Black hildawg is GONE

1  2019-12-03 by dara141


/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


  1. Black hildawg is GONE -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Wow, you just proved what an absolute retard you are.


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Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road

Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go

So make the best of this test, and don't ask why

It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time

It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right

Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself

Honestly, Kamala’s biggest problem was that her campaign had no clear direction. First she was progressive, then she pivoted right, which upset both bases, and her plans had too many conditions.

She was a much better candidate in the beginning, but it seems donors and moderate pressure got to her.

Her not being able to properly defend her AG record killed her, too.

Why vote for a progressive pig who is tough on crime when I could just vote for a real fascist who will genocide the homeless.

Officer down, officer down, suspect is a Hawaiian woman, possibly last seen leaving the scene strumming a ukulele. Centrists are advised to consider the suspect armed, and dangerous.

Esto pero sin the fucking tiniest shred of ironia.

This managed to be more retarded than actual Spanglish

Pues how about you chupar on my fucking bolsa de nuez

a real fascist who will genocide the homeless.

Who is this candidate who likely appeals to the new users of r/drama?

the "a little genocide is okay" centrist take that we need!

I feel like the whole thing was over when her Smollett plot didn't pan out.

Fuck the educated amirite? What we need are idiot drones that do one absurdly specific task on an assembly line 10 hours a day, 5 days a week for the rest of their life that doesn't question the dear leader.

No wonder Trump said he loves the poorly educated.

Fuck me, a chemistry major, that doesn't want to be a mindless brute drone, but actually wants to use my brain and have every day be an interesting challenge, amirite.

Go fuck yourself in the ass with a cactus, you far-right wing troglodytes.

Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.

This new shtick confuses and frightens me.

Chemistry major (or any STEM shit), not a mindless drone, using brain

Idk. I don’t wanna spoil the surprise for you.

I’m sorry tsg I’ve literally used every post from a AHS post about terfs, in this post. I have nothing else to offer 🤷🏿‍♂️

Yeah what exactly does he think he's going to be doing? Apparently he hasn't gotten into any upper division lab classes yet so his dreams of nobel prizes are still intact.

Sorry bud you are going to be filling pipettes for the rest of your life.

It’s from. And please say pipe-slur. 😥🤕

I'm so exhausted of their "13% of the population, 50% of crime, hurr durr" argument. It proves that they are incapable of or unwilling to look at anything beyond the most superficial of levels. No, it has nothing to do with decades of systemic racism in the criminal justice system, the corrupt failure of the War on Drugs, or the metric fuckton of actual science showing race itself is not a determining factor of anything fundamental. Non-whites are just bad. Conveniently ignoring that groups like the irish had the same exact garbage spewed about them when they were the convenient scapegoat. .

That’s all fine, I just thought you were a rightoid for some reason.

Really? Just check my post history to see I’m center left

Did you and basedmark switch schticks? He's doing a better you than you.

are you memeing now or did you go full retard

Quick question, how was the War on Drugs a failure? Assuming I don't see anything bad with locking up criminals for crimes they committed, what harm did it cause?

A black market that literally ruined south and Central America 🤔

So you're saying that because people broke the law, that we should just make it legal because some bad things happened somewhere else? Just let the narcostates narc?

Follow Sweden’s model imo

Read your flair, gotta admit you got me.

Mayos gotta cope somehow ime

south and central America being shitholes for their entire history is somehow America's fault

Why are shitty countries never capable of taking responsibility for their own shit?

Hell, look at America- or even just San Francisco. When I see streets littered with human feces and used needles I don't blame it on fucking Lithuania or whatever. That's on us.

how does any of that have anything to do with smollet?

I'm really confused by this response

I’ve been posting AHS pasta all day

oh lmao, yummy yummy


Lol wut

i used bold you should be able to read it clearly.

I don't get why you switched from being semi-respectable to full out tard tho

Imagine thinking i was semi respectable

take the Meth Pill

Desoxyn (Methamphetamine HCl)

Downers >>>>> uppers

I'm not getting into *that* debate, but really i have no beef with anyone's drug of choice, except the "DUDE WEED" clowns.

Weed is degenerate tbh

I don't care if someone smokes any amount of weed, but when you make your whole identity about how awesome weed is, or start with the "you shouldn't do drugs just smoke weed it's a plant" shit

poppies are a plant too and so are coca, ephedra, sassafras, and Khat


She was a classic candidate running as a career move instead of having an agenda. Someone told her she had good parallels with 2008 Obama as a freshman mixed-race senator and she decided to try and win the nomination because of it.

Opposing transphobia is not centrist.



If she didn't want her campaign to get barrel bombed like Idlib, she shouldn't have called Assad a "dictator."

Haha wow someone took my comment and used it as pasta.


Bad time to be a prosecutor lol

Also her WOC credentials were in question. She acted like a slavery black, but her dad was Jamaican and her mom a street shitter. It was a massive reach

There was slavery in Jamaica.



Seethe daddy

Imagine being retarded enough to think you can be a prosecutor and still win the progressive vote 🙄🙄🙄

Especially being a women and I only like 90% mayo

Honestly, a woman AND a groid? No thanks

That and she had the personality of a block of wood

Now it’s time for yang to quit

This is when Yang takes off

Yang's going to take it to the convention for the same reason Paul did - his legions of cultist fanboys creating a filter bubble.

is any other candidate willing to go this far to secure the bag? I rest my case

/r/yanggang 2020 😎

yes what this race really needs is more focus group tested boomers who can't appeal to 2016 trump voters and/or are publicly sundowning

Yeah, its going to be even funnier than last time.

Imagine not wanting to see two old boomers have a dementia-off for the general election debates.


my wife tusli eviscerated her and she never recovered. I was hoping she'd do the same to bootyboi at the last debate but didnt quite stick.

If she's your wife, I'm the bull 😎


Fuck, i was searching up and down YouTube to find this but had to settle with that inferior version. Replaced the link, thanks lol


God his mustache looks so bad.


If you actually read up on this her sister singlehandedly crashed the whole campaign.

I know what I'm googling this afternoon

based sis

I'm sure they had campaign problems, but there wasn't a lane for her in this primary.

She's suffering from the same thing the other non-progressive candidates are, and that problem is Biden is in the race.

Warren does well because she's a hybrid between the progressive left and the establishment. But someone like Harris was never going to beat Biden, they're in the same lane and Biden is far more popular.

Minority mommy noooo!

Just another literallywho who won't be missed.