1  2019-12-04 by The_Live_Ghost


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. DUDE TESTICULAR CANCER LMAO - archive.org, archive.today

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The only thing more pathetic than this post is how you think people actually actually care.


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Not to mention the effect on sperm count.

We're going the way of 'Children of Men', aren't we?

Not me, I am latino, I am fertile as shit. White people though, yeah, they should do something.

or not, and allow the mayocide to proceed as allah intended

Me and you both vato.

I'll take it since I'm 100% rawdog

there are "men" who wear rubbers

Okay, but it also cures cancer, so it all evens out or only goes to one testicle.

How much is “regular”?

One joint/day for a year

Oh ok

Lmao imagine not killing an oz a week along with dabbing 6 times a day.

Waiting for the pseudoscience NEETs to come and tell me how this is wrong and smoking weed only does good things and has absolutely no downsides.

Daily retard smoker here to bring some bad news. The article cherry picked the study, tldr is that this metastudy (using studies from the past 45 years) among people who have smoked an average of 1 joint daily for 10 years are 36% (range of 3% - 81%) more likely than average to develop testicular cancer. So it goes from 1 in 270 to 1 in 200 if you smoke 1 joint of kush every day, and if Google is to be trusted;

The chance of developing testis cancer is about one in 270. Fortunately, the cure rate is excellent (greater than 95 percent for all men with testis cancer)

More bad news is that the extra cases of the cancer are just going to further burden public health care lmao, cause that's about all you can expect from a 95% cure rate

If you want to wish extinction on stoners, your best bet is to hope it's near the 81% rate, and that weed has gotten a lot stronger since the 70s, which could maybe push the rate to 1 in 140. What's funny is that the study also found those same people to be 85% more likely to have fertility problems (range of 10% to 311%), but the article chose instead to focus on cancer for some reason

like p*theads need their nuts anyways they’ll end up being snipped in two years either way for being mayos

What's funny is that the study also found those same people to be 85% more likely to have fertility problems (range of 10% to 311%), but the article chose instead to focus on cancer for some reason

d'ya think edibles instead of smoking would do this too?

They looked at studies involving "marijuana OR marihuana OR tetrahydrocannabinol OR cannabinoid OR cannabis" and while this is kind of a shit tier study, it heavily implies that THC/CBD is responsible for the male sperm issues

That being said, weed causing low sperm count / performance has been known for decades. If you're a regular, heavy user don't worry too much cause stopping the use gets sperm count back to almost normal after a few months (unless you're female, in which case heavy regular use likely does more lasting fertility damage)

I knew a chick who was diagnosed with ovary cancer (or someshit). She stated she was treating it solely with weed. Nothing else. Bitch was retarded. But she was also a prostitute and left snail trails all over my parents house.

Prostitutes aren't the brightest tools in the shed

No shit.

I hope that's true

Same, just so I can shut up retarded potheads with it.

Yeah drinks alcohol give me smokes tobacco shit to has sex use against pot heads

If anything they'll reeee even louder

inb4 potheads tell us about all the medical advantages of weed and how they totes don't act like everyday junkies because their DOC is better than yours.

And they aren't addicted and can quit anytime they want.

You can't get addicted to weed! ----> proceeds to get angry and anxious cuz dealer isn't answering then talks about moving to CO, CA or WA just for legal weed.

When I lived in CO for a couple years post-legalization, a guy I met moved from Georgia for the sole reason that pot was legal there. What can good men do against such reckless drug addiction?

What can good men do against such reckless drug addiction?

Raise their taxes

Of course you can get addicted...if you're a little bitch. Real alpha Chad's can only get addicted to adult drugs like cocaine or jankem.

I stick to LSD and MDMA like a true PLUR faggot.

because their DOC is better than yours.

Imagine needing a prescription like you live in some flyover state. 😂😂😂

I don’t know if this is next level irony or if you’re actually just retarded as usual.

I don’t know

What else is new

Nah I don’t believe pot has any medical advantage (besides the inherent stuff like anxiety and moderate pain relief) but this isn’t gonna stop me from dudeweedlmaoing my way through an eighth and a thc cart in one week. People who act superior for using weed instead of psychs, stims or b*nzos are pretty cringe though, I’ll give you that.

CBD memery, by the way, is mommyblog pseudoscience and I’ve never seen anyone who smokes actual weed support it.

I have to admit, CBD gummies have made my sleep a hell of a lot better. I don't normally ride the crazy train of whatever new thing is a miracle cure, but 2 of these like an hour before bed has done wonders for my sleep. No more tossing and turning and staying awake from like 3am.

I'll never understand when people say weed is anti-anxiety. Weed does the exact opposite for me and makes me super fucking anxious and paranoid. No other drug does that to me.

My brother has Asperger’s and anxiety and he has a medical card for weed. He’s a lot chiller and relaxed when he’s high. It’s a personal thing, and it obviously won’t work for everyone, but it does work for some. I’m a lot more relaxed when I’m high, and I’ll usually take a hit off my cartridge before I study.

I wish, man. lol I would love to tokie tokie along with everyone but I have to pass or I'll stare off into a corner thinking everyone is staring at me for being high. lol It's so fucking frustrating.

I want to get some edibles and try to build a tolerance while I'm alone. My friend is a super pothead and I can't enjoy with him.

Weed/CBD is kinda like essential oils in that they work different for everyone(and sometimes dont work at all).

I kinda figure maybe it could be placebo, but I don't think so. I read that CBD lowers anxiety and that's why it helps with sleep, and that makes sense since I used to wake up and couldn't go back to sleep due to my mind racing.

Oh no yeah i dont doubt that it works, it just hasn't been engineered like synthetic pharmaceuticals.


Coomers are weed addicts and also the ones manipulated by the porn yeshiva into saying nofap was dangerous

Weed is 10x better eaten than smoked cmv

Nah vaped or dabbed is better. You can guy 18g of shatter on Empire for like $150, buy some terpenes and fill a year’s worth of carts with a syringe, hot plate and an hours worth of time.

Cannabutter takes way too long to make for what you get, and it tastes like ass. You also get a different, longer high when it’s metabolized in your stomach though, so it’s not completely useless.

When I eat weed I get philosophical, relaxed and happy, when I smoke it I become retarded and anxious. The fact that it lasts so long and is relatively intense prevents you from becoming a casually addicted degen. It's something you do a couple times a year on a free Saturday.