Wtf what is this shitty Garrison ripoff 😡

1  2019-12-03 by Ghdust3


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My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Wtf what is this shitty Garrison ri... -,

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Checkmate atheists

I like how far rightoids have gone full Inhofe about climate. "oh yeah, how can there be global warming if there's snow during winter???"

I mean they're not wrong

Transient extremes in temperature/precipitation locally or regionally are a predicted result of the overall process. A super hard cold snap, or a ton of snow over a short period of time doesn't offset that, for example, 'winter' conditions and weather patterns start later in the year and end earlier. The time-averaged effect is higher mean temperatures and changed patterns of precipitation and less reliable snowpack/more rapid snow melt.

If global warming was real than all the record temperatures would be in the last couple years. Where I live the record high temperatures are basically from the 1800s and early 1900s.

Checkmate, retards.

If global warming was real than all the record temperatures would be in the last couple years. Where I live the record high temperatures are basically from the 1800s and early 1900s.

Based and retardpilled

btfo me

Seriously though, scientists focusing on the world are stupid af. You need to look at where he lives and see that it’s still cold there. Global Warming hoax BTFO


Fuckin weather how does it work? Scientists always lyin and make me pissed.

Most of the places with uniformly and dramatically higher temperatures are in the arctic and the ocean. Things are less uniform elsewhere. Europe and the middle east have had fairly dramatic swings towards higher temperatures, north american average temperatures have no been as effected. Main symptom to north americans has been the cold snaps due to weakening of the jet stream, and increased frequency of intense hurricanes. Although summers are slightly hotter.




This is some real trade-in trolling

I mean the year on average is hotter in north america. But the weakening of the jet stream has lead to frequent outbreaks of arctic air south that manifest as sudden and dramatic cold snaps. This actually results in much higher temperatures and faster melting in the arctic as well though.

There’s a reason why all of the sudden we’re getting arctic air and cold snaps so frequently, that didn’t happen when I was growing up.

Except the Artic has more ice than in recorded history, polar bears are so populated they are nearly non-endangered, but besides actual facts (which the DNC has told us are trumped by Feels) sure, you're correct.

Fuck off, low-rent Pizzashill

Arctic does not have more than than in recorded history, lmao retard. You are misremembering your talking point, your were supposed to say that about Antarctica. South pole had not been nearly as effected.

Wow man you really owned me facts don't care about my feelings 😭😭😭😭. Please repeat more cool and baste talking points that are totally original to me and I've never heard before, it's fascinating. 😎😎😎


I like how you skipped the whole mental gymnastics of rightoids saying that climate change isn't man-made and just went to straight denial of reality.

I mean the climate is not changing, full stop, carriage return. The eggheads had to doctor the numbers to show any change, at all, this is all completely and totally established fact.

But you do you if you want to believe retarded shit like humans can control/change the climate on Earth go ahead, no foreskin off my dick.

Wow man that looks like a lot of 100% pure, distilled seethe

your fully dilated

Thank you for this wonderful gift.

I think it’s funny how right kids never go in the opposite direction

“Holy shit it’s warm out today let’s maybe not burn more coal than a white college fresh woman.”



lol holy shit you’re retarded



Branco is a discount Ben Garrison

I don't get why people on the far right are so insistent on pushing this shit so hard. How on earth does it benefit them?

Also, can I just say, who gives a flying fuck if retarded coal miners lose their stupid job that sounds like it should be an RPG sub-class. We're just sending the people who the school system fails down to go get lung cancer in a cave for us for the sake of mining Xbox juice.



Nice one

right then?