mayo repents for his sins.

1  2019-12-04 by 2Manadeal2btw


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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. mayo repents for his sins. -,

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Dude nigger lmao

I'll take your confession in writing.

Nigger nigger nigger dude nigger

-Emmett Till circa 1954

Post a timestamped video announcing your name, workplace and the gamer word or you’re a pussy.

I work at the deli counter in a Safeway in Madison Wisconsin.

Impossible, I've never been in a Safeway where the employee at the deli wasn't a 50+ foid.

Who do you think I am, Jared?

My digital friend.

So true 😍

Hehehe, I'll just reply to this with a sleeping Marsey, that'll really put him in his place...

Oh WHAT THE FUCK. No Marseys? You took out the Marseys and my flair just to include the seasonal gay porn? I feel targeted.


ever forget 9/11

I hope you die in the ER waiting room of an easily curable disease due to your President. Also, incels are called incels for a reason, I highly doubt that was your ”gf”

Yeah he’s gonna end up saying it again.

It's usually sexless weirdos that call other people incels 🤔

Either great troll or massive pussy.

The comments make me think troll, but this is the way a huge amount of people actually think. They, just as taught, believe that a gamer moment is the worst possible thing someone can do.

u r not forgiven

Pretty clear troll imo. Is this place turning in to a bunch of normies that will fall for literally anything?

stop being a faggot and read the sidebar.

Says the bait-swallowing faggot.

Just by your profile and your response I can tell you are a millennial snowflake American clown. Go Trump!!!!

I can't even tell if this is ironic or not.