Space Daddy’s big tiddy cybergoth GF admits to being the bourgeois in front of Lana Del Centrist. Hand-wringing tankies of arr slash indieheads commence to yikesing.

1  2019-12-04 by TayloTayloBookito


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On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


  1. Space Daddy’s big tiddy cybergoth G... -,

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Woke white people criticizing other white people makes me hate white people.

Why don't you just hate white "people" for being white?

I don't hate them for being white, that is racist and not cool. I hate them for being whiny faggots.

Mayos aren't people so you can't be racist against them.

Also what are you talking about? Being racist rad as fuck

He’s clearly not Ben pinkpilled

i’m sometimes racist against objects

True. I do hate white women

i hate white people but i’m the white person who i hate the most

really the worst thing about white people is me tbh

i didnt mean to drag the rest of you mayos into this, but yes you suck too, like really bad, just not as bad as me

Based and watermarkhatingpilled

Grimes doesn’t have any tits tho

Don’t fuck with the title, yo 😡

It’s a great title, really.


What scares me is an artificial intelligence getting online

What’s interesting is, for AI, we are their god. That will be the first intelligent being that knows its creator, and knows everything about us

Retards who don't know shit about AI sure do love to regurgitate capeshit tier talking points regarding AI

It sounds like she just gets high and talks to space daddy about this shit. And now she's trying to remember what he said to sound smart.

I mean that's exactly how I'd spend my time if I were dating him

are they even still together

u know musk + grimes still to this day has to be one of the strangest things that’s happened in the course of my life

musk + grimes + azealia banks was a short lived but amazing trio while it lasted

At first it seemed kind of weird but then I remembered that she made a Dune concept album so it’s not really a surprise that they would get along.

im scare of ai but that is a very strangely and oddly specific scenario to be afraid of from ai

got the media has really wrecked the public's understanding of AI and whipped them into a frenzy, little do they know it's still retarded and we can't get it to do basic human tasks (like not run over pedestrians in cars)

Tankies lol okay. The bolsheviks had all these wannabee pseudo intellectual champaign sniffers send to Siberia to never return and rightfully so.

Trying to be smart was discouraged by the bolsheviks? Ya, that sounds about right.



trying to be smart

Why do commies care about mentally ill celebrities?

They waste as much time as they can to avoid doing anything productive or healthy

big tiddy goth gf

I believe their preferred term is "Edgar Allen Hoes".

On a semi-related notes, Grimes new track is FUCKING AWESOME.

No one is considering the psychological impact of all this crazy technology

Tedpilled queen? 😍😍😍

dating Elon Musk in order to inflict enough psychological damage to drive him insane at the height of his world-controlling AI-fueled cyberpunk dystopia, thereby bringing about the total collapse of industrial society and a return to traditional human ways of living

AnPrim Grimes is playing 6D chess.

Lana Del Rey's cover of that Sublime song is pretty good tho

That whole album is unironically good. She finally did a project that’s interesting.

Lana Del Rey has always sounded like a cat being strangled

I'm from fucking Chile where we're literally tearing Neoliberalism/capitalism apart because we already do know that shit doesn't work.

Huh? The protests are happening because the neocummie government is running out of money and raised fares on PUBLIC transport.


Get to da choppah!

I love my cummie government's where water is privatised

Crapitalism is for kikes and niggers buying sweatshop Nikes. I'm a fascist.

So, a capitalist?

dude fascism is capitalism!

Yeah, save these sophomoric takes for your twitter followers, bub.

"Trust me bro, we're anti-capitalist, we're only supported by industrialists both foreign and domestic, plan to privatise the shit out of everything, and destroy unions, trust me bro :)))))"

I would privatize the production of boxcars if it'd mean you ending up in one sooner.

Hitler, Mussolini

Donal TRom

Every time I see a redditor complain about "STEMlords" all I hear is "I'm bitter and jealous that I contribute nothing to society and make no money"

STEMbug cope.

Most of you have never contributed anything of value either.

I'll have you know that getting paid $400K a year to optimise Amazon's suggestions algorithms by 0.6% is extremely valuable to society


Grimes, whose real name is Claire Boucher

Nice deadnaming, interview magazine. Grimes's name real is "c" and they are gender neutral. #cancel this #broke magazine

Grimes went from "white girl who wears bindis" to "white girl who reads Nick Land"

Implying this is anything other than an absolute improvement. Truly the COPE of those who will get left behind in the hyper-racist bioaccelerationist future.