"I mean, we've got to stop celebrating a culture that couldn't even invent the bloody wheel for God's sake — we've got to start enjoying and living in western culture."

1  2019-12-03 by thowaway_throwaway


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I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


  1. "I mean, we've got to stop celebrat... - archive.org, archive.today

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Large parts of the agricultural and industrial revolution were net negatives to human well-being




The industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race

Based and kacyznski-pilled

In the short term they have been amazing, less so in the long term.

Apparently he responds to every letter you send him. I want to read his thingy and send one, but I'm a bit too dumb to understand it

  1. Humans have a need for goals. These goals cannot be too easy or too difficult to achieve. Most humans need autonomy to successfully complete their goals. Goal completion + autonomy = going through "the power process". Any interruption in the power process causes psychological destabilization.

  2. Humans have primary goals (getting food, building shelter, finding a mate) and surrogate activities (collecting Funko Pops, majoring in Post-Bussy Studies). Since primary goals are so trivially achieved, most all our activities are surrogate activities. Surrogate activities cause psychological destabilization.

  3. Modern Industrial society has packed people into unnaturally dense locales, has made physical exertion and effort unnecessary, and our food/shelter are trivially easy to obtain.

  4. Only a return to nature where man uses his body, focuses on his primary goals, and has the autonomy to do so, will prevent the massive damage that Industrial society is doing to the environment and to the human psyche.

  5. Given 1-4, Industrial society has to be destroyed.

  6. Leftists are mentally ill.

He also said conservatives are fucking morons. Based centrist as well 😏😏😏

The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.

Unironically good pasta

I only wish he discussed conservatives more. He really digs into leftists, rightfully so, but the rightoids are just brushed off as being fools.

It's probably the exmormon scenario, Ted probably grew up and worked with leftists so was more antagonistic against them when he decided to leave the cult. The most annoying atheists are the ones that grew up being pressured into giving Jesus side-hugs.

Seemed more like he thought the right were so retarded they couldn’t be reasoned with. The left on the other hand could, but they were also wrong.

That could definitely be true.

Sounds unironically like fight club.

Very good summary of his manifesto




I would honestly send a letter just to say hi (and likely get insulted in response as he commonly does), but I don't want to have extended interviews at the border for the rest of time.

The first 10 pages are supposed to be very good material after that is apparently nonsense.

I just don’t want to be on another list.


what an insult to ted. he would never make a mistake like this.

I am not worthy, may uncle ted's special panels cleanse this world of me.

anprimgang gang rise UP

It's true but he's too much of a brainlet to argue the point right.

I feel like sting on a tantric binge

Western culture exists along the Eurasian belt where inventions in any one civilization frequently spread to all others, this allowed them to benefit and build off of others like an civilizations in this belt. There is no civilization in the Eurasian belt that didn't have virtually every invention Europe did in the 17th century, that is not because of muh race and iq.

Yet clearly isolated civilizations that were cut off and didn't receive much are inherently inferior and muh race and iq is only explanation. Europe invented everything on its own due 2 hi iq I'm very smart. 😎😎😎

This, but non-ironically.

How is it possible to live with such high levels of cope and seethe?




That feeling when you’re not invited to 17th century hackathons just because you’re a nogger

I always wonder if "the glory of Western Civilization" includes five centuries from 500 - 1000 where Europoors became completely illiterate and basically lived in small rural shitholes compared to the cities of the ancient world.

Muh Rome

Of course, we can't forget the most important and crucial element of the Roman's success: they were having absolutely insane amounts of homosexual sex on the reg.

That's more of a consequence of having a culture that venerates its military caste. Spartans, Romans, Feudal Japan, etc. all accepted bussy as long as it didn't interfere with producing more kids.

Honestly it’s pretty impressive that western civilization came back from that and took over the entire world

Hell the Romans didn't think Gaul and Germania were worth conquering for centuries

The poors couldn’t read and write before that either.

There are lots of examples of societies that were in close proximity to advanced civilisations never adopting their technology properly. When the arabs took over east Africa they brought advanced agriculture, the wheel, writing, etc. About a hundred years after the caliphates withdrew the Africans rapidly abandoned everything they had given them except rice and Islam. Australian aboriginals are not that isolated with some very basic seafaring skills. Manila, a major trading centre was not far, as were the advanced civilisations of China and Khmer.

Africans rapidly abandoned everything they had given them except rice and Islam.

so they kept the only things that mattered

Then why did the proud, noble Ethiopians beat the dirty Italians, smart guy?

Through the power of Islam and rice, obv

Europe invented everything on its own due 2 hi iq I'm very smart.

Who hurt you sweaty? Um, the TRUTH, apparently! LOL!

Turbocoping like MDEgenerates coping over jewish nobel prizes

Name one thing in your room that was not invented in the west

I love seeing someone using the word "chief" as an insult, while defending an indiginous culture.

I'm not your chief, pal.

agriculture was invented in the Middle East

I'm pretty sure that's not true seeing as most ancient cultures developed their own version of agriculture, but even if it is middle easterners are considered white so checkmate.

heard of the fertile crescent, queer?

Cradle of civilization my anus

This is pure, unadultered, farm-grade cope.


As opposed to the descendants of literal fucking felons?