The South Shall Rise Again!

1  2019-12-04 by collectijism


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. The South Shall Rise Again! -,

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The electoral college isn't going anywhere until the first guy to lose by 10+ million votes becomes president and there's a mass movement against it.

It isn't so much the electoral college that causes the problems but the winner take all nature of it, too. It provides a very distorted image of the electorate.

Found a dude on that sub called u/ BasedZoomer whose account is 1 day old, and he appears to have posted for literally every second of that one day his account existed.

Meaning he has no job and he’s not in school, as he did this on a Tuesday.

Or maybe this IS his job and he’s just a paid shill

what sub?


i know that place but it’s just weird you responded that to pizzas comment. Seems like a nonsequitur

Ya I’ve been mainly using pasta lately tbh


I don’t know, it amuses me. I think I am following the same path as Ed

Ah Ed pilled

Jesus, warren is a worse pandering populist than Daddy.


The south should have been turned into an antebellum theme park