Foid remarks on how good her week has been, because sex scenes in a movie didn't trigger a "panic attack" and her soy boyfriend has been successfully trained into looking at the ground shamefully when they appear on screen.

1  2019-12-01 by TeeEssDoubleU


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That sub is a goldmine

Literally entirely foids all looking thru their boyfriend's phones without permission.

this is why I'm gay

Post bussy pics

Being gay is actually the straightest thing you could do. A wise man once said, “Manly men like doing manly things.” What’s more many than other men? Therefore, being gay is straight 🤗

Based and bussypilled

show benis

My wife is literally like this. I have to browse vanilla porn with the same level of OPSEC as a libertarian with hard drives full of CP. Kill me please.

You're underbeating your foid.

👞 mashallah



you not only date women, you not only dated an insane woman, you married an insane woman. by Allah I would beg for mercy but you deserve none

Do you actually do anything besides use a browser that doesn't store history?

That and leaving no traces of physical evidence. Every Coom is like a "dead nigger storage" scene from Pulp Fiction.

I've just now created an equivalent sub for moids, /r/EmotionalCheating where we can speak in shocked tones about our girlfriends' "addiction to romance novels" that promote "unrealistic standards for masculinity." And talk candidly about the serious relationship obstacle of finding shirtless pictures of male celebrities in their girlfriend's browsing history.

BASED can i be a mod?

By the power vested in me you are now a jannie


Can I be a janny too? I promise to abuse my powers and y'all every other thread.

no general y'alling, but I'm modding you so you can take appropriate mod action against extremist emotional cheating apologists who say things like "there's nothing wrong with reading a romance novel when you're in a relationship" or "reading a romance novel is not as bad as going to a strip club"

I feel like I've crossed a threshold and become less than human. You'll live to regret this, and so will I.

I wouldn't actually do anything or ever do mod shit, but if you want another retard on the team jannie me up

I’m an incel too can I join?

chads only


>>>>>wishing to be a jannie

How the fuck was that not a sub already?

Image thinking that moids on reddit have some sort of contact with foids.

I love it. Count me in.

You shouldn’t have advertised this here. You could have advertised the sub to MRAs to really make it boom. Also, I hate w*men.

That's great.

You are doing god's work. Looks like you have some power hungry jannies to get you rolling, so I look forward to seeing much sperging in the future.

Can I be a janny there?


I'll be watching you
Every breath you take and every move you make
Every bond you break, every step you take
I'll be watching you
Every single day, every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay
I'll be watching you
Every move you make, every vow you break
Every smile you fake, every claim you stake
I'll be watching you
Every single day, every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay
I'll be watching you


You's a pussy nigga
You's a pussy
You's a pussy nigga (it's a, pussy, wussy, pussy)
You's a, you's a pussy (it's a, pussy, wussy, pussy)
Let her suck all on your neck, you's a big pussy (it's a, pussy, wussy, pussy)
You didn't really get her wet, 'cause you're big pussy (broke)
Nigga shouldn't jammed that TEC 'cause you're big pussy (broke)
You'll get fingered with a clip, you's a big pussy (broke)
Let a nigga snatch your neck 'cause you're big pussy
I rock all water baguettes on you big pussies

It's a, pussy, wussy, pussy
It's a, pussy, wussy, pussy
It's a, pussy, pussy, pussy
It's a, pussy, pussy, pussy

based thugger

This made me uncomfortably shift around in embarrassment. What is wrong with these people?

I am not as obsessive about checking the accountability software on all the electronics. I went several days this week where I didn't even think about it, let alone check it. I'm going to start checking only once a week for now and hopefully I won't feel like I'm losing control because I'm not constantly looking at his electronic activity.

What the fuck happened in the past ten years. How did it come to this?

accountability software

This is some dystopian shit.

What the fuck happened in the past ten years. How did it come to this?

An unprecedented tech revolution at the same time the West collectively lost its religion and its sense of purpose?

Because a handful of submissive moids is worse than religion?

Religion built Rome, Giza, Cahokia, old Baghdad, the Vatican City, Notre Dame, Nidaros, and arguably America. Nutless moids build Lego sets modeled after Disney IPs.

This take on history gives me the giggles.

The people I meet who are religious tend to be honest good people raising a family and working hard. The people I meet who are atheists are usually drug abusing degenerates who half ass a meaningless job and live like adult children. I wish I could believe in god.

just believe in all the discipline and anti degen shit without believing in retard crap like after life and spooky sky overlords who can see you pooping.

someone should just create a christianity lite that is basically that, because otherwise you have to trade off anti degeneracy with being low IQ enough to believe in supernatural things.

I wish I could believe in god.

That about sums up the last few years of my thinking. You're based, buddy

Go to church on peyote. You'll meet God then.

You must be a Yankee.

Nah, southern boy. There are godless big men here too.

Then where are you from that you could possibly think religious southerners are necessarily better adjusted? In my experience bible thumping confederate inbreds outnumber reasonable religious folk.

A major southeastern city. The Bible thumping confederate inbreds are still way better than video game playing manchild atheists. We have way more of the latter where I am.

Losers just waste away. Religicucks force their retardation on others

You’re the product of that force. They’re the only ones who have a lasting impact on the world. The world is made by them and the losers are just deadweight.

Religion is a byproduct of fears and gullibility. It doesn't actually produce the good things you're correlating it with

There’s a reason why some societies survived and others didn’t. The only surviving atheist society I know of is the pygmies, and that’s probably just due to their isolation.

The fact that most societies developed religion doesn't prove that religion betters societies. But even if it did, the ability to keep goat herders in line for their masters in 200bce doesn't mean it's a better way to conduct yourself now.

The fact that most societies developed religion doesn't prove that religion betters societies.

Yeah maybe it’s just a coincidence that pretty much every society in recorded history had religion.

the ability to keep goat herders in line for their masters in 200bce doesn't mean it's a better way to conduct yourself now.

No, that is proven by the fact that religious people tend to be productive adults and pot smoking atheists tend to either be video game playing man children or dick addicted thots.

It's not a coincidence that almost every society developed it but if everyone does something then of course the successful ones will do it. The unsuccessful ones do it too. Try and keep your argument consistent.

Being stupid makes you more willing to work hard for no reason so it makes sense.

lol people built modern society because they’re stupid and everything is meaningless, also did I mention how great my farts smell? Sniff...mmm marvelous

Ok retard.

It's the morons who fell for the religious trap that made it so that I'm not in an anarcho primitive society working for 20 hours a week to feed myself and spending the remaining time fucking and chilling with my cave homies.

In early society during the agricultural revolution most serfs lived a worse life than they would in the wild and many escaped back into it. Religion finally sealed the deal and ruined humanity forever.

Lol. You would have been a child sex slave for the local warlord and then died from exposure once he was finished with your bussy.

Warlords imply society has formed. We wouldn't make that mistake.

How would you stop them? Let them buttfuck you until they die of exhaustion?

There would be no warlords if there was no society brainlet. Warlords require agriculture to support a warrior class

All it takes for someone to beat you up and make you their slave is for them to be stronger than you. No farms required.

Then in what way are they a warlord?

In the way they take people’s stuff, murder them, rape their women and enslave their children. Sounds pretty warlordy to me and none of that requires agriculture.

With what fucking army you sperg. You can't generate enough calories to do all that shit by pillage if there aren't clean villages to pillage with food stores from agriculture. Any would be warlord would starve.

I pillage in my free time.


Do you have a better take or are you just going to be a smug asshole?

No definitely Giza, including spectacular but worthless tombs, was built with religion and not engineering and hard work ergo Christianity is the best. Also a huge fan of the dark ages, crusades, and inquisition. 🔯🕉🕎🕊🛐💯

So the ancient Egyptians weren't religious? Shit, someone needs to tell the historians.

That's exactly what I said.

If you think this trend will just stop here and has no greater consequences in a macro sense, then sure

they've just swiched their old religion for another worse one


You should definitely continue to express your sincere opinions. They truely matter and it's totes lit that you recognize this is a perfect place and time to get people on board for your fresh take on the often misunderstood subject of atheism.

Good job being comfortable with the uncomfortable and keeping us on our toes.

He belongs to le wifey.

i wonder if she lets him adult while shes making sexy times with Tyrone the Bull

What the fuck happened in the past ten years. How did it come to this?


Best we all chop our balls off to stop us cooming then. You go first.

Imagine still having your balls in 2019

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race


That is an incredible sub, thank you for opening my eyes to it.

One of the main mods, who posted this in the equally incredible /r/unsentletters:

you stupid SOB....

A, You literally are this dumb arent you. I could knock the ever living shit out of you I am so baffled. You literally not even 6 months ago lost custody of your daughter cause you ran away to another state and skipped court, AND YOUR STUPID ASS IS PREGNANT AGAIN!?!


Best part is, the father is just as pathetic as your are! Also leaving his kid behind just to be with your crazy ass.

Ughh. I swear to everything holy, I am so damn glad I cut you out of my life. I am SO glad i dont have to hear about this drama and spend countless hours listening to you make shit stories up for attention. Your daughters doing amazingly by the way. Your moms done an immaculate job raising her so far.

And then your mom says "she said she wants her back now. She said i stole her from her".


you have got to be shittin me. No. No fucking way in hell are you getting her back. Its pretty damning when your mom seeks temp custody and the judge says "no im giving you permanent custody". I testified against your stupid self.

I will do it again if I have to. Watch me.

Snappy pls


OK so maybe this is just because I'm part of the elite who is actually competent at sex but does anyone else just kind of naturally lay off the porn when they're in a relationship? Like, I don't even try, but at the same time I also fuck all the time when I'm dating someone. Like, nigga you got a gf lmao cum in her lol

These people watch crazy weirdo porn, not good old fashioned porn.

Them jacking off to women being gangbanged upside down in bondage or actual hentai stimulates a totally different part of their brain than their 1.5 minutes of missionary with their fat girlfriends stimulates.

Lmao I watch fucked up porn, too, why do you think my flair says consensual rapist lmao. I just do shit like rape role play because it's way more fun and pretty much every chick is into it anyways

These girls that make these posts aren’t into that tho. At least not from their cucklord boyfriends. Maybe they’re into it from their bulls

No chance a woman would be turned on by a guy who looks at the ground during sex scenes forcing himself onto her. Women only like that from real alpha males they feel intimidated by them and it excites them.

No chance a woman would be turned on by a guy who looks at the ground during sex scenes forcing himself onto her.

True. At this point the dude may as well start HRT if he wants a chance at a good sex life.

That kinda defeats the purpose of your original comment, then. The problem is that the guys are massive losers with obnoxious partners, nothing to do with the porn they watch.

the girls that make these posts don't care about porn: they all do weird intrusive shit like monitor their BFs phones and computers. this is a crazy control fetish

And here come the commie rapists you probably tell them your a feminist while your choke fucking em huh?

No I tell them their pussy is now state property and I'm the new local head of the NKVD

Its so easy to get commies wet just make it seem like your gonna put em in a camp they get really excited

Sorry sweety, we don't have camps we have labor colonies 😘

Lmao and you tried to act as though you weren't mentally ill, almost had us

good old fashioned porn

women being gangbanged upside down in bondage or actual hentai


Imagine using The Office memes

As if you deserve better after casting aspersions on gangbangs.


I watch crazy bondage shit too. All that means is when I'm in a relationship I do crazy bondage shit with my partner, lol. People who have non-BDSM sex are just boring.

I have rough sex too

Hot take: people who need to use equipment to dominate their partner are weak CMV

The key is to use the equipment on yourself to make it extra challenging.

My view is changed, thank you

Counter-take: if you use equipment it broadens the horizons for how you can dominate. I'm not jacked but I'm fairly strong and can overpower pretty much any chick who isn't a competitive powerlifter and has dabbled with steroids, but I still can appreciate watching her try to break free from her rope or the sound of leather as it smacks her ass purple.

Hey man, you seem like you might know a lot about BDSM.

Reckon you could give me some pointers on roof hung Shibi knotts for people of a certain weight?

Seems like you're the kinda guy that'd have a wealth of expertise in that area

I would love to help, but unfortunately that's one I've never been able to do simply because my entire life has been spent living with my parents, living in my barracks, living in my friends house, or living in apartments. I've never been able to do anything involving hanging simply because I can't make the modifications needed to do it where I live 😞😞😞

Were all on this journey together brother.

One day you'll get a place without parents and the structural stability to support that kind of weight.

Lmao I haven't lived with my parents in like 7 years when I was a teenager 😂

The key is to punch her really hard in the face off bat then you dont need to do anything except flinch at her to dominate her

Nothing wrong with fucked up porn. My gf was looking at my reddit the other day:

"Why are you subscribed to the bimbofication subreddit?"
"The same reason I'm subscribed to the hucows subreddit."
"You're a pervert."
"Got it in one."


I mean we have all been there. The healthy thing to do is to maybe take a step back once you've wanked yourself raw over brazilian girls sucking each others feminine penises for the 3rd time in a week, but apparently some people can't stop.

well most of these situations it's probably because the girl put on a fuck ton of weight and the guy feels mean for saying "honey you got fat and it grosses me out" so he just kinda avoids the topic and they don't bang, and he whacks off to pornhub in secret.

also this is a foid who had "panic attacks" over softcore movie scenes, i mean, do you think this guy is getting much ass anyway lmao.

Sadly this is probably the most on point response. She's probably not even letting him fuck her that much and she still gets on his ass about porn and sex scenes in movies? She doesn't have a husband/boyfriend, she has eunuch.

Soy it’s a hellavu drug

True but at that point why even date lmao

people have low self esteem, depression, break ups are hard, once they get in a relationship lots of people just avoid ending it and eat shit just to avoid the pain of a break up on top of their other problems.

also lots of people will bait and switch, there is no way this girl was honest about being psychotically prudish to the point where a movie sex scene triggered a melt down at the start of the relationship, she probably put out all the time and did her best to act sane, and now the guy is depressed and stuck with a psycho who beat him down until he's looking at the ground in shame when james bond bangs another slut to not offend his BPD girlfriend.

he probably doesn't have many other options for who to date either, i mean the kind of guy who lets a foid turn his life into this isn't a chad by any stretch, in looks or personality.

it's some sad shit nigga.

That must something normal people do. I dump women more often than not, but I like to make them think it's their idea and they're dumping me. It cuts down on the crazy foid shenanigans. Just say something like "yeah, your sister liked it that way, too" during sex and you're off to the races.

I have learned a really good way to break up with a girl and make it her idea. Just say, "I really think that the reason I'm so attracted to you is because you remind me of my mother." Say it like it's a good thing, not a bad thing, and act like you think the relationship will be better off for you having said it. Bitch will have her shit packed and be gone before breakfast.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say the problem is that these guys come home on a Tuesday night and say, "let's do it," and their wives say, "I have a headache," or "I'm not in the mood," or "did you forget I'm a frigid hosebeast?" This repeats on Wednesday and Friday night (they have football on Thursdays now), same shit throughout the weekend, until it's two or three weeks since they blew a load in their wife. Compounding that problem is her shitty attitude and sense of entitlement, and the fact that she's getting fatter and her looks are fading. So he starts watching porn and spanking it. Time drifts on and eventually he's into Rule #34 Lola Bunny and understands why R. Kelly pisses on teenagers. Then their wives catch on and have a nervous breakdown. Instead of telling her that her fat ass needs to start putting out, he makes up a bullshit story about being "addicted" to porn, and thankfully he married into stupid because her dumb ass believes him. It's like a Lifetime movie, except that everyone's unattractive and Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.


It's because most of the women who post in there are cut from the same cloth that FDS is. So you get a bunch of narcissistic women who don't take care of themselves hooking up with high sex drive moids.

Then being disappointed when the once monthly 2 minute rumble under the cover leads to ruining their relationship

I don't. Sex in the morning, coom at lunch, sex in the afternoon and you better believe IM COOOMING at night too.

And yes muh dick is just tatters at this point.

Bro just fucking get your chick, tie her the fuck down, choke the absolute fuck out of her, beat her ass till its fucking purple while she's crying and begging for you to stop with tears in her eyes, and then violently fuck the living hell out of her. Once you do that than jacking off loses its appeal.

Also, it goes without saying that you don't do this shit without setting up rules and shit beforehand, but if she isn't down for that kinda shit than unironically why the actual fuck are you even dating her.

No matter how kinky a person's sex life is, some people like their solo time - often precisely because there are no other people involved. That's fine, as long as it's not fucking with their sex lives or relationships. Shit's not even a sin anymore.

When you hit that 2-3 year mark and the sex gets a bit stale, I start to lay into the porn a bit before I come to it and have a chat with the gf about how stale sex is and how we need to spice it up

I've never had sex get boring but then again I've never had boring sex so there's that I guess.

generally i dont watch much porn these days i watched some videos or attempted? to watch it with her but 2 minutes later we end up dropping the phone and fucking anyway

i mean comparing to this shit they have, im in the perfect relationship and i like to watch some bdsm from time to time. MY foid isnt really into it but doesnt really care. Like they really had to watch shitton on some degeneracy shit or foids are just retarded(color me shocked).

I checked her post history and she had a post where she was happy her cuck had only her nudes on phones or something like this sooo i think these bitches are jsut powerhungry

What about it you're watching porn whilst cumming into her and she's tied up with her head stuck in a box because you both have degradation / objectification kink?

The whole war on porn thing is driven by cumbrains who are not able to lay off the porn for 3 days when they feel ye olde death grip.

For real. A girl I know gets dick on the side cause her husband is a mega coomer. She's caught him jerkin off in the bathroom and he has a twitter account just for his cuck porn. Like bruh if u wanna be a coomer there are sites with HD video. She only started cheating on him cause he kept pushing her further into degeneracy, first making her swing, then doing cuck shit and lettin him watch or get pics. She stopped sending shit but kept doing it cause the whole thing grossed her out and now she's completely repulsed by him sexually.

I have sex

out Out OUT!

Eh, if you're living together sure, but after a couple days apart it's not a big deal

What a delightful sub you've discovered here.

For years my husband was telling me how beautiful I was and how he was lucky to have me. Regardless of porn he never felt that it affected his view of me. Sure enough, it eventually did. One day he said, I just don’t find you attractive anymore and I don’t know why. When I said it was because of porn he said I tried to blame porn lol

Foid gets fat, discovers The Wall™, and blames porn. A classic love story.

My boyfriend is German descent and he has a fetish for non-white women. He looks at porn of non-white women and him making love to me is starting to become traumatizing and disgusting to be honest. When he makes love to me he makes really nasty sexual comments about my race and skin color and then he looks at my butt and legs and it's like he's imagining himself having sex with the women he sees in porn.

When he looks at my body parts while he's inside of me it feels like he's cheating on me with me, if that makes any sense.

I have no words.

reddit tier marriages

God damn, imagine coming home from work to THAT. Being single isn't great but god damn the self service pump beats that any day.

These people need to get a life holy fuck imagine living this way

When he makes love to me he makes really nasty sexual comments about my race and skin color

The white woman is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a whore, parasite, slut, bitch, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But call her a white woman and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

When he looks at my body parts while he's inside of me it feels like he's cheating on me with me, if that makes any sense.

I can't believe this is not a parody.

the very owner of the sub is actually a GC posting self described radfem.

what we are seeing here, in this sub, is what happens when you date a GC's horrifying lmao.


Yeah surprised nobody else has read between the lines either, but this is all about foid narcissism, not porn.

Guaranteed hoes be mad if their man pays attention to literally anything OTHER than them. Same women who slowly restrict their victim's outside contact with friends until It's total relationship isolation.

Surprise, it's normal for healthy moids to watch porn.

Shouldn’t she be in class? Writing essays and shit

Holy shit... that mommy issues post... she seriously makes everything her mother's fault, like everything. Even her stupid rebellious teenage decisions are somehow everyone else's fault and she's the victim. Then she admits to narcissism but claims she has it under control? Did she not hear herself? Oof this website brings out the crazies.

Dude gussy lmao

>always the foid seeking comfort on moid's porn addiction

never vise-versa cause the moid is happy when the foid is sex'd up

>!take the hint 😒!<

Based and biology-pilled.

never vise-versa cause the moid is happy when the foid is sex'd up

Probably because "sex'd up" foids don't have a limp dick.

Necker stick your 🍆in crazy gussy

What a bunch of literal pieces of garbage 🤭

Figurative pieces of garbage.

No like, actual waste that should have been thrown in with the rubbish long ago because it is all spoiled and has foid mold on it.

> sex scene ptsd


Looking forward to more from this sub

This and wallstreetbets are only good subs on reddit.

Porn addiction is one of the fastest growing epidemics, and partners/spouses need a resource just as much as the addict.

LOL -- people like looking at tits. Who'da thunk it?

I am not as obsessive about checking the accountability software on all the electronics. I went several days this week where I didn't even think about it, let alone check it. I'm going to start checking only once a week for now and hopefully I won't feel like I'm losing control because I'm not constantly looking at his electronic activity.

Holy hell, that is some creepy shit.

Has anyone told these dumb bitches about blowjobs? Maybe if they quit being a bunch of unrepentant harpies and learned to swallow their husbands wouldn't be watching German tranny-midget dungeon porn.

Imagine being so cucked that you let your partner install "accountability software" on your electronics. Holy fuck. Wonder how these dudes even function.

This is about porn in a very small way and control issues in a very big way. I'd bet that most of the guys there have serious parental issues and the women are obviously of their damn minds to anyone who isn't a spineless enabler to that kind of abuse.

control issues and a weird obsession with being "better" than the partner. It might be the same thing but they all love patting themselves on the back for giving their terrible boyfriends another chance

In another thread on porn and religion I saw:

I am in a Christian relationship and me and my husband agreed to no porn unless it is together.

Which ought to be a snappy quote or something.

I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. Foid remarks on how good her week h... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

I legit feel bad for all those guys who have to put up with the abusive likes of women like this. The bluepill was a mistake

woman trying to cope with becoming fat and unattractive more news at 5

Holy shit that entire sub is great. It's the natural evolution of FDS

An entire movie

6 softcore sex scenes

What retards watches 1am skinemax flicks unironically? Was this to "test each other"?

I did sideeye him during each scene and each time i saw him look down instead of at the scene. Yay for progress.

If he's a porn addict, his overbeaten cock wouldn't stir for anything less than ultra mega latex gangbangs with bad dragon dildos.

What kind of retard uses the word foid?

How many times do you think you need to post pictures of your vagina on the internet before you stop being sad?

How many times do you randomly stalk people on the internet to win an argument? Bruhh

You should invest that time trying to learn how to stop being a creep 😂💀

So you don't know...keep trying I guess

Camera isn’t close enough to the meat flaps

Well he is not the guy posting his genitelia on a website that minors visit, so i would say you are the bigger creep

Wait....... Mmmmmm.... You say that... You....... An..... Gurl??? Mmmmmhmmm.. May I introduce you to a........ piece of heaven? It has 4 inches.................

fuck outa here normalfag

No you fucking retard. We want her to stay, it's like you don't even know what a lolcow.

Too many upbotes on this, we need another banpocalypse

it's called banter and not only did she not leave, but it made her sperg out for 200 replies, and she probably isn't going anywhere.

i know what i'm doing, you novice.

Nah retard, you harass them but don't tell them to leave

Gotta play the long game


Pff you all are so lame lmao. No wonder you never get laid.

Above, the foid displays the extent of her sex's argumentative capabilities: a reference to the lack of sex her opponent has. A classic, along with other responses such as "found the incel" and snarky GIFs.

Am I wrong tho? lol


Probably. Approved submitters here have to supply evidence that they made contact with bussy at least once. So the only incel here is most likely you.

What the fuck is a bussy?

Nah fam, I love men

Well at least you prefer bussy too. Would femcel be more appropriate?

Being straight is so gay

Being gay never felt so straight.

I love men

So does everyone here. This is reddit's largest gay and trans community 🥰🥰

So do we so you are in good company.

There’s nothing straighter than being balls deep in some trap’s boy pussy

I got in by drawing KaaraRavens birdsona

I know there are some bad apples 🙄🙄🙄

And kaara always claims she isnt a furry


I got in by sucking on lawlz’s massive 8ft cock

I think you mistake lawlz for trappy



Press X to doubt



We fuck dudes here, get out.

I don’t get laid? That’s not what your little brother whispered in my ear last night, homo ;)

You're the literal incarnation of the rat kid middle schoolers who use "your mom" as an insult

I don't even have a brother 💀💀

ok this is pwnage

I don't even have a brother

That you're aware have no idea what your dad has done in all the years it's taken him to get that pack of cigarettes.

I don't give a fuck about my dad so joke's on you

Family insults? Really man?

How does it feel to be rejected from every part of society so that you have to settle for a hateful circle jerk internet community of creeps and misogynistic fucks?


i'll mysogynistic fuck your mom

Oh look at me! I'm so offended!!! :(((( 😂😂😂

You seethed so hard you deleted your post-op photos, but everyone already saved them so 🤷🏾‍♀️

if I put laughing emojis in here maybe they'll believe I'm not getting worked up over this

Where did your pussy pics go, BTW?

Feels good, foid.

I don't give a fuck about my dad so joke's on you

At least you have the consolation of knowing the feeling is mutual.

How does it feel to be rejected from every part of society so that you have to settle for a hateful circle jerk internet community of creeps and misogynistic fucks?

It feels right, Brian. Things could always be worse. I could be a male feminist or a libertarian.


Yes lol

if i don't get laid how did i bang your mom?

That's the most elementary school insult I've ever heard lmao

your vagina looks gross

Are you sure you aren't looking at a mirror?

"that was a lame come back"

then decides to go with "no u"

stick to posting your gross roastie for neck beards to jerk off too sweaty.

Or how about you stick to being a miserable incel who will probably end up killing themselves anyway?

posts nudes all day for virgins on reddit as her only sense of validation

uses incel as an insult

sweaty, virgins are the ones updooting your hideous roastie and giving it compliments, aka your only source of actual validation in life. the fuck is wrong with that thing anyway, did it get burned in a fire?

now if you'll excuse me, i have to go be a chad in real life, loser.

Why did you even take so much time to analyze it if you think it's ugly bruh are you seriously retarded?

And you know what? I don't believe there's anything wrong with virgins. I'd always choose a virgin over an incel.

i looked at it for two seconds before almost throwing up my lunch.

I'd always choose a virgin over an incel.

"i would choose thing thing that is the same as this other thing."

t. literal fucking retard.

The difference between an incel and a virgin is that incels are bitter ass men who can't get laid because of their social incompetence.

Virgins are just regular men who haven't got laid yet.


snappy quote tier material here

You are not a regular man if you've never tried boipucci though 🤔🤔🤔

Snappy please

Slayyy 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻

Only the fact that you use the word Chad is enough proof of how bitter you are.

I'd tell you yo get laid, but I know you can't lol

i'm a literal chad who wouldn't touch a vagina that looked like that even if i haven't been laid for years, you are a low tier Becky who posts nudes to reddit because you have mental illness.



Bruh, stick to playing Minecraft.

And what the fuck is a Becky anyway? Some sort of retard incel term?

look, i know you can probably sense my pure testosterone filled aura through my posting, and as a pitiful roastie, thrive on obtaining my attention and validation, but you are below my league and i don't associate with basic thots who post nudes online, please cease communication with me immediately.

This is the pettiest thing someone has ever addressed to me

Tbh I'm not even mad like it's just fun to trigger y'all but seriously tho being an incel is pointless and that bitterness will get you nowhere in life

Not that you have one, but maybe you could get one if you stopped being a lame ass internet creep

Ok thot

At least I have balls and own I'm a "thot" I don't care, I love sex. So what? Enjoying sex or sexual stuff doesn't make anyone a thot. Not that an incel would get it, but if you ever come out of your cave, you'll get my point.

Ok whore

Ok incel

Please stop flooding my DMs it's creepy. You are literally harassing me and it's making me uncomfortable

I didn't harass you. It's the truth. You were the one you God knows why stalked me to see my nudes? So I think you're the creepy one here.

posts nudes on a public website where literally anyone can see

"oh what the fuck you looked at them, LITERALLY STALKING"

look i know that it's not the smart women who end up in your position in life but please, be at least a little less retarded than this.

You're probably like 12 so I won't even keep arguing with you

It's pointless

You people have issues geez

You got fucking murked retard, why do you bother replying. Do you get off to it?


This was a fucking fantastic thread. Thank you op

Lmao she actually resorted to dms


A lock that is opened by many keys is a shitty lock. Your father is a poor locksmith, clearly he should've spent more time with you.

That's a very fucked up concept of sexuality you have there, but what do I know?

A woman can sleep with as many men as she wants and that won't lower her worth. And you know why? Because sexuality has nothing to do with a person's worth. It doesn't matter if you've slept with one person or ten. That won't make you a better or a worse person. But then again, it's evident you have no clue what you're talking about.

But then again, it's evident you have no clue what you're talking about.

With a pussy like yours I can assure you I get laid more often than you.

It's not a competition, I don't care if you do lol

I'm just saying I've been with a lot of broads so I know that the expression "A key that opens many locks is a master key, yet a lock that is opened by many keys is a shitty lock" has a lot of truth to it. Especially if the said lock looks like a botched bottom surgery.

And let me assure you nobody on the goddman internet cares about how many fictional girls you've fucked. Your whole argument is based around insulting my genitals, seriously? Have some creativity

I don't expect you to care about the broads I've had the pleasure of sharing a night with. I'm telling you my perspective of you as someone who's seen a lot of gals.

You keep saying that other guy doesn't get laid because he's an incel. On a similar vein I'm telling you that you get laid because you're a "shitty lock". Your disgusting meat curtain is the cherry on top.

What part of sex not being a competition or determining people's worth didn't you understand?

I'm not saying you're low quality goods because you have sex.

I'm saying gals like you who have sex a lot tend to be low quality goods.

I'm not implying causation, I'm pointing at a correlation.

I never said I had a lot of sex. I said I enjoyed sex, which is really different.

Little reading comprehension would come in handy

So I was right about your disgusting meat curtains.

Honestly if you enjoy sex yet still can't get laid that often as a broad that's fucking sad bro.

Please stop talking to me you disgusting hunk of loosely put together flesh.

"Meat curtains" is now added to the incels dictionary

I'm sorry but I have no dominion over incels. In fact they would hate me for getting laid.

Are we done, femcel?

Just the fact that you used femcel and keep trying to prove a point that's just impossible to win is proof enough of how bitter you are.

prove a point that's just impossible to win

I think you're confused. I'm just giving you some anecdotal advice. That is:

Broads like you who obsess over sex to the extent that they post their disgusting cunnies online are, most of the time, bottom-of-the-barrel tier women. Any men who's willing to copulate with such women is a desperate incel who just wants to get laid and doesn't care which meat slit his weiner ends up in.

This is my experience as a male who's 'been around'. You don't have to buy my world view. That's what so great about anecdotal evidence. I'm just telling you something I've observed and you're free to refuse my story. But it's very telling that you're seething over my simple advice.

"Meat curtains" as a term for large labia has been around far longer than incels. As a conniseur of them I should know.

If you truly think this why have you been calling others incels all day long? Just call them misogynists instead, which is the same thing except the whole being a virgin thing.

You're now accepting you're misogynists. Guess that's progress.

"Why don't you call people misogynist instead of incel"

"So you admit you're misogynist"

Great female-tier reading comprehension. You never even called me an incel lmao.

We prefer the term "misanthropes" go on an Google it, I'll wait.

The concept you people have of sexuality is seriously preoccupying. Anyway, have fun being a creep ✌🏼

I'm not the one spam-DMing strangers on the internet

are we sure thats not a necromantic wound ??

necromantic 🤣

Sex is about enjoyment, not about competing to see who gets laid more often or who has fucked the most people.

It's impossible to enjoy fucking a literal pile of roast beef though

Is it wrong that I just ate Arby's?

It's alright if it isn't hers

sexuality has nothing to do with a person's worth

uses virgin and incel as her only insult.


And when did I use the word virgin as an insult? I used the term incel, correct, because incel means involuntary celibate. Because no one wants to be with them.

Virgins are just normal men who haven't had sex yet.

Is it so hard to understand?

"bro don't judge women for how many people they fuck"

"hahahha incels are losers cause no one will fuck them hahahaha".

i'm sure the concept of hypocrisy is a little hard for someone of your intellect to understand, but you don't get to randomly call people virgins and rant about slut shaming in the same argument, you literal brainlet.

The thing you people aren't seeming to get is that incels don't get laid because they're misogynistic fucks who hate women. It's not because they're virgins. It's because they're hateful fucks

i get laid all the time and i hate women, check mate.

I can't find a proper response to something so stupid so I will rather go to sleep.



flawless victory

You will eventually end up killing yourself and that's just gonna be natural selection

Woah you gotta be nice here, no "kysposting" on this wholesome subreddit!

Oh sweetie, you seem upset. Please control your histrionic self, the men are talking here 😎💪💪

Damn, imagine getting validation from incels on reddit, and then lol, then you're off calling a bunch of drama posters incels. Irony

Incel incel incel incel incel incel

Trying to beetlejuice your fanbase?


Are your tits as floppy as your meatflaps?

sex has nothingn to do with your worth

insults people who are not sexually active for it


Why did allah make women so fucking stupid?

but it definitely is, inshallah

This is your brain on kufr

It does matter. It doesn't make you a worse person, but it does lower your value as a potential wife. If you're hoping to have a stable family, you better start being more choosey about who you let pound your behind, else your going to end up with three or four oopsy babies and saying men are trash for not committing to me.

Biggest pile of cope ever

Are you finished crying already, "Chad"?

He revoked consent to your conversation yet you kept responding. That's rape.


There is no doubting that this woman is a novice, but I sense potential in her bantz.

looked through your profile, and all i can say is "i'm thinking arbys"

shes got the beef!!!

Roast Beef Banquet

slug pussy

Damn girl ! You told him to kys! Most people don't have the balls to say that around here, you have my respect 💅🏼

It's getting like 5 upvotes, even the neckbeards don't seem interested.

lol imagine posting your sleeve of wizard to a site of kissless permavirgins and only getting double digit upvotes for the effort.

Either way you'll never actually see a vagina in real life. Creep ass incel

i wouldn't want to if it looked like that......

But regardless both of us know you'll never see one because you're the lowest of low and nobody will ever want you 😂😂

t. thot who posts nudes online.

this is who calls you an incel.......

That's where you are wrong. I'm pretty sure everyone calls you an incel, or why else would you have taken the time to stalk me and then trying to attack me saying my vagina is ugly?? Like what kind of insult is that?

I don't think people actually get offended when you call their genitals ugly lol

TSW is a king and deserves respect.

No drama poster deserves respect.

why do you reply to my comments twice, is this part of whatever mental illness girls who post nudes to reddit have?

i can't keep track of like 15 banter threads you fucking retard calm the hell down.

Look who's calling me a retard? The creep who stalks random strangers online?

How is that disease called? Fucking pedo

why else would you have taken the time to stalk me

With a decent internet connection, it literally takes less than 5 seconds to click your username and scroll down.

and then trying to attack me saying my vagina is ugly?? Like what kind of insult is that?

I don't think people actually get offended when you call their genitals ugly lol

Are you of the belief that only "incels" use the appearance of genitals as an insult?

I don't think people actually get offended when you call their genitals ugly lo

You think wrong.

It's not even offensive it's just petty


Girls I send my penis to always call it ugly, I find it kind of discouraging and often found myself not sending pictures of my penis. Please think before calling genitals ugly!

You shouldn't send pictures of your penis unless you have explicit consent from the other party.

But how am I gonna get consent if they dont know me?

Asking for it?

"Hey, nudes?"

If they say yes, you can send the pic If they say no, then you don't

It's not so hard

Tried that once, never got a reply, so now I do the new attempt.

That's still wrong. Not responding means no. Unless you have an explicit yes, you shouldn't do it dude

But I would argue that getting an answer is still kinda preferable...

But yet you have your beef flaps out there for all of us to see. I didn't ask to be scarred this morning.

Hey, nudes?

Just don't look lmao

lmao get loved femcel

I repeat, there's a reason why y'all aren't being allowed to have sex


Was there actually nudes? Because now the only post she has is an edgy quote and 100% of her comments are on r/drama. 🤔

Yeah, it was fully zoomed pictures of a dry vagina with razor burn and stubble. Like that was it. 4 or 5 pictures of vagina unbelievably close. It was unreal

Why is it all these air headed bimbos talk about is sex? What else do you have to offer the world besides your body? Because it sure isnt your brain or sense of humor.

She knows, at least, subconsciously that the only real value she can provide is her holes. This is in conflict with being told she’s a valuable, strong lady who can do anything and is creating a smouldering misery manifested as freely giving away her only asset for as much attention and recognition as possible while it still has value; to attempt to reach the level she was told she deserves and now expects but will never receive.

Oh I know. I'm speaking to a wider audience who may be ignorant on the Foid Question.

This hurt my

You're a literal roastie. You literally have roast beef flaps.

What makes you think your opinion is valid?

You have a small vienna sausage cottage cheese dick so you might wanna sit the fuck cause you'll never see roast beef flaps either in ya life 💁🏽‍♀️

That the best you can do?

hoes mad





Here we see the foid in her natural state. Unable to dish out any insults other ‘yOu DoN’t GeT lAiD’

Seethe some more foid.

Are you implying that a woman's only value is sex?! I am so triggered right now.


What is it with foids and immediately bringing up sex as if that’s like the most important thing to anyone ever?

What appears to be the issue ?

Moids, man.

"MoIdS" pfff there's a reason why the genetic pool isn't letting you all reproduce 💀💀

Lol he has two kids you pastrami

> foids

Jesus Christ mexicans like you need to stop producing. Your just breeding slaves for the whites you dumb bitch

Are you aware that there's more Spanish speaking countries than Mexico? Go take a geography class You're the reason everyone thinks incels are retarded

Geography wouldn't teach that lmao

Well, that is how it's called where I come from.

Don't know about America

Well, that is how it's called where I come from.

Don't know about America

Dude theirs more genetic diversity in the queen of England than native Spanish speaking Central Americans. After the land bridge in Alaska melted cutting the human population in half. The entire americas is literally populated with 100s of millions all coming from only 8 different families

Isnt their a dispute on how south america got populated since they dont share important genetic markers with the north americans?

"your" bruh it's "you're"

Are you retarded

Breed more slaves I need my strawberries picked.

dumb MEN

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Listen, don't let these haters get you down. I've never seen such amazing HD pussy pics. I literally love your content. I put it as my desktop background

That kind of looks like a desert.

Probably is one too

Literally looks like a slug.

Go on a diet

How is that supposed to offend me lmao

We here at drama do not offend, I wish you the best of luck loosing weight, you must stay healthy for your loved ones!

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

mfw thinking of you hurting

Is that sub for LARPers or for actual retreads?

jesus christ this foid is the most stacy foid i ever seen. Venting on some retarded subreddits

Imagine looking at shitty Hollywood porn

>not being able to even look at two people being intimate to own the coomers

This is a trauma sub for partners of porn and sex addicts. Does that make more sense?

The word trauma doesn't mean anything anymore.

The fact that she was shamed into deleting the photos of her micropenis completely invalidates any trash talking she is doing. So beautiful.