r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM gets woke on the incel starshit menace

1  2019-12-02 by MikeHuntIsAnAsshole2


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I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM gets woke on ... - archive.org, archive.today

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Yes, because women never fall in love with men with bad personalities. That’s just an incel fantasy.

Unironic incelposting is a litmus test for being mentally retarded

Anybody who uses the i-word, be it online or irl, is a retard

The real question is why is a political subreddit discussing starshit?

Redditors absolutely cannot comprehend anything (politics, economics etc) unless there's a ton of capeshit/weebshit references in it.

and throneshit

GoT is a bit too nuanced for most of them I'd say. They tend to prefer the black/white Star Wars, Harry Potter and Marvel analogies.

lol calling GoT "nuanced". I mean sure if "nuanced" is plagiarizing history essays and adding dragons.

I mean War of the Roses era British history was pretty nuanced.

I'd say the first 4 seasons were pretty nuanced

Cloak and daggershit

I'm not familiar with that one, is it things like Sherlock?

Just another term for throneshit

It's like that scene from Harry Potter, after Harry sucks off Dumbledore, he can't get the taste out of his mouth.

Just like that, the average redditor can't get the taste of spaceshit out his mouth.

It's a commie sub so they're of course the worst of the worst consoomers

imagine watching soy wars

imagine publicly admitting that you watch soy wars

I'm shocked they're ass kissing the star wars pedophile

They probably think its okay since it's a foid.

I'm not, commies love diddling kids.

Any criticism of the prequels became unnecessary after RLM did the Plinkett reviews

Starshit eternally BTFO by based pizza roll man

The webzone need dispense no more pizzarolls

We like to make fun of /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM for treating real life like Star Wars with good and bad sides, but I don't think they can see the nuance in even that.

My inner contrarian is going nuts these days.

God. I cannot even imagine viewing things through the lens that these people do.

I am waiting for them to blame spousal and child abuse on "incels" even though it would be literally impossible for this to happen

pretty sure pedophile natilie portman is many boy's wet dream, not just incels'

I realized why the actors started in those films....it's easy money on royalties for a lifetime...but good fucking lord did those prequels kill a bunch of careers....

calls Anakin an incel

He literally fucked Padme. Is the qualifications for not being an incel being a male feminist now?