Wikipedians get into a way too emotionally-charged argument over whether Balloon Boy was actually a hoax...nearly eight years after the incident occurred

1  2019-12-03 by snallygaster


Have you posted bussy yet?


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you're on fire today

This is why hazing should be allowed. Jesus Christ on a cracker, only 8 years left til retirement.


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It wasnt a hoax cmv

This completely changed my mind about the whole thing.

Internet Historian can do some decent investigative reporting when the spirit moves him to.

Idk I'm not really convinced. It's easy to analyze something months after everything has already settled and make assumptions into facts. Body language videos are the biggest snake oil of this shit "look this person is clearly crazy because of his movements" (after they were caught and convicted).

The dad is clearly someone who forced himself into the limelight by doing weird shit on camera. The wife swap tv appearance should have made that clear. Having a balloon for months doesn't suddenly absolve him of guilt. People don't always launch into crazy ideas out of the gate.

Why would the kid be hiding in a box in the attic? Could the kid even get in the attic himself?

IH also just makes assumptions that the dad WASN'T thinking of ways to make it convincing as a hoax. A few hundred dollars in whatever equipment is just a write off.

Nah not convinced.

A retarded eceleb said it was real and the eceleb is based in facts and logic so I gotta believe them.

In another video he says he thinks there is a 40 % it’s real and he was more pointing out some interesting facts about the case.

After watching this I'm fucking convinced its real and balloon boy dad was strung up. It has footage of him being investigated and shows the prosecution straight-up lying, and also the cops deliberately keeping him from a lawyer and in a malleable state of mind while they interrogate him.

Now I'm questioning my entire goddamn reality.

Just wake up. Please just wake up


I want to believe

It's both

Hanlon's Razor strikes again.

Holy shit this sent me down a rabbit hole. How depressing, we were all duped. I feel like a retard.

You know it’s one really interesting aspect of Christian slavery, converting to Christianity did not free you and Christians could own Christians. In fact in a lot of the early stage of the Atlantic slave trade, they’d seize Muslims or Pagan west africans, and force convert to Christianity at the sword. If you did not convert, you would be killed. However, if you did convert, this was in itself the justification for slavery, clearly since the noble European had saved your soul for all eternity, you now owed a mere life of servitude to your masters in gratitude for their “saving you”.

It’s really soooo much shittier than the Muslim system of capturing Christian or Pagan slaves, like they would not be immediately killed if they kept their religion, and could be freed through conversion to Islam. Whereas under the Christian system, death was the default, and the bone you got for conversion was your life of slavery.



His son ratted him out on live TV. It was a hoax

That video wasn't super convincing but I'm a contrarian faggot so I'm going to go around telling people it wasn't a hoax now.


I dont know what that means and I wont respond to it

You just did

Damn. Really makes u 🤔

Formerly known




I'm a contrarian faggot

Excuse me, but I need you to link to an article called WP:IMAFAGGOT so that I understand what you mean by this.

Watch this one:

It backs up the original, and includes footage from when the cops were questioning him. Fucking Balloon Boy dad was framed, this is ridiculous.

Based redditor

This is the only post on this sub in the past week I’ve actually given a shit about

Imagine caring about anything at any time for any reason.

Internet Historian is literally the only good Zoomer.

His Aussie level bants balance it out. Also his videos are pretty damn well made.

the talking harold is cringe as fuck tho

No u

He's apparently 30

holiday fun-facts for snallygaster when?

tis the season!


This is further compounded by the fact that the maker of that video is an anonymous guy under the presumptuous name of "Internet Historian" who hides his face under a paper mask.

Probably the funniest thing I've seen a wikipedophile write.

If you’ve ever argued on a wiki you’re at the end. Wikipedia jannies are an even lower form of life

Isn't that just an episode of Seinfeld

When you see the presence of more than two archives on an obscure/unimportant article then you know there's some good shit in there

Who is balloon boy? What's special about him I tried googling him but I couldn't find anything on him besides that it was a hoax.

Anyone who thinks it isn't a hoax is mega retarded h2h