Basketball-Americans brutalize white boy's bussy, civilized conversation concerning crime & chapos commences

1  2019-12-04 by newsmachineplus


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  1. Basketball-Americans brutalize whit... -,

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Is it wrong that I wish we could send all the virtue signalling libs to live in one of these diverse to receive the cultural enrichment and diversity they drone on about

They would literally apologize for being robbed.

nah they would convert, there are liberal white people that interact or live near black communities but they are a lot more real about what goes on. Then the ones that have lived in a distant suburb all of their life

They would probably misinterpret it as some sort of gang initiation and assume they were his friends now.


poor* communities

They could be mugged every night and would still find a way to avoid the obvious because they have no spine

They're overly socialized. In fact that's the leftoid's biggest problem, no ability to think for himself

In fact that's the leftoid's biggest problem, no ability to think for himself

This is true I still have my radio plugged in to get FDR fireside chats for this weeks libcuck plans.

Basically was a sub plot in mad men when Peggy moved in with the hippie

Man, I'm on the edge of one of those communities and it's fucking awful. The apartment is fine but it's still on the affordable end, and a lot of trash ends up in them.

It's also a really harsh reality but, with one exception, every shit neighbor I had was black. One was a Chinese exchange student, but otherwise it was all black dudes. Playing music loud? Black dude. Won't turn their loud ass alarm off in the morning and let's it go for a fucking our? Black dude. Blasts music at 2AM that so loud they wake me up despite living halfway down the hall? Black dude. Beats the girlfriend? Black dude.

I'm still of the mindset that in an individual basis you should treat everyone with equal respect and give everyone a benefit if the doubt, but next time I move into an apartment I'm pulling up the racial demographics of my city and moving away from anywhere that has a ton of black people. I'm just fucking sick of shit neighbors.

This is the way

This. My childhood home wasn’t in like a slum or a favela or anything, but I grew up on the outskirts of some pretty bad inner city projects. Think like, Muslims running convenience stores that have an entire section for weave, and low cost no-name carrier advertisements plastering the windows. That kind of projects.

T_Ders overestimate how bad living in a place like that is, honestly. Most crime around there was robbery and black people shooting black people. They couldn’t give a single shit about the white kid going to buy a soda. You were pretty much as safe as you’d be in any white neighborhood. It’s not like the caricature commonly seen where a group of black people go up and beat up the first white kid they see. That doesn’t happen.

To appeal to radical centrism, on the other hand, like you said, virtue signaling libs underestimate how bad living in a place like that is. All they’ve ever known is their suburban white neighborhood or a gentrified Brooklyn million dollar apartment. They’ve been around white people their entire lives and think that the token minority they see is how the projects are. I was pretty lonely as a white kid growing up, and my schools up to high school were utter garbage. You also had to keep basically nothing of value in your car, because people would walk around and check unlocked car doors.

radical centrism

So that's what they call it? I've been living this out by myself lately so it's nice to know I'm not the first.


Did you watch the video? It's literally what happened.

sub focused on shitty people beating people up

“Why are there so many shitty people in this sub?”

>what about the school shootings tho amirite?

>wait I didn't mean for actual stats

“there’s literally no difference between gang members shooting each other and Timmy McMayo mowing down a 5th grade class.”


When I hear about people getting shot near where I live I always check to see if it's gang related

If it is (like it usually is) then lol who fkn cares, hope they all eradicate themselves trolololol


This but unironically and to a lesser degree

There's been a few shootings near me and literally all of then are gang related so even tho my friends are freaked I'm chilled out. What would they shoot me for? My keys? My insured cellphone? Lmao. All it's done is make the homeless leave which is based IMO

You have a lot of faith in the rational decision-making of armed criminals


One of them is pretty common and the other happens when Timmy can't get laid.

I never saw a school shooting done by a black kid 🤔

Why does every public school in the intercity south have mesh backpacks?

Crappy suburbs too. If you want to know how bad a school is, look up if they require transparent backpacks.

Mayo gets cucked by big black men

When did le leddit get so based?

Wow. Who hurt all of you? Why do we have to bring race into this? When are you all going to see that racism is extremely petty and nonsensical.

In fact, I theorize that it is likely an example of the psychological tactic of raising one’s self-esteem by putting down a group that one is not a part of? You don’t say that black people are “Niggers,” or “Monkeys” to keep yourselves safe. You do it so you can look at yourself and think “At least I’m not them. At least I’m ‘better’ than them.”

But that’s simply one theory.

Maybe you’re all just shortsighted. Maybe you are attempting to enunciate a different theory, but you’re severely misrepresenting yourselves. Maybe I’m misunderstanding you. Maybe you’re basing the actions and thoughts process of a large group of people off of one bad experience that you or someone you know has had. Maybe you’re misinformed. Maybe “I’m” misinformed.

Regardless, I would like the people in this comment section to either convince me of the justification of your thought processes when you post the phrase “Nigger” or “Monkey” on this, or to please stop. Racism isn’t funny or excusable. Some things shouldn’t be joked about or even said.

Forgive me if I misunderstood the intentions of this comment section.