Woke Drama sub already attracting AHS attention.

1  2019-12-02 by 2Manadeal2btw


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You fight the people like the mentioned subreddit until they are so thoroughly buried and forgotten that you can have an honest conversation about something like this.

You get all of the TERFS and TRANSPHOBES banned so you can have a big gay girlcock circlejerk free of any criticism, so stunning and brave yass queen slay

There's an extension that will tell you where most of those commenters come from. This isn't a random group of concerned people, it's a collection of people from the shittiest places on reddit

imagine being so obsessed that you gotta have a browser extension to track who posts in a wrongthink sub

e : just share this with trannies and their chasers any time this topic comes up, watch the mental gymnastics start

I saw some wokie yelling at a dude for being a "TERF" when he was tagged for posting in pussypassdenied. You know, that radfem hangout.

literally everyone who does anything but love that girlcock is a horrible terf now, it's the new 'nazi' for men who larp as women to use anytime someone calls them on their shit.

r/gendercynical and r/terfisafetish are goldmine subs for male tranny histrionics like that shit, it's a big circlejerk about how everyone is an alt-right christian nazi terf fascist radical baptist feminist now because fuck nuance.

ok but tell me this doesn't describe GC:


GC hates all men, no matter what. They're like female incels but somehow even more hateful.

I just wish GC would admit they hate all men, they'd be a lot more respectable.

They do tho, at least a large chunk of them do...i used to have this gc post linking a blog post that when it would periodically be there it would be highly upvoted. The post was basicslly describing a random utopian future and it went into detail about how 2/3rds of male babies would be aborted and men would not be allowed to work and would only be allowed to exist to extract sperm from. The whole basis of the blog was that it was ok to destroy men because men=bad and those harpies lapped it like warm milk

men would not be allowed to work and would only be allowed to exist to extract sperm from.

Eh, doesn't sound so bad.

I just remember posts where they pretended to like men and were totally chill with them as long as they didn't act like men at all and just basically acted like subservient eunuchs to political lesbians. Just wanted them to be open about how much they hated moids instead of being complete women about it all but I guess that wouldn't really work on that sub.

There are definitely some straight women over there but the bull dykes who absolutely despise men seem to make the most noise

Most of them literally do just that.

I'm not crazy about the average gencrit legbeard either, they can be just as bad as the trannies at times and that sub does have some major faults with the virulent man hate and banning 'WOC' for having wrongthink opinions. As usual it's reddit failing to find any sort of healthy middle ground on an issue, you've either gotta be an insane tranny panderer or a seething femcel.

The subs that are considered "GC aligned" but aren't GC are much better, r/itsafetish is hilarious.

TERFS are female incels. They hate men so much that they think tr**ns are some kind of secret male conspiracy to attack women.

They're super funny though, every trans subreddit becomes a salt mine whenever TERFS are mentioned

Terfs are based in the sense that they produce a lot of asspain wherever they go.

In every other sense, they're retarded.

A removed image that the people in the comments are saying is a troll?

goddamnit. It was just a foid saying "males can't experience trauma"

Yes, some of the women on GC go way too far. Like, they should be allowed to vent as guys do about foids on 75% of Reddit. But, I don't want to interact with people who can't contain themselves well enough to find a way not to literally hate 50% of the population. There are hetero women on GC who like dick, though.

Ive seen people call Mike Pence a TERF. Yeah bro, sure.

Trans athletes really are peak feels over reals delusion. Do any of these people honestly believe that pushing for men in wigs in women's sports will in any way, shape, or form help get the general populace on their side? Because all I've seen is even the most liberal of women in my life suddenly realizing that trans athletes = literally zero naturally born XX women will ever win a sporting event again. Like, I get that all the fat weirdos who are into this shit to begin with already don't care about sports, but normal women on average do give a shit about the idea of women's only sports, especially when it comes to shit like the Olympics. Turning women's sports into 'men's sports still, but really gay instead' will do nothing but turn huge amounts of women against you.

It's really not a good look. I looked at one of the links in the sub and some hulking behemoth is claiming xe never went through male puberty and has naturally low testosterone. So, not only are they galumphing around in women's sports, they are telling lies that wouldn't fool a young child.

I honestly can't tell if they're all this deluded or it's some sort of groupthink mentality where if they all tell the same obvious lie over and over they think the rest of us will just give in eventually. Because to anyone with eyes it's obvious that 99% of FtM trans athletes have a hilariously unfair advantage over real women.

This is why it's so fascinating. It's absolutely amazing on two fronts, one is watching them be so absolutely detached from reality, it's astounding seeing how much of a parasite ideology can be. Second, it's watching them shoot themselves in the foot by alienating the demographic that before had been their biggest allies which is mayo women.

Even GLADD had admitted that the LGBT cause has become less popular according to their own research, and I think everyone knows which letter is causing it.

Well obviously, what exactly do the LGB have left to do anyway? Marriage equality, military acceptance, legally able to adopt kids, basically the whole legal platform has been accomplished. Obviously they're gonna try to ride that "b-b-b-but they're still prejudice people in existence!" for another decade or two, but normal people feel like the whole "Gay Rights" movement is done, and TransRightsTM is a whole new set of retarded nonsense that doesn't even seem to be connected to the LGB stuff. Of course the LGBT cause has lost popularity now that the LGB have everything and no one ever liked T to begin with, AND they've gone off the deep end.

Employment discrimination, but that's it.


To be fair, Itโ€™s a relatively new and extremely complicated topic that research on is still being developed on at this very moment, but the amount of terfs just hate trans people and are beyond a reasonable logical discussion.


Is it wrong to be this based? Hard to say.

Trussy is only better than gussy if you're a fucking necrophiliac, lmfao.

Its like your psyop was coopted as a psyop

i cant wait for the trans women's figure skaters / gymnists to cause controversy about transophbic judging systems and transophibc event selections.

๐Ÿ‘ the ๐Ÿ‘ highbeam ๐Ÿ‘ is ๐Ÿ‘ biased ๐Ÿ‘ against ๐Ÿ‘ transwomen ๐Ÿ‘

The curse of progressivism is that it needs constant progress. If literally everyone on earth had a sex change operation tomorrow, and 10 year olds started scissoring with their front holes in gender neutral bathrooms while everyone else watched and clapped silently, most of them would find another fringe cause to fight for the next day. That's what happens when your entire ideology is based on pushing the line for what is socially acceptable.

People supporting trans athletes %100 know that it's going to alienate a lot of their supporters, in fact that's a big part of why they're doing it. They want to be the wokest, most open minded and forward thinking people in the movement. They want to push the line the furthest, and they want everyone to see it. And the more the line is pushed, the more people are left behind, and the less influential the movement becomes.

The recent progressive movement is so weak and aimless that it could only thrive in the western world, where the rightoids are so unimaginably cucked that they would lose against a bunch of retarded narcissists.

its fucking retarded how dystopian this sounds

The more I think about it the more I wonder why we don't already test all cis women already.

A-amazing? Iโ€™m having a really hard time telling if AHS has been fucking with us this whole time rn.

Idk, troids like to point out how they have lower testosterone levels than real women.

discord troids, sure, but sports troids, lol no.

Ik but discord trannies trannies are using this as a defense of sports trannies.

When they compete, sure. I feel like this plays into the misunderstanding that steroids are only super stimulants that just make people perform harder in the moment, rather than being things that alter metabolic response to get more out of training.

It doesnโ€™t fucking matter if you piss clean at a competition if youโ€™ve been using during training for most of the year. Sort of like how being a bio moid for 12-15 years means you will obliterate the other stacies at the track meet even if the fat chick with a mustache and pit stains technically has higher T levels than you at that moment. She will be puking and shitting at the end, you will be getting scholarships.


They don't bear an irrational fear of transgender people; They hate us.

Arachnophobes don't surround themselves with pictures of spiders, drawings of spiders, and spend all their time talking about spiders -- they avoid spiders and find things to do with their lives that are as far removed from spiders as is possible.

The people in that subreddit spend all their time, obsessed with transgender people, and casting transgender people as The Bad Guy.

They're not afraid. They're obsessed.

Wonder who that reminds me of... ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

Those dumbasses think that South park episode is actually on their side. The episode was poking fun at dipshits who think men will suddenly become trans women just to win sporting events.

south park is so centrist that literally everyone thinks it's on their side.

Dare I say it, ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ‘ž strikes again?

The episode was poking fun at dipshits who think men will suddenly become trans women just to win sporting events.

did they just completely ignore the part where Macho Man Randy Savage came out as trans to win a sporting event.

not linking this post in the OP

"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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once again, snapshill has the best take

I think Massachusetts has a rule that if there is only one team in a town for a particular sport, any gender can join it. No boys Field Hockey team means boys can play on the girls team. Possibly this crops up in volleyball as well, where most schools only have a girls team. IIRC even baseball and softball are not considered analogous, so if a boy wants to play softball he can do so on the girls team. That one kind of pushes it from where I'm sitting, but I don't make the rules.

Based mass. letting boys destroy the foid menace wherever it appears.

I can safely say that poster is full of shit

I just got banned from AHS because after seeing fartfinn post some stupid bullshit with the word โ€œtransmisicโ€ I almost screamed (like a faggot I know but I was triggered). How many fucking words do you need to validate your victimhood? How fucking many made up words do you need god damnit?

it's one of the mods new favorite word