Foid who drove her ex-boyfriend to suicide discusses mental health on Twitter.

1  2019-12-02 by JohnWoo4


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  1. Foid who drove her ex-boyfriend to ... -,

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Zoe is a hero

If there's one terminally online people hate it's well-meaning friends/family trying to help but not in the way they want to be helped.

They self medicate with drugs and electronics. I had friends like this. Weed, video games, junk food, and internet were their lives. You'd be depressed too if you spent all day on your ass just trying to spike your dopamine.

And when they go out into the real world, socialise more, work more, and have some routine, suddenly they feel a lot better. But you can't suggest that as a solution because then it becomes apparent how trivial their suffering actually is.

Venmo in bio!

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Mental Illness Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk In The Woods Like Nigga Be Happy Haha

Or, y’know, sit on your ass all day complaining to strangers. That helps too.

depression is just a fancy word for lazyness

Who cares

Don't act like you have better shit to do now.

Anything is better than gamergate.

Yes but gamergate drama is better than no drama hence why we are all here.

It's not even drama.

Your mom seemed pretty interested when I brought it up last light in the Arby's bathroom.

I'm sure she was real interested in what gamergaters were posting on twitter.

Them curly fries is the tits.

Post about mental health

People who had similar struggles tell you what worked for them

Think the advice is wrong because you have poor mental health

Think the advice is wrong because you have poor mental health

Usually they just assume advice is wrong because they assume they're superior to normal people and can't imagine that lots of everyday jackoffs deal with mental health issues but are still able to keep their shit together because they're fucking adults.

See also - incels.

Usually they just assume advice is wrong because they assume they're superior to normal people

It's almost munchie-adjacent - "I am the most mentally ill, nothing will make be better, stop offering be advice because you don't understand the depth of my pain!"

tbf a lot of people don't understand things like depression and do offer shit advice, but if you encounter this problem enough to complain about it then you're telling too many/the wrong people about your issues or you're looking for a reason to complain

tbf a lot of people don't understand things like depression and do offer shit advice

Sure, but often in these cases there are simple things people can do. e.g. if they are fat and disgusting, they can simply eat less. If they are stuck in the house, they literally need to just get outside and take in nature.

This is simple stuff, but you try to tell them, and it's always "wow, thanks, I'm cured!"

agree, but getting outside alone isn't going to 'cure' someone, just make them feel a little better, maybe even better enough to make some other changes. The problem with advice like that is that it doesn't address the underlying issue(s); it's shallow and unsustainable. If things were as easy as 'eat less' or 'go outside' then nobody would be fat or depressed

on the other hand, hand-waving actually helpful advice with 'wow thanks I'm cured! 😏' is extremely self-destructive; a lot of younger people want to be sick because it's in-vogue and/or it allows them to attach an external cause to their under-performance and bad behavior and as such deteriorate to the point where their mild case of depression or anxiety becomes a gaping hole to crawl out of

The problem with advice like that is that it doesn't address the underlying issue(s); it's shallow and unsustainable.

Often the underlying issue is that the shit lifestyle they've chosen is making their life shit. Changing it can actually address the underlying issue.

Lifestyle issues are a factor in mental health but don't begin to explain why depression, anxiety, and suicide are all steadily increasing among zoomers. Social and cultural factors are the primary cause for the increase, and it takes more than 'going outside more' to correct the harm caused by those factors.

Lifestyle issues are a factor in mental health but don't begin to explain why depression, anxiety, and suicide are all steadily increasing among zoomers.

Mental health awareness (go for a walk) isn't as common as mental un-health awareness. Everyone talks about their diseases, not the cure, which isn't going to make anyone happy is it? (Fake representations on what good health is like, see Instagram, isn't healthy either). Everything everyone hears about is either rampant depression (and very poor coping mechanism almost being celebrated) or complete fiction staged to look good.

That seems to be a major factor, along with making disability an identity, helicopter parenting, huge changes to how people communicate, poor outlook on the future and global affairs, job insecurity, cultural cynicism, pressure to be high-achieving for kids raised in the middle to upper-middle class, influencers and beauty industry marketing, etc. Life is a massive clusterfuck for zoomers

A lot of these are old hat. "Waaa waa global warming" shut up Boomers and Xoomers had nuclear holocausts to worry about (not that it's not a concern, just that world-ending concerns are not a new thing).

Device addiction is one biggie. It used to be that if you sucked at life you'd have to go and do shit with your friends so at least you were kinda social if you had nothing else going for you.

A lot of these are old hat. "Waaa waa global warming" shut up Boomers and Xoomers had nuclear holocausts to worry about (not that it's not a concern, just that world-ending concerns are not a new thing).

The major difference as usual is social media; messages have become amplified and omnipresent in a way that no other generation has experienced, everything is taken to extremes which is why fringe social movements and subcultures develop and peak in the blink of an eye

these kids have been surrounded by 'we're all going to die enby rights are human rights praise kek owo *notices ur bulge* i don't have enough spoons for this deus vult! infinifats are beautiful senpai noticed me ugu~ it's over for wristcels can i be your sissy trap gf(male) sandy hook was a government psyop anyone ever think about killing themselves? haha 1488 let me collect your white male tears praise ana and mia the deep state is conspiring to remove our freedoms wow thanks i'm cured' and have been from an early age

we're all going to die enby rights are human rights praise kek owo notices ur bulge i don't have enough spoons for this deus vult! infinifats are beautiful senpai noticed me ugu~ it's over for wristcels can i be your sissy trap gf(male) sandy hook was a government psyop anyone ever think about killing themselves? haha 1488 let me collect your white male tears praise ana and mia the deep state is conspiring to remove our freedoms wow thanks i'm cured

I feel kinda ashamed that the only thing I didn't understand was ana and mia (apparently the gods of eating disorders).


That shit has been around forever on the internet, stop justifying their self destructive behavior and make them take responsibility for not going the fuck outside, deleting social media, and finding a constructive hobby to find fulfillment.

You can adjust social factors, for instance unstall facehook and blabber birb. You will have instantly altered your social situation drastically. There are many things that can both be solved by individual action and would increase with changing times, simply being basically opted in to social media can have a drastically negative effect that individual action can trivially solve. Other causes could be any kind of substance abuse, eating excessive processed food in excessive portions, seditary lifestyles, and atomized social lives. All of these traps are easier to fall into today than ever in history and yet all have simple solutions.

If things were as easy as 'eat less' or 'go outside' then nobody would be fat or depressed

I ate less and went from a 40.2 BMI to and 18.8 BMI.

a lot of younger people want to be sick because it's in-vogue and/or it allows them to attach an external cause to their under-performance and bad behavior

I suspect that's the same reason communism is so hot with zoomers.

I ate less and went from a 40.2 BMI to an 18.8 BMI.

Every fat person gets told to eat less. The fact that fat people are still present in massive numbers suggests that telling people to "eat less" is not sufficient for making them eat less

So you are saying the internet of things electric collars that trigger whenever AI-GOD Alexa realizes you are eating are the way forward.

hell yeah

The fact that fat people are still present in massive numbers suggests that telling people to "eat less" is not sufficient for making them eat less

Right, they actually have to eat less. This should be court ordered with a penalty of hard labor.

I was depressed and drinking pretty much every day for most of my 20s, and I knew that I could fix those problems if I took real steps towards doing so (i.e stop drinking, stop being a hoe, etc). At the time the retarded part of my brain kept telling me I "needed to figure out the underlying issues, and that quick fixes wouldn't work, drinking is just a symptom of big stuff you need to fix."

Then I said "fuck it" and just stopped drinking, and my life got better almost instantly.
"a lot of younger people want to be sick because it's in-vogue and/or it allows them to attach an external cause to their under-performance and bad behavior"

Being depressed was easy, you don't have to see anyone or do anything except "work on yourself," which means masturbation and Reddit. Seems like Zoomers are tripping over themselves to idolize uselessness, thus making the coming ascension of sharia law both easy and necessary.

I was depressed and drinking pretty much every day for most of my 20s, and I knew that I could fix those problems if I took real steps towards doing so (i.e stop drinking, stop being a hoe, etc). At the time the retarded part of my brain kept telling me I "needed to figure out the underlying issues, and that quick fixes wouldn't work, drinking is just a symptom of big stuff you need to fix."

Substance abuse is a totally different beast than depression or anxiety alone. If you're an addict then you probably won't be able to fix your issues until you get sober. Shit like not going outside or exercising enough doesn't cause or worsen mental illness or otherwise ruin your life like addiction can and going outside or exercising more doesn't lend clarity of mind that sobriety can.

Congrats on getting sober!

Being depressed was easy, you don't have to see anyone or do anything except "work on yourself," which means masturbation and Reddit

Pretty much. The prospect of these self-focused, self-pitying trainwrecks entering the workforce in a few years is worrisome

I agree 100%. For some people it might be harder, or have less effect but if you accumulate small fixes your average depressed 20 yearold will slowly get better. I used to sit inside all day, masturbate, play videogames, go to bed at 4:00 and wake up at 14:00 or later. In the span of some weeks I started exercizing again, going outside, getting back my old sleep schedule and I quit playing manchild videogames. Stopped smoking weed as well because I realized I depended on it to fall asleep. It definitely didn't magically cure me, but it was the first stepping stone in getting better. Obviously, this is not for everyone but dismissing basic advice entirely is just a cope.

People oversell those obvious solutions that worked for them because they want to help people who share their problems and end up downplaying the downsides.

On the other side it feels a lot better to say you tried everything before you settled on "my shit's fucked" so those people literally feed on that kind of advice because hey, they tried it for an entire 5 minutes and it didn't fix literally all of their problems so why bother.

It absolutely is going outside and eating, but it’s also so much more!

Sure, but often in these cases there are simple things people can do. e.g. if they are fat and disgusting, they can simply eat less. If they are stuck in the house, they literally need to just get outside and take in nature.

Even if somebody actually tries to take that advice, they won't sustain those activities because the underlying issues won't be corrected. If telling someone that they should lose weight, clean their room, go outside more, etc. was helpful advice then the US population would be much happier and healthier, because everybody with a shitty lifestyle receives that advice. If any advice is given, it should target the reasons why they have their shitty lifestyle habits, or even better- to talk to a professional who can help them overcome their issues and develop sustainable healthy habits

Depressed people hate themselves because they don’t maintain their lives because they hate themselves.

One of those problems has a concrete solution, which breaks the cycle after enough practice.

these people literally do not want to "fix" anything. being emotionally stunted and unable to control themselves becomes their personality and even suggesting they might need to confront their problems once in a while makes them shatter like sugar glass.

Yeah, that's one of the reason why advice like 'go outside' is unsuccessful. Behind every shitty lifestyle is a mess of bad attitudes and habits that need to be corrected before the person can get better. The 'not wanting to be fixed' one seems particularly tough to correct and I bet that most of these people are going to have a wake-up call only when they hit their mid 20's to late 30's and realize that they've completely destroyed their lives because it was easier to be a self-pitying bump on a log

They're munchies without the effort. They can claim to be super sick and nobody is allowed to try to help them or call them out on it.

Dunno man, if pithy advice works for you, you’re not mentally ill. Those everyday jackoffs - they’re not mentally ill, they’re just normal people.

I've known a few similar people and yeah this seems to be the common trait. Narcissism and the inability or unwillingness to empathise with other members of the population. People who never got over the emo sadness one-upmanship.

Based take

As an intermittently suicidal lad, this is the best take on mental illness doscussion I've ever seen on this god forsaken shithole of a website.

Think the advice is wrong because then you lose a source of power. People like this use sadness and their 'mental health' as identity, and as a way to manipulate people into giving you sympathy and doing things for you.

These people don't want mental health issues solved, they want to identify as having mental health issues so that whenever do do anything successful they get bonus status points. I blame the mighty ducks and underdog hero movies like it, for this toxic cultural attitude.

This person is borderline so in that sense she is correct that nothing will fix her broken brain 😢


Are you a gamer, troid, or pedophile? One or more is fact.

Gamer is synonymous with pedophile

so is troid

He really could have just said libertarian.

Why or?

Or even objective diagnostic criteria.

How do you drive someone to suicide? Literally every person I know who has or understands clinical depression says that’s not how it works. You can just say you hate women

I hate women!!! 😏

Good morning I hate women

How do you drive someone to suicide?

Ban them from their field of work and make them a parish socially.

Iirc she just suddenly out of the blue told twitter that this guy had been bad in some vague way. He got canceled by all his friends and family and was dead in a matter of hours.

Oh gawd I am so depresssssssed guyyysss hahah xddd look at me I think I will kill myself ;((((((

Reminder: foids can't get depression they're just doing it for attention.

Isn't Zoe Quinn a troid?

Brienna Wu is but I think Zoe Quinn is an actual femoid.

Ew 🤮

EXCUSE ME! They is nonbinary you fuck! How dare you.

Dreadlocks guy's giving some actual good advice

Bottom left and top left too.

Based boomer and hippie

I can't go outside. I'm busy masturbating, smoking weed and eating junk food.

No sweaty, these activities are in no way contributing to my chemical imbalance. /r/wowthanksimcured

Um... you can masturbate, smoke and eat outside you know!

Must be so hard for her

Like whatever, everyone gets down from time to time and some people have it worse than others.

BUT SERIOUSLY WHY make a public spectacle of it on Twitter? Don't these people have actual friends and family or at least a therapist they can talk to? Don't they get how embarrassing this is?

Zoe Quinn has at least $85,448 from her 2018 Kickstarter so I think she could hire many therapists if she wanted to.

What? What exactly was that Kickstarter funding?

It was an erotic cyoa game. She apparently took the money and ran lol.

Lol I thought Kickstarter had some sort of structure in place that at least sort of ensured that you weren't just Venmoing money to a stranger.

Also $85k for a retarded eroge novel? Fucking Undertale cost half that and Toby Fox is basically a NEET.

Kickstarter has absolutely no standards whatsoever. Check out Kickscammer on YouTube to see some of the more egregious examples.

unironic take:

as someone who was clinically depressed for years and then got off my ass and turned my life around, i feel nothing but contempt for people who don't do shit about it except go to social media to hugbox.

like dont get me wrong i can completely understand that for many people it may not be possible to get out of it, its not like i suddenly stopped feeling anxiety and depression, i just stopped being a defeatist faggot about it (did not stop being an actual faggot, that I never will 😏😏😏)

ok zoomers, story time is over, you can go back to saying the gamer word now.

Shockingly enough, every person who was deppressed and felt like shit and got out of it will agree with you on this, because in reality it's the only thing that fixes it.

still here

Did you watch the Triumph of the Will or something ?

"Go outside" is good advice if you actually spend more than an hour outdoors doing something physical. I have a hard time getting friends to want to go for a hike that's more than an hour long, that's not enough to really accomplish anything.

I used to work graveyards and even though I was getting the physical activity I wasn't getting any sunlight and I felt like I was going insane. As son as I went back to working days I felt much better. These people are pretty much just getting sunlight on the way in and out of the car for their Starbucks trip.

Gamergate is the Hundred Years War of internet drama

My mental illness IS my personality, deal with it

Last I head of this woman she lacked any artistic talent or discipline and had as many careers as one night stands. Then her ex kills himself due to her accusations or something.

No shit i'd be depressed if I was wasting away my life too.

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