Commie police interrogate guy who made a joke

1  2019-12-02 by collectijism


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. Commie police interrogate guy who m... -,

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Just don’t make jokes in communism and you’ll be fine

This is the future chapos want

Acab except the stazi

KGB is very based and very cool

Abolish the police

Except for the secret ones

More like NKVD

ACAB except the ones that do it for free like chapos or jannies or mods

This is the future chapos want

He just wanted to grill

thats true, it was such a dumb comment he got killed for.

The best part is he made a joke about some low level traffic police and probably got a bullet to the dome, yet people insist the US is the dictatorship

The ccp stole like a million motorcycles. The social credit system prevents bad actors from moving about buying tickets on busses and trains. But if they can get around on motorcycles they have no way to punish them.

The U.S. does do fucked up things but at least we're not doing 1984 chink style.

Yeah but you dont understand, i need to claim that the side i disagree with of american politics is trying to do X evil thing thats happening somewhere else

Dont you know! Someone might call you an asshole on reddit. That's a fate worse than death

Not as bad as being pizzashill

What's his deal I'm new here

I said this in r/enlightenedcentrism and got downvoted lmao


Drumpft literally is the same as China in those retards eyes

Imagine that places like r/libertarian or r whatever seems not communist is actually full of communists opsecing

Don’t know what you mean, but yeah, r/enlightenedcentrism is a communist subreddit.

Communists spread like cancer they are in every sub pretending to not be communists but are constantly pushing communist propaganda

Seems like the Domino Theory was on point.

Kind of like MDEgenerates? Le horseshoe theory?????

Enlightened is another word for black pill or no more faith in democracy and a higher state authority to enact genocide

Can we agree that the Chinese government is more oppressive to its civilians than the United States?

-4 points


4 points.

Imagine being this gullible.

you sure they're not just downvoting seriousposting

That's why you should've said it in r/radical centrism friend 👉😎👉


Thats so true, like he posted a comment about traffic, the one thing everyone whines about everywhere. its like murdering someone for complaining how cold it is in the winter

only in glumpfths amerikkka

Class traitors deserve the chair, bootlickers!!

Chapos aren't people

Literally reddit

Notice in communism first question is what’s your job? How much do you contribute? Lol chapos don’t realize without the excess productivity of capitalism their wasted existence would make them starve to death.

Another reason behind why need communism tbqh.

Watch out, that's actually a good argument to implement it.

how can you calculate the value of labor across unrelated work fields?

I’ll let you in on a secret. People humans are variable not equal. Capitalism divides skills into thousands of buckets and jobs which makes it more even across all industries this allows people who are less skilled to get more for their work. Its called market based sector differentiation


Lol what’s wrong commie you no like police taking private property? No I commie I love police please don’t sell my organs

Chapos: ACAB

Also Chapos: unless they're Chinamen 🥾👅

I just bought $100 more worth of gas masks to send over to HK

Just got to sabotage the filters first?

The number of brilliant 1984 references in the replies rivals a reddit comment section

How AHS sees themselves after they finally catch the guy who said the n word on r/GamersRiseUp

What’s the gamers excuse too much Gfuel?

Bardfinn's dream job.

Oh wow, I thought, by the title someone made a joke on twatter and the commies piled on him. This is literally next level

You know how we can’t fathom people knowing of kill camps in Germany like how did they not do anything or stop It? Like its unbelievable. Well believe because that’s what future generations will be saying about us

So the Chinese get Jerusalem next? I'm confused

Imagine thinking hitler killed even 1/100th as many Jews as communism

But real communism hasn't been implemented yet 🤔

Send👋Them👋To👋 Madagascar 👋

I can completely fathom it, all those amazing people in Germany were making sure we wouldn't have to live with annoying Chapos or jannies or commies.

Ya china is way more advanced than us

Yea, this looks bad and all, but did you hear what Trump just said!!!

Steve Bannon's 100M$ fund produced this video.

Himalaya Globa is credited in the video as the author. Himalaya Global has this account:

They link to their Chinese account

Which links to a page

which says it's funded by the Rule of Law Fundation,

Lol you know jews create all those holocaust movies literature and documentaries by your logic that means it never happened

yes, and?


Clap for China harder, tankie

Waiter, there's some existential horror in my drama shitposting.

Imagine thinking I’m not actually an agent for change

OK I'm unironically asking this, is it a call to violence if it's about your desire to do something to a Chinese cop who's oppressing people for thought crimes on WeChat? The Chinese can't even see this site, so I don't see how me saying I want to cause these cops extreme physical pain (hypothetically, of course) can be considered a call to violence.

It would be like saying I want to beat the shit out of a Martian. It's not actually a call to violence because it is impossible for me to go to Mars, it's impossible for anyone on Mars to hear me, and if there was such a thing as a Martian they wouldn't be people anyways so who cares

You can fly right now to Hong Kong and literally fight commie cops and risk 10 years in a work camp you won’t survive

Hypothetically speaking, how would one be able to supply massive shipments of arms to the people of Hong Kong? Airdrop? Boat?

Look at history every communist country fell apart when they ran out of jobs and food and the military stopped wanting to massacre the starving and turned on their officers.

That happened in the late 70s though. Your average Chink doesn't actually even know what Communism is. They just know huawei has some sick adverts on the side of their metro.

Exactly why free them? For 5000 years they would cut their own genitals off for a chance to gain favor with the emperor cause he was suspicious of someone taking his crown. And then 80 years ago they killed every intellectual and forced every peasant to breed. Its a slave class they deserve their chains

The Chinese can't even see this site

VPNs are freely available if you can be arsed to look for them.

Tbh expected this to be england

The will of the people (government) must be upheld

I would pay good money to be tied into that chair by a pair of Swedish she-dwarfs for the better part of a weekend.

Good money.

Pagans practiced infanticide for 2000 years exactly for the reason you will have to pay a lot of good money to get any Swedish dwarves

I really hate chungus

Ian Miles Cheong

Why would you post this?

"what's your job"

I honestly hope Communism happens so that the NEETs on r/socialism and r/chapotraphouse get imprisoned. After all, NEETing was illegal in the soviet union.