Fuck them schools lmao

1  2019-12-04 by Ghdust3


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/r/drama was part of my shift rightward. There are a lot of rightoids in there doing the lords work, showing people to the light. Ironic rightoid posting can still red-pill people. And good drama is still good drama, whether it's chapotards sperging out over ableism in the revolution or the Donald Defense Force sperging out about NPCs. Drama is one of the few places where actual fascists and actual leftists clash on a daily basis, and it's pretty entertaining.

I'm currently banned for circumventing the custom subreddit style at /r/drama though.


  1. Fuck them schools lmao - archive.org, archive.today

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We need mo money fur dem pogromz

Correct, a pogrom for daddy fanboys

Ah yes Rightoid "humor"

Ah yes lefty humor just pointing at things and calling them nazi

MAGAcels cheering about kids getting more retarded

Hmm really makes you think 🤔🤔🤔

magatards cheering about their voter base increasing

Hmmmm 🤔

That couldn't be the cause for celebration!

Could it? 🤔🤔🤔

I'll have to investigate further. 🧐

Please report back when you're done using your thinking thoughts

Not a daddy dick sucker but billions of dollars in federal education spending have done what exactly to make Americans less retarded?

Same amount of retardation is better than more retardation

It's true though. The problem is Americans.

You need exponentially more money to educate kids with internet brain rot.

i dare anyone to tell me exactly what the DOE does, without lookin it up. Because everything regulated by your local schools is handled by your state/city and overseen by your state/city legislature.

Common sense would seem to indicate that if your stupid and don’t understand something you probably just shouldn’t touch it, but conservatives of course know better.

The DOE hands out checks to schools, it is 10% of their funding. There are numerous laws governing the allocation of this money, largely its based on need seeking to provide money to less wealthy localities, but since No Child Left Behind it also is based on test scores. Which is kind of retarded but whatever. Since the federal government is the source of money, unlike the states, this funding also helps a lot in recessions, the federal government can continue pulling money out of its ass and prop up the schools. While state revenue especially will tend to collapse, because it’s all consumption and income taxes pretty much, and the only way they can make up the shortfall is by convincing other people to give them money in the form of loans, instead of pulling it out of their ass like the federal government does.

State debt tends to be more difficult to acquire and higher interest than federal debt for this reason, leading to most states having balanced budget clauses, meaning that in any recession school funding tends to be slashed. While the federal government largely doesn’t even notice and pumps out dollars like nobodies business and treasury funds from these dollars people trip over themselves to buy at like 1% interest or something stupid like this. Local government tends to be less impacted by recession, because it’s largely based on property taxes, and the value of property doesn’t fluctuate as much as consumption or income. Still people obviously seethe when the economy contracts and they continue having to pay the same property taxes, so that naturally means that it can’t be a huge source of revenue or people will get pissed and vote you out in recessions.

Yes this was off the top of my head, thankyou very much. Unlike conservatives I tend not to base my arguments on abolishing everything I’m too stupid to understand, I don’t understand a lot of what the companies in capitalist countries are up to but usually I don’t offer this as a justification for their abolition. I come up with other things. But whatever.

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your stupid

Your one of the better trolls lmao also I didn’t read anything after that.

Didnt read lmao

We’re 250 trillion in debt funding schools for peasants born outside of the USA with 10 siblings. We are already insolvent as the people willing to pay taxes are dwindling as more and more is heaped on their back to the point they can’t afford children of their own.

Yep just subtract 68 billion in funding from American schools nationwide and literally nothing will happen, that portion of school funding is just a void with no economic utility.

Yeah because Devos just cut 68 billion dollars. Fucking retarded leftoids, man

You really think Americans couldn't go further with the retardation?

Imagine thinking anyone working at the department of education actually has any positive effect whatsoever on education.

Yep 68 billion in funding to American schools could easily just distribute itself, no need for accountants to manage the distribution in accordance with federal law, that has no value, accounting is literally economic waste. Just wing it imo.

Should just automatically pay parents and let them enroll in a private school.

the DOE really needs de-funded. Its nothing but a bureaucratic cesspool meddling in something each state has a right to administrate.



Sherman didn’t go far enough

Nah let’s states rights handle everything from now on. The south will be bankrupt and the north will be fine.

The south will leech tax dollars unless you also do something to gut social services and transportation grants.

No I mean, the south has to survive on their own. They can have their states right ruled areas and the north can have their federally one runs. Let’s see how that works out for them.

Literally nobody in human history has been angrier at receiving basically hundreds of billions of dollars worth of subsidies than red states

Imagine not wanting big daddy government in 2019

I think what we really need to do is start paying unionized teachers, who can be awful and never get fired, more money.

Yeah because attacking teachers all throughout 2010s really did so much to improve the school system, Michigan has flying cars now I hear.

You are really angry at something who’s main effect on your life is sending a giant ass check with few questions asked to your poor ass hillbilly school district every year and giving you a no questions asked 7% loan for college for basically as long as you want back when you were 18 and had no credit history and private banks were nervous about approving a 100% secured $100 loan in your name. Yeah student loans suck bitch but your hillbilly ass would never even look in the direction of a university without one.

Abolish public schools, issue every child in America a new laptop every 3 years, make them take a standardized test at the end of each 3 year period, the ones that don't pass will be thrown into the ocean. Education problem solved.

thrown into the ocean

Which one?

I am a huge NIMBY kind of guy, so Atlantic. I don't want big old fat bones washing up on MY beaches.

Disgusting wet bones on MY beaches?

I think not

Maybe Gulf?

Put them in Canada, who cares about that place

Now we're talking

Then nuke Canada

Steve don't give me a hardon while I'm working.

Oh I'm sorry, I thought we were in America where I can do whatever I damn well want

Fine, fine. I'll just brave getting caught in the maintenance closet. Again.

Tell them to show you in the Constitution where it says that you can't bust one in a maintenance closet

Whichever is the closest to where they failed the test

The American ocean

We should nuke Ohio into the ground and turn it into a great lake

Throw in Indiana and make Michigan an island.

Now that would be neat

Unless that test is made up of questions on Twitter memes and stepsibling porn, all those youth are gonna die.

God willing, brother

Rightoids and hating education. Classic combo

Leftoids and refusing to consider anything beyond $ and the title of the program comes close


Why are conservatives cheering the slow death of our education? It's not perfect but the idea that letting retards in Alabama teach kids the earth is 5000 years old is a better alternative is retarded

Lol at these people pretending the DOE is anything more than some finance wing applying the backdoor tax on poors/dumb known as student loan interest.

Student loans suck for the poor but getting rid of them would suck more. I mean I come from an middle class family, I went to a shit state school for comp sci and paid like 30k during that time with a 7% interest rate. Now I have a job that pays 85k and I’m halfway through to paying them off. Without the student loans, lmao, where was I supposed to get 30k at 18. Like if I worked full time at popeyes I couldn’t have paid for it, no way my dad could handle three kids college in a short time. As for private loans, if I went into a bank today, with an 85k salary job and an established credit history, and asked for an unsecured 30k loan they would laugh in my face, any loan I could get would definitely have interest rates higher than 7%. Hell 100% secured loans from my 401k have 5% interest rates, think about that shit, literally no risk and they want 5% a year for some reason lmao. No way I could get a loan at 18. Without the federal government I would be working at a mill right now.

The Department of Education is a Ku Klux Klan psy-op to create a national, uniform education system to maintain white, Protestant supremacy and hegemony.

The Department of Education was only founded in 1979. Since then the US has steadily fallen behind its peer nations in academic performance.

I can't imagine being retarded enough to think gutting DoEd is anything but a positive development for America's students... but then I went to a nice private school and not some pozzed public school run by literal commies.

The proof that private schools are a failure is this very poster.

No one with a choice chooses to send their kids to a public school over a private school.

I’m so glad that some among us are spared the terror of being forced to interact with the lesser folk. Yes you reserve all the best resources for yourself and thus get better treatment, what a wonderful system, how wonderful my lord that your esteemed dynasty practices this and you were able to get those resources which would otherwise be wastefully distributed among the lesser folk. Thankyou my lord for even having the countenance to speak with us peasants, deigning us with the vast wisdom imparted upon you in your childhood by these institutions of learning reserved for the better folk by God.

I was literally born in a trailer. I got to go to a private school thanks to a voucher program. You know, the kind leftoids constantly fight against and insist will never work. Ironically, all this was in the state leftoid granddaddy occasionally represents when he isn't busy getting cucked out of the Democratic nomination.

Have you tried not being poor?

Wow thanks your majesty, you come from one of the royal families and got a special esteemed school without all the coloreds, you are so special, I am honored to be in your presence. Your esteemed wisdom on this issue is much appreciated, oh noble one, you are not satisfied with merely being separate from the coloreds, you wish also to save some small portion on your taxes that goes otherwise to the education of these worthless peasants. Truly genius, thankyou my lord.

after once being the world wide leader.

Your honor, I would ask you which orifice you pulled this out of, but that would be improper of a peasant to address a noble one such yourself in such a manner, please forgive this peasant. Thanks be for the distribution of your wisdom upon us lesser folk, yes yes, more resources to you and your progeny, less to us, that will help things, incredible such genius without the slightest ounce of self interst, truly the nobility is so much better than us.

Yeah, it surely it was the DOE and not reaganomics fucking up budgets for schooling, lmao.

I'm not sure what the Department of Energy has to do with it. But given that per-student spending has gone up, yeah, I'd say its probably the bloated bureaucracy leeching money away from actual schools that's the problem.

rightoids are correct that the doe sucks big ol balls

magacels are incorrect that the doe would ever be canned

because rightoids plans to fix the doe is to have them issue block grants to states so that states can fund private schools that happen to largely be christian in nature or send the funds to charter schools to be promptly embezzled depending on which brand of rightitis they have contracted

Rightoids' arguments basically hinge on us underestimating how much more retarded they can make students from poor hick areas.

That entire family is dogshit

"I love the poorly educated"

At least he wasn't lying

Imagine having a model of economics in your head where you just subtract the government from GDP somehow, like the government is 20% of GDP and economic growth is 4% so if the government disappeared you’d have 24% GDP growth because the government conducts no economic activity at all somehow in your pudding brain. This is literally how America has been governed for decades and its not going to stop. When airlines purposefully cripple their service in order to extract more fees from people seeking to undo the crippling, that is economic activity. The DOE is like half the funding of public schools, and that is not economic activity somehow, half of public schooling is not economic activity, actually all of public schools are not economic activity, and the jobs necessary for proper allocation and management of such funding are also leeching with negative economic value.

Ban black kids from public school.

Posting /r/The_Donald is low-tier bait, of course whatever they say is going to be pant-on-head retarded. It's nothing but pure distilled booomerposting over there.

Cope seethe and dialtaion time for the poorcells living on breakfasts at school starve or sell your body to the cartels beaner

Watermark Spergout Score(WSS): 6 Ed Snooze Emojis out of 10 High School Drama Dropouts


Says he has a degree in physics

Needs two hours to figure out a 7th grade math problem

Education is not a right nor should it be