Livestreamer's girlfriend talks about cucking him, his fans brigade the thread

1  2019-12-03 by rechidna


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If I ever see you in real life I'll fucking make you eat cement. You got that, bitch? If it wasn't your mom coming downstairs to the basement each night to bring you a plate of chicken tenders, you would be dead with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard. I bet you weight about 400 pounds and have a string tied to your dick you use so you can piss. The fact you have to keep making new accounts suggest you need a new hobby. Stop being a piece of shit troll and find something creative to do. You only have so much time left before your arteries clog and Coonrod lowers your 2000 pounds casket into the ground with a fucking crane.


  1. Livestreamer's girlfriend talks abo... -,

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Live-streams fail is overrun with destiny and hasan disciples. It’s so jarring.

What would you prefer?




Hasan is a pimple on the ass of society

this time next year it'll be mostly fans of the retired pornstars that are showing up over there. the young turk guy keeps promoting them it's fucking hilarious

Wubby is the only streamer worth a shit

That's like saying that some foids are stable. Doesn't make sense.

Is that the guy that moved to pornhub?

he got pissy at twitch and told mixer to pay him 5 million for 5 years and he'll leave twitch because mixer needs him

Wubby is just an obese fucking retard discount idubbz

They are all bottom feeders.


While I can't argue against you, I will not change my stance. I occasionally enjoy turning him on in the background whenever I'm bored

I spent some time with wubby on group discord calls, he’s actually pretty fucking lame

He is Idubbz if idubbz was fat and more of a pusssy

Literally who

Wubby without jumpcuts is more boring than Masterlawls.

I didn't know twitch did jumpcuts

Sushi Dragon is actually pretty good at it actually.


Pat “Fuckboi” Boivin is unfathomably based.


worth a shit

pick one and only one.

Ah, so Destiny and his gf are coomers

And soon, the entire world

Sleeves of cope in that thread

"Incel" is the battlecry of a coping redditor.

Like, imagine unironically using "virgin" as an insult in 2019.

But remember, it’s not okay to Virgin shame.

the duality of the redditor.

Dear Allah I fucking hate delusional redditors

Have patience, brother. Day of the Shoe will be soon upon us. Inshallah!

Imagine watching streamers

Imagine considering yourself a "fan" of a streamer

Imagine giving your money to streamers

Zoomers are a blight on the internet -v-

Imagine going your entire fucking life without donating massive sums of money to this guy.

Is he like 5’4? Have we found someone shorter than Benny?

LOL wallpaper borders are usually about 4 feet, so he's probably not even 5 feet

>Imagine watching streamers

>Imagine considering yourself a "fan" of a streamer

>Imagine giving your money to streamers

No I'd never do that.

Questions solved?

I don't understand. How's it's different from YouTube?

In terms of entertainment?

Well, you get the entertainment of watching something live with thousands of people in the chat at the same time. So there's more of a sense of community. Its also less manufactured then Youtubers, since a streamer is providing content for 6-8 hours. But the content gap isn't huge, and I don't mind watching the vods on twitch or a YT video of the stream. Sometimes, its because you want to improve at the game, and streamers are the best at that, as they play the most.

In terms of livestreaming?

YT is a shit platform for livestreaming. No good emotes, very shit format and in general its not built for it. Its like the wild wastes of livestreaming.

“sense of community” lmfao

Imagine having an opinion on emotes.

And the difference is that live-streams are can lower quality/effort content than yt videos.

Ok bugman

I love you bb but sometimes you got a real severe case of the zoomies. 😂😂😂

there's more of a sense of community

You really that lonely?

all zoomers are perpetually lonely. Industrial revolution and all that.


An inability to be emotionally intimate is nothing to be proud of.

It really is amazing how his enemies make fun of him for being a cuck while we make fun of him for chain fucking his way around the world.

"His enemies" holy shit...

And no he isn't chain-fucking his way around the world. He had to fly all the way to Europe to fuck a star-struck fangirl and join her cuckold relationship, only to have her start cucking him.

Yeah totally the George Best of Twich...

Peak mayo shit. Allah why?

This is what the ideal alpha male looks like.

Just because you may not like it, just because you may call him a "manlet," just because you're envious of him, that doesn't give you the right to insult him. He's a gentleman, and you need to treat him as such.

What on earth is he doing to that chinaman's danger zone?

prepping the ""bull""

Harvesting the rice.

His cult constantly tries to say he’s a chad because a few foids want to get in a bed with him; as if those cheap holes are attracted anything but his money and popularity. He’s the archetypal rich beta.

gatekeeping who she fucks

streaming faggotry

Goddamn zoomers and gaymers.

best part of that thread is the guy telling everyone there's nothing wrong with occasionally smoking heroin

TBF, looks like she also lets him fuck other girls. At least it's better than being a full cuck.

She misinterpreted the question and thought it was about a 3 way, not about cuckin.

Gay shit either way, but also fake news.

stewie2k with destiny

Imagine knowing and/or giving a shit about any of these people

I only know destiny because he publicly embarrasses himself often. Oh, and I know the black dood who restreams DSP.

The fundamentals of a relationship is restricting yourself and committing. A sacrifice to show your self worth and loyal with your body

This person has never been in a relationship and most likely never had sex. The only intamacy he has ever experienced was when he sat on a toilet seat after woman vacated it and it was still warm