Neolibs defend nazi China again cause money makes right

1  2019-12-04 by collectijism


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So we shouldnt put economic pressure on the modern Nazi Germany

Actually hes doing it for the wrong reasons, so no, try again bucko

Literally 13 comments replying with "doing the right thing for the wrong reasons is bad" because orange man is bad. What the fuck, these are allegedly economists

LMAO the top reply is even a chapo, what a tasty level of irony for an "economics" sub

Chapos are the biggest pseuds on reddit. They shit up any sort of politics sub not overrun by alt-righters and make garbage posts using knowledge from youtube videos, reddit comments, and wiki articles.

It’s worth noting that they reject Wikipedia on certain key issues, such as the Holodomor.

If you literally copy and pasted the definition of communism from Wikipedia you’ll still get “ackshually”ed in record time

Wikipedia = truth

I’m sure if your guys ideology is so nuanced that you need to read tens of thousands of pages of theory in order to understand, Cletus, Alabama joe, and the actual proletariat probably can’t wait to line up and join along

Not wikipedia, how dare they

I wonder if they hate the Jews who survived the Holocaust by fleeing to the Dominican Republic. The government accepted them because the dictator wanted the country to be whiter.

If they hadn't, their GDP would prob be half of what it is today

Hating 👏 Israel 👏 Zionism 👏 Corporations 👏 Bankers 👏 Hollywood 👏 Lawyers 👏 Cops 👏 Capitalists


the same as hating Jews

ThE mOdErN nAzI gErMaNy

Ok boomer

People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


  1. Neolibs defend nazi China again cau... -,

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By “he” do you mean Putin?

Watch more msm npc the truth is there somewhere

I read in vox that Putin has been the architect behind all of the this, and that Trump is ready to short some insanely large amounts. Maddow was exposing this the other day. God, every leader since Stalin is either pissed or rolling in their graves. Our number one socioeconomic and global threats’ dictator, is literally calling the shot of our every move.

Guess which r/drama regular left this gem

Triggered hard love it.

Legit look at the kat guy’s post history he posted a shit tier meme on a sub that says the right can’t meme... he’s a baboon.

<3 Putin

There isn't a sub named appropriately on this website anymore. Reddit want you to believe these subs are what their titles say, but threads like this would make any legitimate economist shrink in horror and disgust.

Its full of tankies like anything that has to do even tangentially with capitalism

Tbh just waiting for astrologers to hijack astronomy subs, and homeopaths to infiltrate medical subs

Economics is an always has been astrology. It was only right wing for a while because billionaires dumped a hundred mil into the hands of every charlatan with an econ phd who would be third dog, they captured the entire discipline and bent it to their ends. Oh yes it’s for the good of everyone to give my benefactors more and more a share of the economy, just believe me, I’m an economist so I’m neutral and you have to believe me even though I’m nearly always wrong.

Oh dear something that’s not yellow peril sinophobia like every other article on reddit! There is an astonishing lack of CIA propaganda about China here we must do something to stop it!

Its the new right wing talking point, been noticing it a lot lately.

They have no idea what they're doing, Trump has no idea what hes doing, so they hide behind "human rights" as an afterthought to justify what cannot be logically defended.

The leftwing talking point is to be a chinnese colony

I've literally seen Trumpers justify those Muslim camps and say China is handling Muslims correctly.

That was a popular opinion on the Donald for a while, right up until they needed an excuse to justify failing/losing trade wars.

That guy isn't even wrong.

Yeah I mean let’s be honest here. Do you think the chinnese are handling the muslims appropriately?

Its the same thing when they built the Berlin Wall they sold it to the public as a way to keep out the bad people and keep them safe. It trapped them

I do not think they are handling anything correctly. This doesn't change the fact the Donald tards repeatedly supported those camps until they needed a reason to defend losing trade wars, so that comment you pasted was completely right.

This is the same thing dems do when they complain about camps. They want the camps it gives them a reason to hate vote. They don’t want to get of the camps

The CIA has funded the killing of plenty of children. It’s only ideology is right fascism, that it promotes worldwide. The evil black heart of capitalism is in the US, and the is why socialism can only succeed when it takes plant in America, once the black heart of capitalism is squashed world socialism will soon follow and we will stop fighting our brother worker in China and Mexico and hold hand in hand in peace and freedom, as workers of the world.

Need I remind you that just 30 years after the anti-fascist wall was taken down, fascist parties now are first or second in virtually every East German state. The Anti-Fascist Wall served its purpose well and it was foolish to remove it and open up East Germany to Nazism again.

Yes we must punish China for the evil of their growing their economy, they aren’t allowed to grow their economy. They have an eternal responsibility to maintain standards of living below America, and it’s evil of them to abandon this.

Ah the china is a rising power narrative very neocon of you. I like this version of waterfart

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If we don’t literally start a war right now we’ll all be chink slaves, must genocide the Chinese race in order to preserve Americas rightful #1 and they should thank us for preserving their human rights while doing so

China is literally the Nazis

Amazing how anything America wants to invade immediately becomes the Nazis, who granted America this awesome power