wasn’t 3/4 of our gdp back then

I think I have an idea what that retard is referring. There are some left leaning historians (such as Ed Baptist) who attribute slavery as the driving engine of American growth. Now, of course that's not true, but it doesn't mean people won't parrot what they heard on social media.

lmao even assuming baptist is 100% right with that (he's not), he only makes the claim slavery was responsible for a bit under half of America's GDP in 1836; this retard says slavery's value is 3/4 of our GDP.

Also slavery wasn't/isn't even that profitable if you're not a plantation owner or something like that. Slaves (who have no incentive and means to be productive) don't create that much value. That's a very basic economic fact and that's why even early economists was vehemently against it.

But if an economy has a huge need for more labor, as the southern agricultural economy at the time did to exploit these lands that hadn't previously been cultivated with more advanced Eurasian technology, even less efficient slave labor can help fill the gaps. And even essentially free voluntary immigration from Europe was not filing the gaps. People in general still wouldn't support massive migration from Africa if the Africans had been guaranteed full rights, they would see it as decreasing their share of the pie and become incredibly resentful. But if the labor has no rights and indeed only responsibilities to the older immigrant populations, they can be convinced. Under the system of slavery you can turn a seemingly desirable commodity, human labor, that otherwise is normally inherently limited by the number of free and equal citizens in your country, into something that is more like capital such as robots and machines, increased labor that can be bought and sold according to demand that has no rights to any share of the pie, and solely increases the capital and wealth of the favored caste. Certainly there's no way that Mississippi could've been convinced to import so many west Africans that it was majority black to fill their demand for labor, otherwise. Even if the overall efficiency of the average worker would be higher in such a scenario, and the overall wealth of Mississippi, the upper caste of whites might be less wealthy on average than otherwise, and would lose sole control over political power, so they wouldn't approve. While under the system of slavery it was, for them, a win win so they bought all the slaves they could.

What are you yapping about?

Taking bets on that being a self-hating white guy

That's it I'm quitting music the crowd are fucking black. Look at all those black faces gross.

Lol cope mayo


I saw this article on r/hiphopheads and someone made a pretty funny joke along the lines of "She performed a Tiny Desk set, what did she expect?"

Wonder if she has tried r/blackpeopletwitter, definitely not all mayos minstreling as colored folks there. God this is so problematic!

Noname: Hold the mayo

I like a lot of her music, but if she doesn't want me listening to it because I'm white, then I'm removing her from all of my spotify playlists.

Paint the wall with this retard.

So, yeah, she got her Kardashian sex tape moment with this quote and now everyone just goes to show how music has nothing to do with any of it.

As a white person I think it’s not that she’s “not performing for white crowds” it’s more than she maybe noticed that a lot of her white fans fail to show solidarity with black issues/topics.

I think it’s a fair decision to make- ultimately her art is hers alone and if she feels that certain fans aren’t respecting culture that’s innate to her she has no obligation to produce for them.

Since when did listening to someones music mean I have to 'respect their culture' and stand in solitarity with their people? Also what even is that womans culture?

Taking bbc, disappointing her friends and family, wokesperging, etc. Y'know, foid shit. Also, can r/AsAWhitePerson be a thing?

Edit: Oh goody, it is and it's dead. Time to snag us another sub!

Also what even is that womans culture?

If I had to guess she's a woke, privileged black chick who is completely disconnected from black culture but doesn't realize it

Since when did you have to perform for people who don't respect your culture and stand in solidarity for your people?

If they pay for the tickets you have to.

Imagine being a foid and thinking anyone cares what you have to say.


Good for her for placing ideals over money