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1  2019-12-01 by Ghdust3


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I like how they fetishize “strength” and “masculinity” but also identify with a failed ideology.

i wonder why anyone would downvote your comment? Surely they wouldnt be upset 🤔

There are many MDEgenerates on this subreddit.

They need to be kicked out once more


Actually real Nazism has never been tried.

The art deco alone would be great. Honestly, it was the last authentic art movement before those who hate nature and beauty took over.


What I think he means is that modern technocrats create the most ridiculously hideous geometric monstrosities because they have spent their lives surrounded by grids, symmetry and master planned communities and are therefore entirely detached from nature. He's not wrong on that part, but he is wrong thinking that art deco isn't also divorced from nature. He's also wrong about every topic he writes about based solely on the fact that he posts in that sub.

The whole underlying theme of art deco is the celebration of man conquering nature.

This is akin to saying that Soviet Architecture celebrated nature.

The central tenet of modernist architecture was that you should simply make the most practical use of the materials you have on hand to create your structure, with little ornamentation. Previous architects had put a lot of work into ornamentation, but they were essentially copying structures in stone, wood, etc... that had originally themselves only been adapted because of they had actual utility and necessity given those materials. But with the new materials, the concrete, steel, and glass, this was entirely unnecessary and wasteful. Thus that period of modern architecture tends to look very barren and unadorned. The thought was that building purely for concrete, steel, and glass would give way to its own ornamentation unique to the new materials, but indeed a lot of people just didn’t like the structures and considered them to be eyesores, this creation of a new beauty never really developed.

At the same time, realistically, a lot of the driving force behind modern architecture was just that it was much cheaper to build without the ornamentation and all the extra materials it require. In the great depression and post war period the economic advantages of the style were undeniable. Art Deco, with its concentration on ornament, was more of a style of the decadent 20s when the money flowed freely. Of course you just ornament up the yazoo and you almost don’t care when things are going great.

Btw the second structure you listed I wouldn’t really call modern architecture, it looks more like a postmodern architecture. A modern architect wouldn’t put all that effort into building a massive glass trapezoid or whatever the hell that is.

Source: I once read The Fountainhead, which is actually really positive about modern architecture ironically despite being hugely right wing. It was written during the heyday of the style of course. The thing Ayn Rand seemed to dread the most was just shitty copies of the parthenon and other garbage like that, which were like super common I guess in the 19th century.


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His artistic analysis is retarded but I agree it was the last great American and Western European architecture style

Things I wish would happen because stacy rejected me due to her degeneracy or something

I love how the right shifted from "Trump isn't a fascist" to "Fascism is actually good" when they realized he was.

Fascists hate Trump tho. Like on alt-right subs like this, you will find more Trump hate than love.

It varies. Some think he secretly agrees with them on everything and is only pretending to be a neocon.

Qanon or whatever does not count lmao. Tbh I have no idea where they came from but nobody else likes them.

Trump isn't a fascist though- because he has no real ideology in the first place. He doesn't actually understand the ethos of Traditionalism or any of the actual tenets of fascism.

You could call him an authoritarian, but not a fascist.

Fascists can be really eclectic in their ideological influences. In fact when coming to power they often downplay the more unsavory parts of their ideology. Like Hitler didn’t win the 1932 election by ranting about Jews and promising to kill all the cripples. He was pretty vague and mostly just promised the moon, his campaign was almost a catch all campaign designed to attract the middle class. And that’s what he won based off of, he decimated the entire preexisisting right and center and liberals and peeled off all their voters such that at the end it was largely just him, the Socialists, and the Commies.

And the German Socialists and Communists of course hate each other like nothing else due to the enmity after the SDP’s post WWI brutal crushing of several left wing revolutions in Germany in concert with fascists. This is honestly a big deal between the SDP and Die Linke to this fucking day, Like Die Linke’s think tank is the “Rosa Luxembourg foundation”, and the SDP’s think tank is the “Friedrich Ebert foundation”. Ebert FYI is the guy who literally gave the order for the summary execution of Rosa Luxembourg.

Hey, a few of the Estonians from CA are in there. Was wondering what ever happened to those guys.

We're reaching levels of cope that shouldn't be humanly possible

Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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