r/TrollX names the radical centrist.

1  2019-12-05 by Ghdust3


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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. r/TrollX names the radical centrist... - archive.org, archive.today

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"The struggles of others are irrelevant to me in every way unless they somehow cause me personal inconveniences."

The irony of this by a TwoX poster, lol

Meanwhile they literally dont give a shit about the third world but will constantly share posts about some fag parade in Portland


couple thousand upvotes on addressing a /pol/ meme lmao.

holy fuck that post and the comments are pure cope

Imagine being a foid 🤢

But if they push that, they won’t be able to shame men for being virgins incels.

My state offers an X gender marker on identification. If I decide to change my id to match the gender identity all my friends and coworkers understand, will the Feds end up using that as a basis to put trans folk in concentration camps in a couple of years?

Is that real? Honestly I'd believe they're that fucking crazy.

Also, people that say "folk" unironically make me seethe.

It's in the thread, guessing it's probably real with how deluded all the other comments are.

If the feds are going to put trannies in concentration camps (pro tip: they won’t) they’re going to put like actual trans people in it who are like transitioning and everything, not your uwu I’m stargender despite hanging out in a women’s sub types

will the Feds end up using that as a basis to put trans folk in concentration camps in a couple of years?

God I wish

This but unironically though.

Meanwhile... • Do I get to be considered a protected class by law or not, as a trans person, or do I have to worry about that being a possible barrier to achieving self sufficiency and getting off SSI? • Will my healthcare ever be considered anything other than """"cosmetic"""" despite years and years of the medical community saying in no uncertain terms that no, it isn't? • Will I still be able to find a way to feed myself if SNAP gets its budget slashed yet again despite constantly rising food prices? • Will I be able to go to the bathroom without risking being assaulted anywhere other than my home? Everyone at the bottom of the food chain has their own problems damaging their quality of life on a very personal level, and a lot of those problems are politically related. I am under no obligation to remain friends with someone who's actively trying to hurt me, whether it's physically or through the ballot box, and neither is anyone else.

lol reddit trannies never get tired of pretending that they're literally the most oppressed even though their problems are 100% self inflicted and voluntary

"A black... I mean, urban kid called me 'retardo gay' and no hot lipstick lesbians want to suck my weiner... I truly know what being a nigger means."

That's the only thing that makes them seem like actual women though.

They also stay at home all day on their computer. Oh wow a real member of society.

Some people are too stupid have strong opinions on things that dont directly impact them. Those that choose to still have a strong opinion even though they're dumb are the stupidest of the stupid

Yeah, and really telling some rando about the glorious rad cen will often melt their feeble mind so telling them your apolitical is a kindness.

I can’t believe reading or listening to jordan peterson is considered political controversial. He’s a psychologist and the vast majority of what he says isn’t even controversial. Usually all his controversy comes from bad terminology

he's a milquetoast conservative. I don't get the hatred for him either, but being the most basic conservative is enough to be hated by foids and troids.


For example: wanting society to be culturally very encouraging of monogamous relationships. This causes foids to seethe because it discriminates against '''alternative"" relationship lifestyles. And who benefits the most from these alternative lifestyles, such as polyamory? Foids do.

he's a milquetoast conservative. I don't get the hatred for him either, but being the most basic conservative is enough to be hated by foids and troids.

I got this one retard to finally admit that he thinks the Republican party as a whole is alt right. When you keep that in mind some Reddit users make a lot more sense. Pro tip most people in meat space don't care about him let alone know who he even is

He’s also a conservative cause he’s old and was probably considered liberal back in his age. Like everyone above the age of 50+ is most likely gonna be conservative

Jordan oeterson just tells losers to make their beds and get a job. Peterson is like doubling the amount of men who meet a 35 year old foids 2 requirements to try and conceive

Cleaning your room is alt-right adjacent.

"I just broke up with my boyfriend because I discovered he had listened to Peterson - he wouldn't admit to it, but I saw that his room was clean, so I knew he had done it"

Let’s face it, people just hate him because the alt-right in particular has embraced him as a patron saint. Similar to Hillary slamming milk mommy for being Richard Spencer’s favorite dem candidate.

Eh I'm not sure he he's as loved as is portrayed, on account of his shitting on the Nazis and Holocaust a lot. He's been called a Jewish shill by alt-right publications before

the alt right hates Peterson's jew loving guts. He's a classical liberal who teaches budding-edgelords how to be productive members of society, anyone who pushes against anger and categorical (white vs black) thinking is no friend of the alt right.

Let’s face it, people just hate him because the alt-right in particular has embraced him as a patron saint.

Lol they fucking hate him because he isn't woke on the Jew world order

The alt right calls him Juden Peterstein and think he's been sent by the Jews to lead innocent white men astray into penis washing liberalism.

It's his whole lobsters and hierarchy thing. He attracted the altright by saying the one thing they want to hear: "some are better than others".

Dude these people think Joe motherfuckin Rogan is a nazi. His entire deal is he'll have literally whoever on his podcast and just talk to them. Talking to people makes you a nazi.

Professor Kermit is at least kind of rightish, but he doesn't even have to be.


Dog brains

My fav acc

This is honestly the only place we can make these jokes without attracting masses of MDEfugees.

White mayo foid, the most oppressed of them all.

" "i'm not very political."

translation: "the status quo serves me so well that I feel uncomfortable even risking having to do anything different in my life." "

I am a brown moid, so clearly I think I am supposed to be higher up on the victim pole, than a white mayo foid, and I am not very political, so what exactly is this supposed to mean then?

It means you've been brainwashed by your mayo hetero-patriarchal overlords.

I am a brown moid, so clearly I think I am supposed to be higher up on the victim pole, than a white mayo foid

lmao no

Let me spell it out for you:

  1. ((()))

  2. Black troids

  3. Brown troids

  4. White troids

  5. Black gay foids

  6. Brown gay foids

  7. White gay foids

  8. Black foids

  9. Brown foids

  10. White foids

  11. Black gay moids

  12. Brown gay moids

  13. White gay moids

  14. Black moids

  15. Brown moids <--- you are here

  16. White moids

  17. Asi*ns

THIS is sociology

Good, 13 is my favorite number 😎

You're putting lesbians way too high, they're below straight women. Women have to deal with men in their relationships and have to worry about their reproductive rights way more, so they're higher up.

Sorry dykes, you're barely above straight men these days.

Black moids are right under ((())).

I am a brown moid, so clearly I think I am supposed to be higher up on the victim pole, than a white mayo foid

Imagine underestimating the mayo foid's capacity for victimhood this much

"the status quo serves me so well that I feel uncomfortable even risking having to do anything different in my life."

Would that be the status quo where we live in the safest, most stable, most prosperous and most interconnected time in human history? These fucking foids think we're a month away from hiding Jews in our attics.

You don't have an attic Jew?

Lol no, this is white foid logic: black guys get arrested more --> black guys develop negative reputation of violence --> black guys demonized in media and culture ---> i get scared by black guys because of this ---> i live my life in fear of black guys unfairly --> society hates women

Thats a dude, right?

I love that they can’t even imagine that there are rightoid women.

I love how the people in that thread act like anybody would want to be with such insufferable pieces of shit as themselves. "Oh no I'd totally dump those men kween!!!"

those trollx bitches are crazy undereducated double faced libtard feminazis mostly, prove me otherwise.

Maybe it's less that these apolitical dudes were always secretly conservative and more that being around this kind of screeching miserable harpy makes them realize that the anti-SJW crowd might be on to something.

Women only date nazbol men, sorry

These people really over estimate how difficult dating is as a conservative. It's like maybe an issue it you live in fucking DC maybe lol.

Implying a conservative would ever date a twox retard