This is the most snowflake sub I've come across in a long time

1  2019-12-04 by Klepto121

Jesus Christ




  1. This is the most snowflake sub I've... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Is this sub an incel safe space or something?

Not...exactly. Pull up the sub page on browser, not mobile. That should answer some questions.

Ooh, and show your mom!

The first faggot to say fresh gets slapped


Hey! Just checking in. Do you have the time/headspace to receive news that may hurt you?

Like a roast?

I'll make you fuck my wife you jackass

What the cuck are you sure about this

She's old and fat as shit. You're not going to enjoy it

Beauty is completely subjective

Except you, you are objectively gorgeous.

Go make out already you homos

I've been having some sexual thoughts about you I'd like to share over text if you'd enjoy that

I am the kind of person who people reach out to when they're in pain. Because I'm good at emotional processing AND logical problem-solving, I tend to be a go-to for my friends who need to externally process their experiences.

This was a private conversation regarding emotional and personal topics, please delete this post and stop reading our comment chain.

Please ask for consent before you demand my emotional labor. Asking for consent is really REALLY important for the following reasons:

(1) It acknowledges that I have limited time & emotional availability.

(2) It asks permission to vent, rather than unloading without warning.

(3) It notes the content of the conversation, which could be triggering for me.

(4) It gives me a clear sense of the expectations for the conversation.

(5) It gives me an opportunity to say yes, no, or to counteroffer (e.g., "I'm busy right now, but I'll call you later tonight, if that works?").

Hey! I'm so glad you want me to ask consent. I'm actually at capacity / helping someone else who's in crisis / dealing with some personal stuff right now, and I don't think I can hold appropriate space for you. Could we consent at [later date or time] instead / Do you have someone else you could reach out to?

At any given moment, I have several crises (or, at the very least, vent sessions) happening in my text messages at once.

On top of my followers who are in need of advice in my various inboxes.

On top of, you know, my own problems.

We are glad that you are able to help those who are less privileged than you so consistently and it is good that you are able to understand how many spoons you can fill and set boundaries. This system wishes we are were as blessed and hopes you understand how lucky you are that you have the emotional capacity to help as many as you do. You're valid.

Thank you so much for performing this emotional labor with me.


A Human with Far Too Much Anxiety, Coupled with a Rescuer Personality, Not to Be Forewarned of an Oncoming Emotional Labor Energy Suck

Do you have a kofi we can donate to? Someone who is giving so much should be getting back from this society. This not giving you a living is just another example of how capitalism has trained us to only value male spaces and male occupations as important.

Kofi Nahaje Sarkodie-Mensah is a Ghanaian-American professional wrestler currently signed to WWE under the ring name Kofi Kingston where he performs on the SmackDown brand. He is currently in his record seventh reign as SmackDown Tag Team Champion as a member of The New Day

Oh honey...

i saw that result too, but the professional wrestler cracked me up

taking to snappy

How dare you sir

Does he think Snappy is fucking Bobby B or something? How dare he.

Don't ever just assume "he"


Your mom is an incel safespace

My foster mom would crush your head between her thighs you fucking watermelon

She just crushed my dick between her lips, well she tried at least

Hard to grip unless its a chad cock

It just wiggled around like a wet noodle because she is so disgusting that an erection was impossible. I am now volcel

Thank you klepto121's mom, very cool!

Fuck yeah me next

Imagine being adopted šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

If the people that raised you are still together and are also your biological parents, go ahead and hit that like button

I don't have to imagine, since it is my reality. If you want a lesson on how to be nicer to people, why don't you maybe try not to get everone in a sub to gang up on a person for a condition they can't help? Reported



Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

I am a bot. Contact for questions



way to bussy pilled for that

This is a sub primarily dedicated to the campaign of Michael R. Bloomberg, Democratic presidential candidate in the 2020 election.

If you'd like to support the fight against Trump, and join the team of the only candidate that can go head to had with him, then feel free to take a look around his website:

You don't have to donate if you don't want to- fortunately Bloomy B has some pretty full coffers already. But if you want to read up on his policy positions and his plan to oust Trump from the oval office then his website is a wealth of information!

Remember, both the left and the right can be as insane as they want to, but in the end only radical centrism prevails.


Would you like to send in a donation to Michael Bloomberg?

Reply: 1, if yes.

Reply: 2, if no.





This is a McAfee subreddit. Please don't bring outdated boomers into this

McAfee / Epstein was ticket we needed, but not the ticket we deserved.

Lurk more



this sub is an LGBT safe space, as me and many other gays will attest

God bless you

Stop posting on worldnews and reevaluate your life.

True alright I'll stop

Ok good. Wish the best :)

r/MGTOWWOM safe space more like

Based Snappy

Based and snappilled

As always

You tell ā€˜em, snappy.

Oh hey, how goes.

Who made you mad? We will make them answer for their inceldom.

I'm just saying this is a snowflake sub. No retribution needed

Oh, okay. Yeah there are some ā„ļø for sure , little of everything.

oh absolutely FUCK you dude this sub is a mental health safe space for me and MANY other people who don't have anywhere else to go on reddit, fucking asshole, you come in here trying to pass judgement on r/drama posters, who the fuck are you? nobody, that's what. why don't you go back to whatever shithole sub you came from

fucking idiot

Wow. What a foul mouthed incel, if I've ever heard one. Maybe if breath didn't smell like a fresh shit a gal mihht let you talk to them one time

Punk ass KD (knuckle dragger)

girl might let you talk to them

Stop projecting sweaty, us chads donā€™t need permission to speak to foids

Or have sex with them šŸ˜­

Wait, why are you talking to foids? Hets OUT.

knuckle dragger

You can't say that. Only we can say that.

i literally cant believe this person comes in here using the k****** d*****r slur against us like its nothing and reddit lets these fuckign bigots have a platform to spread their violent hate speech

He can say knuckle dragga though

Ma knuckle dragga

Punk ass knuckle dragger

Damn, got his ass.

Our church group could use someone as quick witted as you to dab on the atheists, wanna join?

I don't mix with atheists

Alright I can respect that. Do you line up with their views on abortion though?

Depends if it's one of god precious children or a clump of cells made outside of wedlock

It's not exactly commenter overlap ; what he does is construct the habits of the typical /r/Drama commenter (e.g. he posts 30% of his comments in /r/Drama, 25% in SRD, etc.) and uses this to compare subreddits between them.

So what the original image is saying is mainly that the typical commenting habits of a /r/Drama user, when substracted the typical commenting habits of a SRD user, are most similar to the typical users of the subreddits mentioned here.

It's not saying that /r/Drama users post a lot in /r/sjwhate, but :

/r/Drama is rather similar to SRD in terms of user commenting habits (even if, surprisingly, it seems to be closer to /r/subredditcancer)

if you remove the similar part (this is just vector algebra, and it has surprisingly good results) the remainder is closer to the typical profile of a /r/sjwhate user.

I canā€™t believe I read this whole thing

I think it's a [DATA EXPUNGED] pasta.

No shit? My favorite from that source is about how the Drama mods are ā€œextremely skilled at getting people to respond and be roped inā€ or something like that.

Clever girl




> posts in r/funny

Why the hell would I get within a mile of a fem*id when there are just as many hot men in this world?

Lol God doesn't real

Yikes who hurt you sweaty

This is my post. My opinion. I have a right to say how I feel about any given situation without being QUESTIONED by a mere incel. If you knew me irl you would quickly reconsider your snark remarks to me for simply expressing my opinion. Have a nice day

Plz tell me you saw the response to this before it was deleted.

This is my post. My opinion. I have the right to express my opinion on any subject anywhere I go without it being QUESTIONED by a mere incel. If you knew me irl you would quickly reconsider such questioning over my SIMPLE opinion that I'm allowed to have

Thank you, that was the one.

Good shit šŸ‘Œ

snappy quote when???!

Snappy when? This is going in my pasta spank bank too, it's that good

You are confusing incels with volcels

Mod him now

Are you a navy seal by any chance?


no u

Is this a free range LOLcow or do my eyes deceive me šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜

More like the alt of some regular enjoying their larp time

Ehhh this retards post history makes me think itā€™s someoneā€™s main and no posts on drama before this. But Iā€™m probably underestimating arrdramas autism levels actually more than likely actually ignore everything I just said itā€™s entirely and more than likely the case.

Wonderful analysis good balance between adhd and just regular autism very neo intellectual

Thanks jizzy Iā€™m just glad I can have an intellectual conversation with myself and share it with you guys šŸ¤—

Be careful those waifu pillows quickly slip into life size sex dolls and then everntually tulpa dinner parties. Been there done youā€™ve been warned

Lmao imagine being this mentally ill. Iā€™m good but thanks for the advice.

Could be worse could be banging incels with wigs on

No it couldnā€™t be worse, honestly. They might be cucks, but theyā€™re still having sex.


But Iā€™m probably underestimating arrdramas autism

Always the bad bet

I have some other accounts that I switch to occasionally to post on, and none of them have ever posted to r/drama. It wouldnā€™t be hard for me to do something like this and I have a feeling itā€™s not uncommon for people to have their reddit set up like that.

Between you and I, I thought this was a T_D place and I was amused at the cynicism and played along best I could. This sub is alright. It's like a less retarded r/okbuddyretard

Just between you and I, I first thought this was a T_D place, and I then was amused at the cynicism and played along best I could. This sub is alright. It's like a less retarded r/okbuddyretard

We do have some of those and they are loud, but a lot of the people on here are left as well. Check the coping on any Trump post.

imagine not knowing how alt accounts work lmao

At least we all had fun.


cope seethe and dilate

Have sex

Here in my safe space, just bought this food here. Itā€™s fun to walk up here in the college campuse. But you know what I like more than feminist books? feminism. In fact, Iā€™m a lot more proud of these seven new safe spaces that I had to install two thousand new privilege checkers that I bought. Itā€™s like the feminist Anita Sarkeesian says, ā€œOnline harassment, especially gendered online harassment, is an epidemic. Women are being driven out; they're being driven offline. This isn't just in gaming. This is happening across the board online, especially with women who participate in or work in male-dominated industries. ā€

Now maybe youā€™ve seen my TEDx talk where I talk about how sexist white cis males are. You know, I check my privilege every day not to show off itā€™s again about the sexist white cis males. In fact, the real reason I keep this safe space here is that itā€™s a reminder. A reminder that white cis males are sexist, because it wasnā€™t that long ago that I was in a little town across the country being triggered by a white cis male in a mobile home with only zero dollars in my bank account. I didnā€™t have a college degree in gender studies, I had no opportunities. But you know what? Something happened that changed my life. I bumped into a feminist. And another feminist. And a few more feminist. I found five feminist. And they showed me what they did to become feminists. Again, itā€™s not just about money, itā€™s about the sexist white cis males; health, white privilege, racists and trump. And so I record a little video, itā€™s actually on my website, you can click here on this video and itā€™ll take you to my website where I share three things that they taught me. Three things that you can implement today no matter where you are.

Now, this isnā€™t a ā€œstop white cis males fastā€ scheme. You know, like they say if things sound too good to be true they are too good to be true. Iā€™m not promising you that tomorrow youā€™re gonna be able to go out and buy a safe space. But what I am telling you is that it can happen faster than you think if you know the proven steps. So, I record a little two minute video on my website. Like I said, now itā€™s not the most professional I just shot it here with my iPhone, but itā€™s real. Nobody can argue, this is my true story. And Iā€™m going to give you the three most important things you can do today. So click the link, go there itā€™s completely free to watch it itā€™s just a couple minutes. Invest in yourself. Always be curious. Donā€™t be a cynic. Okay, people see videos like this and they say ā€œAh thatā€™s not real thatā€™s for somebody else.ā€

Donā€™t listen, donā€™t listen. Be an optimist. Like, hillary, the woman who started her campaign, she said that he was only fifteen years old when he read a book by Helen Keller, and that book changed his life. Books can change your life. And in that book, Helen Keller said ā€œoptimismā€ so if youā€™re a cynic, if youā€™re a pessimist you donā€™t need to click here. Donā€™t worry about it, I donā€™t need to talk to everybody. But if youā€™re somebody who knows that thereā€™s something better, cause the dream is possible, you know, for some of you watching itā€™s not necessarily a ssafe space, maybe itā€™s a new job, a new opportunity, starting your own company.

Maybe itā€™s a new lifestyle without so much stress, traveling the world, doing those things you know youā€™re destined to do. You can do those unless you understand finances. Money, I donā€™t call it money anymore, I call it fuel units. You must have enough fuel units to stop sexists and racists. So, Iā€™ll see you on my website, itā€™s a quick video and youā€™ll see there absolutely free.

So just click this video and youā€™ll be taken there in a second, and uh, Iā€™m excited to share this amazing stuff. Youā€™ll see, not because of anything of me but because Iā€™ve been fortunate enough to learn from feminists many years ahead of me. Not just in books like these, although I love books but also real in-person mentors. So let me share with you these three tips that have made all the difference in my life. Theyā€™re practical, you can do them today, you can start on them today. All right? See you there on my site.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

serious posts on /r/worldnews

calls others names

This particular diatribe is not advisable, my liege.

Hey šŸ˜” get the fuck off my profile please

Australian posting in /r/christianity

You one of them hillsong weirdos or something?

I don't go to church šŸ˜Ž

Don't go to church and still seriousposting on /r/christianity, that's even sadder than just a christcuck.



Hi pizza

go back to your containment sub you tard

implying r/drama isn't the containment sub for users with surplus autism


Do u like bussy OP? šŸ˜

Alright bro link to the post that made you upset. And be honest

le epic troll job

how does one mere human become so based?

You have the gay

Snickers or twix?


Answer me coward


Post bussy

Right Wing purists and bad-faith actors are targeting vulnerable young men to believe that progressiveness (especially feminism) is exposing them to false claims of rape.


Scares people into fighting against progressive policis

Makes them feel that they are part of a group that will protect them. AKA "they make false accusations, but WE are working to stop that."

The reality is this: Yes it's happened, but is exceedingly rare. Be a good person and surround yourself with good people. Live your life.

Don't be an incel.

Iā€™m not triggered at all not a bit. How about you?


It's like you have two personalities. Some of these comments are pretty witty and you seem to fit right in, but other ones are just absolutely pathetically retarded

Ye well I got 2 different personalities and if you're lucky you might get to meet the whole gang

Legit canā€™t tell if this is hilarious bait or if OP is actually retarded.

post bussy

I have never felt so insulted by one community for stating a relatively harmless opinion about this sub.

I've been called bussy, I've been called a LOLcow. There's cars driving past my house idk what's going on if maybe I'm being docks'd?

I just call you snowflakes and you turn into a bunch of reactionaries who take pride in their neurotic centralism. Thanks for proving my point though, I guess

Yes, it seems like a mutually satisfactory exchange.

i refuse to believe you're a real person. no one is this retarded.

People can be complete vegetables who's eyes don't flicker or anything. I know I'm retarded but fuck you there is definitely worse than me punk bitch knuckle dragga

quit deleting your posts you pussy.

Nah I swear I made a spelling error, deleted it, and reposted exactly what I said again. You spazzed out and commented on my post that was just deleted because you're a snowflake

I'm just gonna walk away from your ad-hominem atttacks, snowflake

I'm just gonna walk away from your ad-hominem attacks, snowflake I'm a pussy


You're a snowflake




>World news



Got ya!

Stop using the Lord's name in vein

U r a g*****d