Fatties Triggered✅ (Part 2)

1  2019-12-04 by Llamayoda


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The 9/11 Vore Conspiracy argues that the twin towers were not hit by planes externally. Instead, planes were built inside the towers, and continually inflated which eventually caused a collapse.

The anonymous theorist, reviewing footage of the 9/11 attack, stops the footage numerous times to point out "weak zones" of the town that gave in as a response to the increasing weight of the internal aircraft.

He highlights areas in the footage that portray people and objects being violently thrown out of the windows with force, as well as small billows of steam and fire, happening at the lower floor levels of one of the towers.

"Look at this shit. You're telling me there's just random ass explosions going on? Down here? We ain't even remotely close to where the plane collided. Bull fucking horse shit.'

The theorist explains that the planes were built by "crazed U.S. government scientists who watched too much Doctor Who, it was like that of a real life TARDIS experiment".

"They built these massive towers, for what? Business? Hell nah, have you seen the economy pre-9/11? It was shit. We didn't have the money nor energy for no goddamn tower of that size, and definitely not two."

We asked why the experiment would take place in the middle of a city as crowded as NYC. The theorist responded:

"It's hidden in plain sight. NYC's got all the resources in the world, right at your disposal. Nah, seriously man, look at these streets, there's a fuckin' garbage pile up just down the road. You know what kind of technology you can find in these piles? There's some fuckin' money to be made. Plus you get to make a nationwide scare if your experiment fucks up, and publicity means more money. They had all to gain and nothing to lose."

The theorist explains that any and all footage taken inside the Twin Towers pre-9/11 was simply simulated, props, or illusion. Footage of NYC recorded in a position respective to which the twin towers overlooked, was created via a clever series of mirrors originally sourcing from the "432 Park Avenue" building.

The theorist claims that any and all footage of the planes are "so fake, it's laughable", he states: "Nobody saw any planes... not in real life. Outside of what the TV stations would tell you, not a single soul saw an actual, physical plane hit the buildings. Hell, you could ask everyone in New York today, you won't find a single person who saw a plane."


  1. Fatties Triggered✅ (Part 2) - archive.org, archive.today

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29 upvotes...jesus fucking christ this place is a hellsite.

We can do better. This is like eating the crispy cheese baked on the side of the deep dish pizza.

That’s the best part of a deep dish pizza.

There's no good part of a deep dish

I’m from Chicagoan and I agree with you. It’s like if a pizza tried to transition itself into a lasagna.

It's a soup masquerading as a pizza

How many soups you know they are solid cheese?

Most of the ones made by housewives in flyover country

Don't listen to him. I like fatty threads. Everyone gets unreasonably upset one way or the other. Fatty protectors and fphers are both fun to laugh at.


Why are we hated so? What did us fat people ever do to you? Do people really think it’s our fault that we were forced into a system of consistent caloric excess? That foods these days are just so jam packed with delicious sugars that out monkey brains crave? That maybe self control is impossible in this age of excess. This disgusts me.

Society lmao

Fatties are hated for the same reason poors, socialists, and drug addicts are, because people who have survival instincts recognize those groups as being bad for society.

You mean my tax dollars.

government (taxes) exist to keep poors from outside the country stealing our shit, and poors from inside the country from stealing my shit. And maybe some regulations about medicine of something.


As a fat person who is fat due to medications that are keeping me alive and doing their best to lose weight by exercising and better eating (im also on the super restrictive FODMAP diet because of health issues, meaning i can't be as flexible in replacing foods with others), I think I have every right to vote. I probably have more self control than most people given the food I can't eat. What a ridiculous idea, does that mean people with anorexia, bulimia, suicide attempts or have made any bad choices in their lives shouldn't vote either?

MASSIVE (heh) fatty cope right here lol, just be anorexic lmao at least you won't disgust people as much.

just be anorexic lmao at least you won't disgust people as much.

Unironically I noticed I was gaining weight so I started limiting myself to a bowl of cereal and a sandwich per day, plus vitamins. Works fine.

didnt you repost this once already

Absolute madlad.

Why are we hated so? What did us fat people ever do to you? Do people really think it’s our fault that we were forced into a system of consistent caloric excess? That foods these days are just so jam packed with delicious sugars that out monkey brains crave? That maybe self control is impossible in this age of excess. This disgusts me.

which one of you was this?

Fatties can't resist biting down on the bait, what a surprise!

Also, excuses/reasons for being fat ....everyone has them, everyone is convinced they are "valid". Maybe they are, maybe they aren't but does it actually matter? Clearly not: you still get treated like a fatty, you still die early and you're still a cheap source of oil in an emergency.