Capeshitters MAD!

1  2019-12-01 by slaydastream


Lol@ a weeb criticizing capeshit fans. That's like a redditor criticizing an instagram user.

Both weebs and capeshitters are mentally ill.


Nov 24

It's not that you don't like superhero movies. It's your shitty attitude towards people


Normies mad (x24)

homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


  1. Capeshitters MAD! -,

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Disney is eventually gonna make 95% of all money in the movie business lmao

Yikes, educate yourself.

That's a good thing virgin have sex

Imagine being this much of an elitist incel

I'm literally in a relationship with the love of my life what the fuck do you think incel means

Maybe don't say shit like this and people won't think you're an incel

His profile is a goldmine,

I really did spend half my day arguing with conservatives on Twitter. Sorry guys Nazi's weren't socialists

Like a more attractive and intelligent pizzashill.

Like a more attractive and intelligent pizzashill.

Setting the bar pretty fucking low there

This is tremendous

the face of /tv/

Truly, the worst board in existence

So he’s a 4channer? Can’t say I’m surprised

Wait until they start saying you're a nazi for disliking Disney unless they already do which in that case kill me

I'm pretty sure I have seen people say that. Over The Last Jedi

Pizza was right again

There is nothing wrong with being an elitist when it comes to art, cmv. Granted, in my view being an elitist means wanting films that are ambitious in terms of storytelling, I don't really care if it's an indie or blockbuster, drama or action or romance, etc. I just want movies that have artistic merit, and capeshit doesn't really.

No movie is art.

It never even began for Seventh-Seal-cels.

If you still enjoy capeshit you should be locked up in a mental hospital

I sort of got the appeal when it first started to come out. Like I remember enjoying the first Iron Man when I was like 16.

But how the fuck can you sit through 30+ movies of the same "Good Guy Beats the Bad Guy / Comedic One Liners For The Trailer" shit without wanting to kill yourself.

weeb criticising normies for enjoying the same thing over and over

O I am laffin