Wherein /r/ZoomerRight discusses procreation. How to find gf to impregnate? Is it OK to fuck beaners if they're based? Papists: Yes or no? Does being redpilled make you incel because all foids are brainwashed? All these questions and more are answered.

1  2019-12-02 by zsfh


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she even visited the last place Seth Rich was seen alive in DC with me,


hey honey want to go on a vacation?

Sure! where to?

how about we visit a random unremarkable spot where, a guy who many aggressively online tards like me think Hillary had murdered, was last seen alive

I-I guess if that's what you want panic sets in

There's a great pizza place right around the corner I can recommend. Lots of hidden walls and basements!

tbf if Seth Rich didn't want to get murdered, why'd he work for a woman named Killary? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


All victims are to blame tbh

If they didn't want to be victimized they should have struck first


You know, I hadn't thought about it like that before. Fuck, victims.

imagine thinking Seth Rich actually existed

You know, I hadn't thought about it like that before. Fuck, Seth Rich.

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Wherein /r/ZoomerRight discusses pr... - archive.org, archive.today

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Lmao theyy'alled autoremoved all comments after being linked to.


So much for the free speech right.

I don't believe for a single fucking second that even half of those are zoomers

Race is dying

Ok Mutt

amerimutts thinking their whitešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

The only thing whites are good for is wageslaving and consumerism.

open subreddit

USS Liberty incident literally in the sidebar

Taking bets on how long theyve got before the inevitable shoah

109 subreddits.


"removed - optics"

USS Liberty incident literally in the sidebar

Kinda based tbh. Too bad they're MDEfugees.

The boat meme is for fat NPCs and edgy little kids who want to feel smart. No ones going to get redpilled reading about some gay ass boats Wikipedia page. And itā€™s especially gay when the takeaway is something everyone knows already.

Thanks jidf

Lol, do you want me to assrape you?

Appropriate response tbh

Jew sunk my battleship

They should tell people to read about the samson option instead


Less than 24 hours since we know the admins lurk here.

Are we accidentally doing AHS's job for them?

we were doing it for free all along

I'm an elder millennial - a blonde, blue eyed, bearded white man, and I know the importance of reproducing. I'm stalwart in my values, but I have yet to find a woman I'd trust to start a family with. Honestly, MGTOW is appealing while society sucks, but I want to make a bunch of based mini-me zoomers and teach them what really made America the best country in the world. I thought I'd found a solid Christian woman, but they got to her too, and she convinced herself she was a lesbian after she moved to Washington to study seminary. I thought I'd found the perfect woman after that - she even visited the last place Seth Rich was seen alive in DC with me, but apparently she was pretending to be who she thought I wanted. How do we take society back from the brink of degeneracy?


I thought I'd found the perfect woman after that - she even visited the last place Seth Rich was seen alive in DC with me

"Afterwards we can go to Comet Ping Pong!"

"To get pizza? I guess that's okay on a date..."

"No! To demand to see the rape dungeons in the basement!"

Silently dials 911.

These people are literally a parody of themselves.

apparently she was pretending to be who she thought I wanted.

A weirdo who takes people on dates to places people were murdered out of loyalty to a batshit insane conspiracy theorist masturbated out by Julian Assange. Lmao.

Im in my late 30s and drove my previous partner lez, curse you dEgENeRAte sOCiEtY

I love how no one questioned the middle-aged man posting in a sub full of kids half his age. He's blond blue eyed and white tho, so its cool

He turned his girlfriend lez. The absolute state.

Lmao, dude wants you to think he looks like this, but looks more like the face on the left.

You know it's true when they mention bearded, like bro sometimes I forget to shave too.

At least Devin Townsend can shred on the guitar, despite looking like that.

Lol...lesbianism or seminary....the dude isn't getting laid....

People who think that you MUST breed for the white race are just as cringe as the childfree people

You must live your life exactly to my ideal way of life or else you're cringe and uncoolpilled.

I bet everyone wanted to sit at your table at lunch in high school

If you befriend the person who is most likely to be the next school shooter, you may be spared.

Or you could just not be a child

Taking it back to your glory years, huh?

*wants to

Present tense

Fertility cults.

le epic "cult" criticism that will demonstrate my high IQ!

just please go to a bridge and

They think they have a God given duty to populate the planet with as much of their spawn as possible. What would you call it?

I have no problem kids or religion, but that shit is creepy.

That's called a group evolutionary strategy, not a cult.

You realize that people that don't want kids go extinct right?

Inshallah. Mayos deserve it.


One does not exclude the other.

Then i was right when i called you out for your retarded use of cult. All groups can be considered a cult under your dumb definition definition.

And you are retarded enough not to realize I wasn't using the word cult in the Jonestown sense.

Cult in the traditional sense means a religion with a very specific aspect to focus on.

Yeah and, like i said, this applies to literally all groups.

You can apply fertility cult to literally all groups?

1) no, the word cult.

2) and yes, you can call all groups that survive internationally through reproduction (which is basically all of humanity) a fertility cult.

Yes, it is a broad term. You can use it on any religious group hyper focused on something. Technically, you could call Christianity a cult of Jesus.

2) and yes, you can call all groups that survive internationally through reproduction (which is basically all of humanity) a fertility cult.

You really aren't understanding that the term implies an obsession with something.

> giving a shit about earth after your death


giving a shit


You're literally a child.


Your opinion is worthless. Go play some videogames and seethe about your parents.

Wrong my opinion is more valid than your boomer opinion because im the next generation.

Even if you end up around the same political poles as an adult, you will look back on these years and think about how much of a retard you were. It is inevitable. The sooner you realize that and start enjoying your childhood the better off you'll be.

You don't know fuckall. Your brain is literally undeveloped. Go be a kid instead of pissing into the ocean that is online political discussion because it's laughably meaningless. If you're really that serious, go volunteer for a political organization and learn from experienced adults.

I'm literally smarter than you I have an IQ of 155 I don't need your advice.

Looks like I've been rused.


lol k

When your brain develops more, you'll cringe hard at yourself now.

There have been multiple attempts in the past by governments to try and reverse a demographic decline by shoving ā€œtraditionā€™ down peopleā€™s throats and offering mothers massive amount of money for each piece of cooter fruit they drop. Literally it always fails just as bad but it doesnā€™t stop people from thinking it will work this time.

Itā€™s working in Israel

This is like obese people talking about sports.

So Americans?

got their ass

Is that Samir Al-Hajeed?

Seems like a now fat degenerate and a scrawny loser

Is there a part of identifying as Aryan that requires living in a trailer park or is that optional?

We were Vikings. LMFAO

From pillaging the North Sea to pillaging double-wides

From pillaging to pills.

Wow I remember that. Did you seriously save that for 3 years?

I found it about a year ago. What was the original circumstance?

He was an MDE poster

Not surprised

How can he be so young with teeth that yellow already?

Iā€™d love to see his gf lol

Holy fucking shit lmao

Man we're getting pretty famous today wtf.

7 posts in 1 hour to /r/PissingOffMyParents.

Don't you have homework to do?


You should cuckold your own father

lmao youā€™re from the fucking balkan dude

Let's be absolutely clear, you don't count as white if you're a spic, wop, dago, hebe, polack, gypsy, guppie or paddy.

One drop rule applies, mutts.

CMV: There is no American that isn't a mutt.

Why would a correct view need to be changed?

It doesn't. It's just a challenge to AFwithNF viewers.

AFwithNF viewers

Sorry, I don't speak YouTuber.

Is that the white nationalist movement led by a very Aryan man named Fuentes

The 15% aztec gives him the warrior genes needed to fight against globalism.

Muh pure Spanish bloodline

Spanish are, whites, Jews and arabs

shame their subreddit got shoahed.

Americans are mostly euro-mutts, the whole of white identitarianism is acknowledging the ship already sailed on distinct European ethnic groups.

No one believes their white identity movement as long as they have descendants of polacks and hibs in their groups.

See, that's just not true. Nobody even knows what a pole is. The hairsplitters really are gone in favor of broader categories that are even forgiving of a few drops of whatever, as long as you look white enough.

as long as you look white enough.

Like most Turks, Jews and most Latinos in the US?

Lol nice try, but no. Except maybe some turks, but only the ones that don't just look even more jewish than jews. It just doesn't make much of a difference in non-sexual contexts because jews, turks, and particularly white latinos generally pass all of the same platonic heuristics.

And the only people that can't tell a latino from a white person though is the FBI, and that's just because they needed to find a way to make whites look worse in crime statistics.

Is Kushner white?

Are there some trannies that pass? Sure. Fewer of them once they open their mouths and speak, but still some. Similar deal here. Kushner also does not pass personality wise.

There's also the fact that a lot of ethnic Jews hate mixing even more than whites, so they do more of the work on this particular front. If they didn't, whites (still being much more populous despite the ongoing mayocide) would more or less absorb them with most jewish phenotypes being rarely present in the resulting mix after a few generations.

Same goes for Slavs. Imagine pretending to be white when your ethnicity was only there to be sold and raped to some Arabs.

and most Latinos in the US?

Not even remotely. You can tell a Latino a mile away.

You can tell most dagos, guppies and polocks too

Nobody even knows what a pole is

A white man, a black man and a pole were sitting on a park bench, snapping their fingers.

A little kid walks up and asks the white guy, "Why you snapping your fingers, mister?" The guy says, "I've got the rhythm!"

The kids asks the black guy, "Why are you snapping your fingers?" The guy says, "I've got the soul!"

Kids turns to the Pole and asks, "Why are you snapping your fingers?" The guy says, "I've got a booger on my finger and I can't get it off!"

A white man, a black man and a pole were sitting on a park bench, snapping their fingers.

A little kid walks up and asks the white guy, "Why you snapping your fingers, mister?" The guy says, "I've got the rhythm!"

The kids asks the black guy, "Why are you snapping your fingers?" The guy says, "I've got the soul!"

Kids turns to the Pole and asks, "Why are you snapping your fingers?" The guy says, "I've got a booger on my finger and I can't get it off!"

Imagine accepting anything but northern and western European heritage.

Maybe I gotta say it again for the slow ones in the back

Let's be absolutely clear, you don't count as white if you're a spic, wop, dago, hebe, polack, gypsy, guppie or paddy.

Northern and western Europeans did Ancient Greece and the Roman empire right

For some reason they always have statutes of them in their avatars even though Greeks and Italians arenā€™t white apparently

Catholics aren't real people, that's why.

Let's be absolutely clear, you don't count as white if you're a spic, wop, dago, hebe, polack, gypsy, guppie or paddy.

One drop rule applies, mutts.

Learn to read, mutt

If youā€™re actually identifiable as one of those things, yeah you should stay that. Most whites are mutts that only have ā€œwhiteā€ in common though, particularly in the US.

Itā€™s actually somewhat nuanced, but it does make sense if you donā€™t come at it from a hardline ā€œwe all need to be the same ASAPā€ perspective.

I don't care what you identify as faggot. Read what I said. You're not white if you're a mutt.

Thatā€™s just not true in the vast majority of contexts though. And the ones that are that way are shrinking.

Just because the numbers are shrinking, doesn't mean I'm gonna start accepting wop mutts and paddy mutts as white.

Next you're gonna start saying that Latinos are white too.

The Latino shit is an actual problem, as I mentioned in another comment. The FBI classifies then as white, and they commit so much fucking crime and make all of us look bad.

But yeah I mean there are better and worse genetic groups within Europe, but all of them are capable of keeping their shit together, being productive, thinking critically, etc.. Honestly the average of all of them just isnā€™t so bad, and it will eventually evolve and specialize again.

Tbh I always thought of America as that new breed, I didnā€™t expect Europe to miscegenate away themselves but thatā€™s on you not me.

Jesus fucking Christ, mutts will go to such great lengths to defend themselves.

Dagos commit more crime, Slavs commit more crime, paddies commit more crime, why do they not matter to you? I know why, because you're a mutt.

They just aren't a problem in america. Like we literally only have actual problems with latinos and blacks, everyone else has their shit together for the most part.

The wops and paddies in the US make the white crime rate higher in America.

Do they? Thatā€™s honestly news to me. I mean the obvious rule of thumb is the harsher the winters the better the genes, so Iā€™m not shocked.

Also Iā€™m a mutt thatā€™s something like half German, the rest Lithuanian and Italian. Or so Iā€™m told anyways. What racial identity am I supposed to have other than ā€œAmerican whiteā€?

What racial identity am I supposed to have other than ā€œAmerican whiteā€?

To have a racial identity implies you are human.

Well what are you then?

Black Aryan.

So a niggerfaggot?

Blasting bussy is in no way gay.

Like I said, I don't care what you identify as, as long as it's not white. Your wop genes and slav genes taint your blood.

Define mutt. Mixed European races, or mixed with Hispanics, natives, and blacks?

Let's be absolutely clear, you don't count as white if you're a spic, wop, dago, hebe, polack, gypsy, guppie or paddy.

An of those count

Shut the fuck up anglo. G*rmanics aren't white and they'll never be white.

wop Diego You said Guinea twice

Wops only refers to ragu niggas

Dego includes Iberian niggas

Worse than jews tbh

Gypsies are unironically not white though

Neither are spics, wops, dagos, hebes, polacks, guppies or paddies.

kinda glad I'm a Jew and a wop

Iā€™ve heard of spics polacks and Gypsies but what are the others for?

Wops are Italians, paddies are Irish. Not sure about the others.

Hebes are hebrews, dagos are spainish/Portuguese/Italian, guppies are greeks

Hebes are hebrews, dagos are spainish/Portuguese/Italian,

You make the women. You take her and mold her into what you want. If you actually live by the standards you preach you wont even have to mold her, she will just follow the lead.


And chadveman pilled.

It's a huge cope from low value men who think they can game the system, which i admit is pretty admirable but alas it is naive. This is from the thread:

I thought I'd found the perfect woman after that - she even visited the last place Seth Rich was seen alive in DC with me, but apparently she was pretending to be who she thought I wanted.

This is what happens most of the time. The woman just pretends to follow until she realizes that she doesn't actually want to follow.

Idk kinda seems like women are the lower value you ones in the situation. The dude is just retarded. Foids will just change their whole personality.

Rooshā€™s trad LARPing recently is entertaining. Heā€™s like a post-wall foid, old and desperate for something meaningful.

Could be worse, could always have heaven behind a paywall

Prots poor (x24)

Protestantism is rebellion for naught but obstinace, and it's full of lies and deceit. Protestantism drives people from Christ. There's your larger problem.

protestants btfo

Imagine being smart enough to see how wrong Protestantism is but not smart enough to be on the right side of the Great Schism

join CathBol.

Hearing a bunch of Zoomers extolling the virtues of traditional Christianity while debating centuries' old religious schisms is the funniest shit I've seen all week

If only we had pinging, I'd bring some of these tradcath zoomers in to explain to me why Arius was wrong.

these are all 29-year-old 'fugees from the 109 subreddits pretending to be zoomers. most real zoomer rightoids are either libertarians or what that sub would incorrectly call "neocons"

I think they're all graduates of the Nicholas J. Fuentes School of Optics

Tradcath zoomers are the most unbearably obnoxious groups of zoomers. Change my mind.

Why do these people worry about kids? Can't save the white race when you are too much of an autist to get laid.

They're not even old enough to have kids in the first place.

As if there are any real zoomers in that sub.

Most of that sub is guys in their 20s and 30s larping.

Damm imagine being so cucked u larp as alt right kids on some obscure forum

Atleast we arent faking it

The oldest zoomers can already buy alcohol.

Even if they could, the white race is doomed. Hispanics all have like 20 fucking kids for some reason, there's no out-breeding them. America will be Mexico 2 by the time I'm an old man, pretty much no matter what anyone does.

Latino birth rate: 2.15

Black birth rate: 1.88

White birth rate: 1.75

Honestly not a huge amount of difference.

My sister, who also has blonde hair and blue eyes married a black guy,

Lmao. Virgin white supremacist cucked by the chad Black guy.

Is there anything more cucked than having a sister? Think about it logically.

Having a daughter.


They're called Tyrones

How many times has he jacked it thinking of his sister and Tyrone?

The most cucked sub Iā€™ve ever seen. Making your life less enjoyable for American Protestantism, itā€™s fucking hilarious

Ok so let's unpack this: You all shit on foids, their retarded ideas, and their dependence on withholding sex in place of a logical argument in like 99% of threads on this sub, but now "yikes" is somehow a valid argument in this context?

Are you talking to me specifically? I donā€™t shit on foids in this sub, I try to spread hatred of rightoids, thatā€™s pretty much it

Lol ok foid

Whatever dog thereā€™s plenty of people already doing that and flooding the sub paranoid rightoid ramblings, someoneā€™s gotta balance it

Do you actually think yikesposting does anything to stop paranoia?

I prefer being mean to them and poking at their retarded insecurities to yikesposting

I prefer yikesposting to yikesposting


this is what moids think banter is

No itā€™s just true. The essence of the yikes is leveraging a monopoly on gussy to avoid having to make an actual argument. Everything she described was still under the yikes umbrella.

have sex, incel

Make it worthwhile, slut.

um, literally i will peg your ass if you live within driving distance of philadelphia

There's a Best Western Plus in Fairfield CT that's half way. Take it or leave it.

you don't understand how this works. moid ass is bountiful enough within my metropolitan area, that the adage holds: the moid pursues, the foid judges

i strongly encourage you to have sex, stop being an incel, learn to cook and clean as just a basic human household chore, and do some emotional labor

Pretty sure you donā€™t want me doing emotional labor that shit would get me on the news again lol

breaking: Moid Does Emotional Labor

Moid/foid arenā€™t just drop in replacements for guy/girl you know? You canā€™t just use moid in every sentence.

Anyways, what do you think like half the crazy shit that happens on the news is? Its a bunch of maniacal dudes trying to sort things out.

You canā€™t just use moid in every sentence.

Why wouldn't I use the correct scientific terminology for m*le dogs

I love dealing with incels cause I can tell them that nobody loves them and I'm right. Nobody loves you, mate.

That doesnā€™t make you right.

You realize without people like me here this sub would just be another SRD, or worse. Like fine, use sex to manipulate people irl, I donā€™t care. But expecting the same rules to apply online is objectively greedy - youā€™re spending power without replacing it.

Do you know how the greed stories end?

have sex incel

Based and balancepilled


These retards can never play the long game:

"MUH RACE IS DYING RACE MIXINS BOO HOO". See, if they were smart, they would just have intercourse with all the mullato kids who have absantee (black) fathers and have kids with them, which would make those offspring white and appreciate a strong white male presence, therefor making whites more attractive and then breed the "others" out.

I'm a retard with mixed kids and I figured that out in 20 seconds. What's these morons excuse?

What a retarded solution. Actively choosing to bleach POC women is only smart when colonizing (like actually colonizing, not the online fetish) or when the minority POC are such a small demographic that they can be realistically assimilated.

I'm a retard

Yeah, there's your answer.

You were locked out of the sexual marketplace for white women so you had to lower your standards. I mean no offense by that by the way. It makes sense to be honest.

I don't expect men who are rejected by white women to keep simping for them, that's cuck shit.

I'm a retard with mixed kids

Bruh your kids are going to turn out very bad... But hey at least you will have had kids! Can i ask what ethnicity the mother of your children is?

You're right. My bio son and my step-daughter, whom I've never had a ounce of real trouble with and who are currently doing well in college, should bow down to the alt-white master race. Maybe I should have whipped them more so they turned out to be shitbags, I dunno šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

my step-daughter


Bruh. That's another man's orgasm you raised. How do you feel about that?

I guess... If we tried look on the bright side, I guess you could make her your new wife and it won't be incest?

I'm glad your mullato bio son is doing well tho!

He's a half-chip off the ol wop block!

Bruh. That's another man's orgasm you raised. How do you feel about that?

Are you retarded or a libertarian? This is the entire point of reproduction.

These fags think the entire concept of step-parents is cuckoldry. It's how they justify hating their step-dad.

A step-dad is just a low value man who was forced, due to his low value, into settling for a single mother and raising another man's genetics.

Yes, it's genetic cuckoldry. Keep coping though, cuck.

White Wombs belong to Black Kings

Cope. All wombs belong to white men.

Raising other people's kids isn't reproduction, retard. You're not reproducing your genes.

I am, but you're not

Yeah you're right, i'm not. I'm still only 9 years old so I'm not fertile yet.

Gotta love all the ultra alphas online talking about how step daughters are cucks but you can still fuck them!

How much do you wanna bet that this guy's genetic lineage ends with him?

I guess... If we tried look on the bright side, I guess you could make her your new wife and it won't be incest?

Lmao the state of "trad" mayo larpers. Just fuck your daughter, bro!

Step daughter.

Just fuck your step-daughter!

You watch too much incest porn.

You watch too much incest porn.

and who are currently doing well in college

xoomers out

are currently doing well in college

Bruh u old.

You were locked out of the sexual marketplace for white women

How awful. That's like being locked out of Carls' Jr.

Carl's Jr

Hardee's-lets BTFO šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

I love how rightoids bitch about young educated people not having kids, while promoting systems that make it hard for young educated people to have kids. Totes makes sense.

Imagine thinking conservativism is anything more than an in-group pep rally for the rubes.

Their plan to save the mayo race is by recreating the plot to Idiocracy.

Note to Admins: Although this is a right-wing meme sub and MDE was a right-wing meme sub, the subs are not related.

So they're related.

Oh, and here is my all-time fav: All these nitwits love Hitler... who's entire fucking genetic lineage and relatived voluantarily decided not to reproduce so they would rid history of any trace of his genes. So they worship the exact thing they hate. Makes my nipples glass cutters.

"hello fellow zoomers"

The christcucks debating each other is about as retarded as commies when they fight each other.

Catholics are the tankies and prots are the annikiddies.

Holy shit I came to the thread a few hours late, there was a comment genocide.

The white race is dying out because it is so fucking expensive to raise children in white countries. Capitalism is white genocide. Stay woke.

That's why people in places like Africa and India have so few kids, because they're poor.

Die white boi

The thread got shoahed. So much for the freeze peach right.