Foid has a complete fucking psychotic melt down because someone sent her boyfriend a porn vid.

1  2019-12-02 by TeeEssDoubleU


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So, it’s easy to pin this on the NoFapFoids, but my big question is: what kind of broken-down husk of a moid runs to tell his gf when a dumb coom-boomer shares a gif to their chat that is slightly more risqué than spike tv circa 2003???

Tbh he kinda sucks for showing her if he knows it’s going to spike her blood pressure like this. Like what is the goal? Does he tell her when he gets fuck local milf near you spam emails?

Maybe he finds her reactions as funny as we do. Or he’s just a huge pussy.

4d chess. What an interesting perspective

He’s pussy whipped into showing his gf the porn so he can get permission to masturbate to it.

Just a crumb of coochie ma’am

It’s his fetish. He gets off on seeing her reaction.

Destroying her confidence to make her insecure and ensure that she never leaves him. 4D chess.

Not just any femcel tho, she's the janny for that sub lmao

100k upvotes and I’ll go in there and misbehave

Then why did she delete the post? Are they capable of shame?

I guess it was too retarded even for her lol

Foids complain when moids act like children in the relationship but they act as helicopter parents

One of the biggest problems is that I'm highly intelligent which has always been an issue in my life, especially in regard to my education (I was tested too late). I find it very hard to spend time with people who aren't at least above average intelligent (if they don't have any other characteristic that intrigues me; I'll explain that later)

Just lol

So we have that agreement that my boyfriend tells me whenever somebody sends / shows him porn or whatever


This sub is a great insight into what the lives of the men at /r/GenderCriticalGuys (or more generally, just the partners of GC posters) are actually like. The lack of spine reminds me of the more popular /r/MensLib as well, but /r/loveafterporn clashes with their "sex-positive" and anti-TERF stances.

Is that sub the foid version of nofap?

Yes but with FDS levels of narcissism

I think this is like the fourth post from that sub today

yeah like half of them were me lol, i can't stop browsing it's fucking so good....

Go outside.

make me...

That would require that I went outside.


Gotta milk that fuckin teet

The mods should just sticky a link to this sub.

I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. Foid has a complete fucking psychot... -,

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Someone sent my husband that same thing the other day. It’s pretty funny. She’s actually missed part of the joke by viewing it with no sound, but it probably would have pissed her off more anyway.

I'm quite tired and busy right now but I'll take the time to answer tomorrow

Why am I not surprised the anti-porn lady never came back.

This has to be fake. And if it wasn't, she's a psycho. I've had a chick who I used to mess around with send me a video one time and accidently send it to me and my gf (now wife) and a couple others on a group text and since we all knew each other, my wife and friends teased her about it and then that was that.

Who cares. Just enjoy the drama, mate.

I care AND I enjoy the drama 😡😡😡😢😢😭😭😭

Caring is not the /r/Drama way. It is the - may Allah forgive me - SRDine's way.

Hahahaha random shit foid says justifying her underachieving